
克拉夫宪政民主电子游戏正规平台中心 is delighted to invite applications for the AY 2024-25 Postdoctoral Fellowship and 访问ing Fellowship. 的 AY 2024-25 application cycle for 电子游戏软件 students and faculty affiliates is now closed.

请注意: 所有申请者, 尤其是那些追求奖学金项目的人, are strongly encouraged to address the 克劳夫中心’s annual theme in their application materials. 该中心2024-25年度的主题是“展望民主的未来.” For more information on the annual theme, please refer to the 年度主题 tab.


克拉夫宪政民主电子游戏正规平台中心 invites applications from scholars whose research and writing relate to the theme of “展望民主的未来,,以获委任为 克拉夫博士后 在2024-2025学年期间. 博士后 will support the center’s 编程 while advancing their own research agenda. This Fellowship is supported by a joint collaboration with the University of Bern.

克拉夫宪政民主电子游戏正规平台中心 explores questions pertaining to the 过去的, 现在, and future of constitutional democracy from a global and interdisciplinary perspective, bringing leading academics together with public intellectuals and civically engaged practitioners from multiple professions. 的 Center maintains a sizable cohort of under电子游戏正规平台生 and 电子游戏正规平台生 Fellows. 每年, 中心每年选择一个主题作为电子游戏正规平台重点, 编程, 以及公共活动. Our theme for the 2024-2025 academic year is “展望民主的未来” (please see the 年度主题标签 了解更多信息).

在其任期内, the Postdoctoral Fellow will work closely with the 克劳夫中心’s Director, 教授. Jonathan Laurence, and be responsible for 克劳夫中心 activities under three main categories:


  • 协调程序 & 博士研讨会会议
  • 协调所有成员聚会的计划和会议
  • 为奖学金学生发展社区建设活动
  • Manage 克劳夫记者 [Paid 电子游戏正规平台生 and under电子游戏正规平台生 interns at the Center]


  • Assist with planning, organizing, and managing events for the 2024-25 academic year
  • 协助中心相关出版物的编辑准备工作


  • Pursue original research agenda in collaboration with p艺术ners at the University of Bern. 的 Fellow’s research project should align broadly with the theme of “展望民主的未来.”


资格 & 资格:
的 Fellowship is open to US and international applicants with a PhD in the 人文学科 or social sciences, 与历史或当代民主主题有关的. 这些包括, 但不限于, 人类学, 区域电子游戏正规平台, 艺术, 文化电子游戏正规平台, 经济学, 地理与制图学, 历史, 国际关系, 语言文学, 法律, 哲学, 政治科学, 宗教电子游戏正规平台, 社会学, 和神学. 申请人 必须 Ph值.D. 在开始担任该职位时,手握. In addition to scholarly promise, applicants 必须 also have demonstrated administrative ability. Ideal applicants will have experience in program development and/or administration at academic or academic-adjacent institutions.

电子游戏软件所有博士后奖学金的起薪为65美元,000加福利, 并根据经验增加.

Interested candidates for the 克拉夫博士后ship may submit their application to 深谷.center@blairekidsarts.net,致教授. 乔纳森·劳伦斯,克拉夫中心主任. 申请应组织在一个PDF中,并且必须包括:

  1. 表明对该职位的兴趣和资格的求职信, and specifying how the candidate’s work relates to the Center’s annual theme.
  2. 电子游戏正规平台计划简述(3-5页).);
  3. 最近的履历;
  4. 可以提供保密的两个人的姓名和电子邮件地址
  5. letters of recommendation; and
  6. 一篇写作范例(文章或章节长度).

Inquiries concerning the position may be directed to Nicholas Hayes-Mota (hayesnd@blairekidsarts.net),该中心的助理主任. 为了得到充分的考虑,所有的申请必须由 2024年5月3日.

电子游戏软件是一个平权行动,机会均等的雇主. 和我们的耶稣会士一起, 天主教的使命, 电子游戏软件 is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty and staff committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment and strongly encourages applications for women, 少数民族, 残疾人士, 有保险的退伍军人. To learn more about how BC supports diversity and inclusion throughout the university please visit the Office for Institutional Diversity at http://international.blairekidsarts.net/diversity.


克拉夫宪政民主电子游戏正规平台中心 invites applications from scholars whose research and writing relate to the theme of “展望民主的未来,,以获委任为 克拉夫访问学者 在2024-2025学年期间. 访问学者 will support the center’s 编程 while advancing their own research agenda.

克拉夫宪政民主电子游戏正规平台中心 explores questions pertaining to the 过去的, 现在, and future of constitutional democracy from a global and interdisciplinary perspective, bringing leading academics together with public intellectuals and civically engaged practitioners from multiple professions. 的 Center maintains a sizable cohort of under电子游戏正规平台生 and 电子游戏正规平台生 Fellows. 每年, 中心每年选择一个主题作为电子游戏正规平台重点, 编程, 以及公共活动. Our theme for the 2024-2025 academic year is “展望民主的未来” (please see the 年度主题标签 了解更多信息).

的 克拉夫访问学者 program brings an early or mid-career scholar whose research interests align with the Center’s annual theme to 电子游戏软件. 访问学者 will be a regular p艺术icipant in the Center’s own vibrant intellectual community, working alongside our under电子游戏正规平台生 and 电子游戏正规平台生 Fellows and faculty affiliates. 特别是, the Fellow will contribute to the planning and facilitation of the Center’s major event of the year, 春季研讨会(3月20日至21日), 2025),与我们的年度主题有关.

的 Fellowship appointment may be for one or two semesters, to be negotiated with the candidate. 在其任期内, the Fellow is expected to be in residence at 电子游戏软件. 为了支持他们的驻留,访问学者将获得 每月5000美元, 用来支付生活费的, including housing and medical insurance; a small additional fund is set aside to support roundtrip travel to BC. 的 Fellow will have access to all of the facilities and resources of 电子游戏软件. 他们还将在克拉夫中心共享办公空间, 进行电子游戏正规平台并与学生会面.

在他们的任命期间, the 访问ing Fellow will be expected to attend and contribute to the Center’s seminars and events. 除了他们在规划年度专题讨论会方面的作用之外, 他们还将协助编辑中心的年刊, which publishes original student and faculty research 与年度主题相关 (请看我们2023年的创刊号).

资格 & 资格:
的 Fellowship is open to US and international applicants with a PhD in the 人文学科 or social sciences. 这些包括, 但不限于, 人类学, 区域电子游戏正规平台, 艺术, 文化电子游戏正规平台, 经济学, 地理与制图学, 历史, 国际关系, 语言文学, 法律, 哲学, 政治科学, 宗教电子游戏正规平台, 社会学, 和神学.

Interested candidates for the 克拉夫访问学者hip may submit their application to 深谷.center@blairekidsarts.net,致教授. 乔纳森·劳伦斯,克拉夫中心主任. 申请应组织在一个PDF中,并且必须包括:

  1. 表明对该职位的兴趣和资格的求职信, and specifying how the candidate’s work relates to the Center’s annual theme
  2. 电子游戏正规平台计划简述(3-5页).);
  3. 最近的履历; 
  4. 可以提供保密的两个人的姓名和电子邮件地址 letters of recommendation; and
  5. 一篇写作范例(文章或章节长度).

Inquiries concerning the position may be directed to Nicholas Hayes-Mota (hayesnd@blairekidsarts.net),该中心的助理主任. 为了得到充分的考虑,所有的申请必须由 2024年5月3日.


的 克劳夫中心 invites applications from 电子游戏软件 doctoral students with research interests pertaining to the 过去的, 现在 or future of constitutional democracies worldwide to p艺术icipate in the 克劳夫中心 Doctoral Fellowship Program for the 2024-25 academic year.

的 Center seeks to appoint Fellows from among 电子游戏正规平台生 students in the Social Sciences (Economics, 政治科学, 心理学, 社会学)和人文学科(古典电子游戏正规平台), 英语, 历史, 哲学, 神学), 以及电子游戏软件的其他专业学校. 电子游戏正规平台员的电子游戏正规平台领域可能包括, 但不限于, state/society relations; the relationship between political economy and democracy; practices and institutions of self-government; democratic norms and values; and the role of the media, 艺术, 人文学科, 民主社会的宗教传统. 2024-25学年, the Center is also specifically interested in applicants whose work relates to the 未来与展望 美国的民主.S. 在世界各地. 欢迎从事各阶段电子游戏正规平台的博士生申请.

2024-2025学年, the Doctoral Fellowship will include both incoming doctoral students and current 电子游戏软件 电子游戏正规平台生 students. Clough Doctoral Fellows will attend a weekly seminar and contribute to the annual journal and spring symposium. 像所有人一样, 他们将被要求参加官方的克拉夫活动, 这是奖学金的一个条件吗. Clough博士奖学金获得者将分三期获得高达6000美元的奖金.



  • 求职信简要列出你的电子游戏正规平台兴趣和描述 它们如何对齐 与克拉夫中心的使命和年度主题一致. 我们建议你提出一个新的电子游戏正规平台问题, 与年度主题相关, 你希望在你的奖学金年里去探索. Previously serving Fellows should also indicate how their p艺术icipation has benefitted their scholarship (no more than 2 single-spaced pages, 或三页双倍行距).
  • 一份电子游戏正规平台过的简历
  • Graduate and/or under电子游戏正规平台生 university transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
  • 更详细地描述你的电子游戏正规平台议程和兴趣.e. 电子游戏正规平台报告), including as much as is known about the dissertation project (no more than 5 double-spaced pages).
  • One letter of recommendation, preferably from your principal academic advisor
  • 学术论文写作样本(不超过30页)


所有文件必须以PDF格式提交,并包括姓名 & 标题中的文件描述(例如:Noel Gilmour个人陈述)



克拉夫中心将提供1美元以下的资助,500–$4,到电子游戏软件读本科, 电子游戏正规平台生, and Law students engaged in research or public service that aligns with the Center’s mission to study and advance constitutional democracy. 2024-25学年, the Center is also specifically interested in applicants whose work touches on issues related to “展望民主的未来,的进一步描述 年度主题页. 可以寻求资助来支持暑期电子游戏正规平台和实习, and/or research or public service projects undertaken during the academic year.

All Clough 电子游戏正规平台 and 公共服务电子游戏正规平台员 will be required to attend monthly Clough meetings and events. 有兴趣的学生可申请 要么 电子游戏正规平台员或公共服务电子游戏正规平台员,但不能两者兼而有之. 学生 applying to this Fellowship may not apply to the Doctoral Fellowship.  学生 unsure of whether their proposed research or public service 秋天s within the Center’s field of interest are encouraged to inquire.


克劳夫记者 are paid under电子游戏正规平台生 or 电子游戏正规平台生 student fellows who conduct research and provide administrative and/or creative support for the center’s projects, 出版物, 和编程. Under电子游戏正规平台生 correspondents are paid $15/hour, 电子游戏正规平台生 correspondents at $20/hour. 申请人可申请2024年夏季(最多40小时/周), 秋季2024-春季2025学年(最多20小时/周), 或两个.



  •  A cover letter describing the reasons for your interest in the position and how your interests align with the 克劳夫中心's mission and/or annual theme.
    • 也请讨论与写作有关的经验, 图形, 布局或网页设计,并指出你是否有空10, 20, 每周30或40小时(仅限夏季)(不超过1页), 或两倍行距页).
  • 一份电子游戏正规平台过的简历
  • 大学成绩单(可以接受非官方成绩单)
  • 一封学术推荐信 and the name and contact details of another faculty member familiar with your academic work and goals.
  •  学术论文写作样本(不超过20页)



每年, the 克劳夫中心 invites a number of 电子游戏软件 faculty members from across university schools and dep艺术ments to p艺术icipate more fully in the life of the Center as 教师子公司. 教师子公司 enjoy invitations to all of the Center’s public and private events, 包括博士研讨会. 的y are also eligible to receive targeted funding from the center to support their research objectives. 最后, 教师子公司 are invited to p艺术icipate in the shaping of the Center’s annual program, 他们感兴趣的参与程度.

所有工作涉及中心年度主题的教员(展望民主的未来”), 并鼓励, to inquire about joining the Center as a 教师 Affiliate in the 2024-25 academic year. For further information, and/or to communicate your interest, please write to us directly at 深谷.center@blairekidsarts.net.



的 克劳夫中心 will be dedicating its 2024-25 program year to the theme of “展望民主的未来.”

At a historical juncture when many analysts deem democracy to be endangered in the U.S. 在世界各地, yet much remains uncertain, what might the future of democracy look like? 为了探索这个主题, the 克劳夫中心 invites applications from students interested in any aspect of the future of democracy. 学生’ work may focus on the future of democracy in a p艺术icular country, 地区, 或大陆, 或者从全球的角度来看. Multiple disciplinary angles and research foci (from democratic governance mechanisms and institutions to democratic cultural norms and 艺术istic practices) are welcome. 最后,民主的探索 过去的 也很受欢迎, provided the 过去的 is engaged as a resource for envisioning democratic futures today.

如果您对中心的年度主题有任何疑问, 以及你提议的项目是否合适, 请随时直接与我们联系 深谷.center@blairekidsarts.net.