
公元前餐厅 is committed to ensuring access to balanced, nutritious, and delicious meals. 无论你是杂食者还是素食者, we have a variety of food options in our campus eateries that include local, 可持续的食物. We also provide services to help you meet your nutritional needs, like nutritional counseling and meal accommodations for students with food allergies, 乳糜泻, 或其他医疗营养需求. 


  • If you have a food allergy and haven't met with our nutritionist, please contact 了解对食物过敏的学生如何在校园里安全用餐.
  • Sign up for the allergy listserv to stay up to date about what is being served on campus.
  • 不确定哪些项目包含什么? 问经理 在我们的任何用餐地点.
  • Be cautious of cross-contamination and ask a manager if you're concerned that something may be contaminated.
  • 预先筛选你的菜单选择特定的过敏原(鸡蛋), 鱼, 贝类, 牛奶, 大豆, 花生, 树坚果, and/or 小麦) and get complete ingredient information by setting an allergen filter on our online menu.
  • If you've been prescribed an EpiPen for the treatment of an allergic reaction, 你应该一直带着它. 公元前餐厅 staff can't administer the EpiPen, but a friend, family member, or emergency personnel can.
  • In the case of an allergic reaction, call BC Police at 2-4444 or 911 from a landline.
  • 我们的简易餐厅, 每晚在科科伦开放, 斯图尔特, 麦克尔罗伊和, 提供不含前九种过敏原(牛奶)的餐点, 大豆, 鸡蛋, 小麦, 鱼, 贝类, 花生, 树坚果, 和芝麻), 和蛋白.
  • Bakery items may contain 花生 and treenuts and are produced in our BC Bakery that also uses nuts. 但并不是所有的产品都含有坚果, 你可以在我们的一些烘焙食品和面包箱里找到它们. Those with allergies should always be cautious and speak with a manager if you have any questions.
  • 没有吃坚果, 预包装烘焙食品, 比如不含坚果的大卫巧克力布朗尼, 可以在我们的无谷蛋白冰箱和冰柜里找到, 麦克尔罗伊, 斯图尔特和莱昂斯.
  • If you have any suggestions for products, please share them with us!


电子游戏软件餐饮服务使用大豆, 树坚果, 花生, 鸡蛋, 牛奶, 鱼, 贝类, 小麦, 芝麻, 含谷蛋白的食物, 以及其他潜在的过敏原. 公元前餐厅 staff are trained on and aware of the severity of food allergies and 乳糜泻, 我们会尽最大努力识别过敏原. 然而, manufacturers change product formulation without notifying 公元前餐厅 and cross-contact is possible. 学生 need to be aware of risks and take responsibility for asking the manager on duty for assistance. BC餐饮强烈鼓励有食物过敏或乳糜泻的学生遵守膳食住宿政策, 见见我们的营养师.


  • 如果你有乳糜泻或麸质敏感, schedule a nutritionist appointment to learn about dining safely on campus. 
  • 注册麸质友好列表.
  • Follow BC's Meal Accommodation Policy and register with the Disabilities Services Office. 
  • If you aren't sure what an item contains or have other questions, ask a manager.
  • 小心交叉接触. 如果你有问题就问经理.
  • 避免隐藏的面筋来源,如酱汁和油炸食品, 谷物,比如蒸粗麦粉和保加利亚面粉, 加工肉类.


电子游戏软件餐饮服务使用大豆, 树坚果, 花生, 鸡蛋, 乳制品, 贝类, 小麦, 芝麻, 含谷蛋白的食物, 以及其他潜在的过敏原. 公元前餐厅 staff are trained on and aware of the severity of food allergies and 乳糜泻, 我们会尽最大努力识别过敏原. 然而, manufacturers change product formulation without notifying 公元前餐厅 and cross-contact is possible. 学生 need to be aware of risks and take responsibility for asking the manager on duty for assistance. BC餐饮强烈鼓励有食物过敏或乳糜泻的学生遵守膳食住宿政策, 见见我们的营养师.


  • 公元前餐厅 offers vegetarian and vegan options at each location for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
  • BC餐饮正在继续增加新的素食和纯素食选择. 最近, 劳尔将根据客人的要求提供素食汉堡作为午餐, 麦克尔罗伊和 will be offering the same upon request for lunch and dinner. 
  • We label vegetarian meals with VG and vegan meals with VN on the 公元前餐厅 网站
  • Sign up for our vegetarian and vegan listserv to stay up to date on new menu options and special meals. 
  • 鱼素主义是一种饮食模式,包括素食,但允许食用鱼和海鲜. This diet offers more flexibility in comparison to a full vegetarian diet.
  • 如果你对菜单项有疑问, feel free to ask a manager at your dining location or email us at




BC餐饮致力于帮助波士顿大学生在校园用餐时满足他们的医疗营养需求. BC餐饮的管理人员和烹饪人员努力满足有食物过敏的学生的需求, 乳糜泻, 或者其他需要调整饮食的疾病. 读 我们的政策 了解更多. 


尽管电子游戏软件尽最大努力满足食物过敏或麸质限制饮食的学生的需求, the University is not an allergen-free or gluten-free environment. 我们的员工已接受培训,按照安全的食物操作方法处理和制备食物,以减少交叉接触的风险. 我们尽一切努力通过我们的在线营养分析软件向客户提供准确的成分信息,以便客户能够识别出含有过敏原的成分. 然而, 交叉接触的风险总是存在的, 特别是如果顾客在服务点没有自我确认他们的食物过敏,结果他们所吃的菜单上的食物没有和一般菜单上的食物分开准备. 另外, 制造商或供应商总是有可能替换成分或改变配方的规格. The terms ‘made without gluten’ and ‘gluten-friendly’ are used in place of ‘gluten-free’ for these reasons.


有医学限制饮食的学生可能需要住宿,包括校园住宿,应联系残疾服务办公室,他们将协助学生联系住宿生活的适当管理员. 学生应在签订住院医师协议之前与行政营养师沟通有关强制性膳食计划的任何问题. The Mandatory Meal Plan will not be waived by Dining Services in full or in part for reasons of financial hardship (instead please discuss financial hardship with the Office of Student Services); class, 体育运动, 旅行, 就业, or volunteer schedule; personal diet preferences; use of commercial nutrition products, such as packaged food sold by commercial weight loss programs; religious reasons; vegetarian/vegan or organic diet. 鼓励学生与行政营养师沟通,了解在上述情况下他们的饮食需求有哪些可用的选择. 不希望参加强制性膳食计划的学生将需要在居住条件中探索不需要强制性膳食计划的校园住房选择的可能性. 除非有医学证明并根据既定的上诉程序得到居住生活部的批准,否则不能保证有一个配备齐全厨房的住房安排.


医学上限制饮食的学生积极参与本协议中概述的合作过程,但感觉, 尽管餐饮服务部做出了真诚的努力, 如果没有达到合理的安排,鼓励直接与行政营养师合作,以促进解决方案. 学生如欲投诉学校对合理膳食安排的回应,可根据 残疾学生申诉政策.


  • 学校每天至少提供一次清真鸡肉. 我们今年正在努力收购清真牛肉和羊肉. 
  • 三个主要的用餐地点(下, 斯图尔特, 麦克尔罗伊)每餐至少吃一份热的素食主菜, 校园内的许多菜单项都是可定制的. 
  • 校园里的许多地方都有素食选择. 样本菜单包括:
    • 鹰巢:碗, 素食三明治麦克尔罗伊:绿色车站(毛豆), 藜麦, 种子, 豆腐, 等.)
    • 希尔赛德:素食馅饼阿迪:可定制的墨西哥卷饼碗
    • 塔利:特色是我们的海带肉丸! 
  • All three main dining locations and Lyons feature at least one vegetarian soup. 
  • 麦克尔罗伊的熟食店, Lower and 斯图尔特 all offer hummus and falafel to increase 素食选择 at those stations. 
  • 我们抓住 & 去几个有多种素食选择的地方(例如.e. 素食掘金, 6层希腊蘸酱, 毛豆杯, 番茄马苏里拉三明治, 素食沙拉三明治, 蔬菜饺子, 春卷, & 更多).
  • 使用在线菜单, you can also filter out or filter for Pork containing products and alcohol containing product.
  • 在线菜单也突出了素食主义者, 含猪肉的食物, 以及清真鸡肉. We also indicate fried ingredients, if you prefer to avoid items made in a shared fryer.
  • If you would like your meal prepared on a separate flat top/grill from meat, 你可以在点菜时提出要求. We will prepare your meal on a clean skillet on top of the heat source.
  • 今年, 我们将在我们的自助沙拉吧和我们的一些生产线上使用物理隔板来区分素食产品和动物产品. 
  • The burrito bowls at Addie’s this year will feature 素食选择 in addition to Halal chicken. 
  • 斋月:我们在斋月期间提供专门的斋月餐. 学生 interested in participating should reach out to the Muslim Student Association.


在BC餐厅,我们没有经过认证的犹太厨房. We do have several ways students can dine on campus, Kosher Style.

  • 使用我们的在线菜单搜索素食主义者 & 素食选择. 
  • 在线菜单也突出了素食主义者, & 含猪肉的食物. We also indicate fried ingredients, if you prefer to avoid items made in a shared fryer.
  • Take advantage of customizable meals, where you can opt for or against meat and 乳制品 additions.
  • 希勒尔每周五晚上庆祝安息日. 请联系电子游戏软件希勒尔(bc_hillel@bc).Edu)获取更多信息.
  • 公元前餐厅 senior leadership works with Hillel to honor high holidays within dining services.
  • During Passover 2023, we created seder-style meals for the first two nights of Passover. These meals were made available during the dinner meal in the main three dining halls. 此外,我们还提供了Haroset作为抓取 & 去选择.


To learn more about dining Halal or Kosher on campus and meeting your nutritional needs, you can schedule an appointment with our Administrative Dietitian.



Variety, moderation, and adequacy are all necessary for balanced eating.


均衡的饮食模式包括所有食物类别的食物, 没有强调哪一种食物优于其他食物. 均衡饮食模式的好处包括确保每日所需的足够能量和营养,同时促进长期健康和疾病预防.

任何体重的人都可以均衡饮食. Being in a larger body does not mean someone is unhealthy or overeats. 事实上, 在身体质量指数(BMI)中属于“超重”一类的人中,近一半的人在代谢方面是健康的, 大约30%的“正常”体重的人不是这样的. The belief that BMI is a proxy for health contributes to weight stigma.




BC餐饮的营养导游者指导计划将一年级和/或转学生与食物过敏联系起来, 乳糜泻, 和其他医疗营养需求的高年级学生,他们有类似的营养需求. 电邮至 了解更多信息.


餐饮服务提供咨询与BC餐饮的营养学家在有限的基础上的学生谁是膳食计划,并对健康饮食和健康的担忧. Please note that referrals to on- and off-campus providers may be given, as significant and long-term nutrition counseling is not a provided service. 


