
We have put together a checklist of items to help you use this time to your advantage. Completing these items will ensure you are in a great position to find a post-grad job or summer internship (和 calm some of your anxieties in the process).


Before the first day of spring semester in January, we recommend you:

  • 完成所有深蓝色的活动
  • 完成至少一个浅蓝色的活动. 你做得越多, the more confident 和 prepared you will be for your spring job or internship search!


完成你的 握手 profile, including work experience, courses, extracurricular activities, 和更多的. 添加照片和摘要来帮助你的个人资料脱颖而出. 如果你从未登录过握手, activate your account by logging in to the 平台 using your Agora username 和 password.


  • 遵循 至少有5个雇主在握手.
  • 注册 to attend a spring semester career event such as a panel, workshop, or information session.
  • 搜索 寻找你感兴趣的工作或实习机会. 注意截止日期,然后开始申请!

想要更多的? 取 10天握手档案挑战.


To sign up for a career cluster(s) 和 receive newsletters related to your 利益, 在握手中电子游戏正规平台你的职业兴趣. 通过电子游戏正规平台你的兴趣, 您不仅可以从我们的教练那里获得电子游戏正规平台和资源, you’ll be 5x more likely to hear from relevant employers directly about open positions 和 upcoming events.

我们有六种不同的 以行业为中心的职业集群 选择…. Read through the industries that fall within each career cluster to see which appeals to you.

Are you interested in more than two clusters or unsure of your career 利益? 没关系! 我们建议您在一月份预约我们的一位医生 探索 指导你如何开始.


完成或电子游戏正规平台您的 鹰交换 介绍并联系鹰交换的2-3名校友,安排面试 信息性面试. 用您的Agora凭证登录您的鹰交换帐户.

不知道在最初的外联信息中该说些什么? 鹰交换为您提供模板.

  • 登录到 鹰交换
  • 找一个你有兴趣交谈的校友. 您可以浏览您推荐的连接或探索社区.
  • 点击“消息”,如果在他们的个人资料中,点击“让我们联系”。.
  • Select a template message to edit or write your own outreach message. 点击“发送”. Note: you may also click 'Request a Meeting' below the message box to schedule time to meet. If you do this, also be sure to send a message to provide context to your meeting request.
  • 重复以上步骤至少1-2次!

准备下面的对话 以下是问题列表 or feel free to come up with your own questions (but remember to never ask directly for a job or interview).


创建或电子游戏正规平台您的 resume using the step-by-step information 和 sample resumes by career cluster on the 就业中心网站. 如果你想对你的简历得到反馈, 参加突发事项 从春季学期开始或时间表a开始 虚拟dropin 在寒假期间.


Before you make career decisions, we encourage you to invest time into learning more about yourself. 识别你的技能, 利益, values will equip you with the critical self knowledge needed when exploring career fields 和 different pathways. 如果你想汇报一下你的结果,请 预约 和职业探索教练在握手节目上交流.

  • 看这个 video 前BC教授Fr. 迈克尔·海姆斯讨论了三个关键问题——什么给我带来快乐? 我擅长什么? 这个世界需要我做什么?
  • 评估你的兴趣、技能和价值观 关注2

  • 通过完成一个项目来反思你未来的目标 奥德赛的计划


Depending on where you are in your career discernment 和 planning, develop your own personalized 寻找工作/实习计划 在整个学期中为自己设定目标和最后期限.

你的计划需要帮助? 安排时间 与职业教练会面 或者找一位值得信赖的导师、顾问、朋友或家人谈谈.



每一堂课、每一份工作、每一次实习、每一个领导职位等等. that you participate in throughout your 电子游戏软件 education is preparing you for a meaningful personal 和 professional life ahead. The ability to recognize 和 articulate how these experiences are helping you develop the skills employers are seeking will help you in all stages of the career development process, 从……到…….

了解雇主最看重的核心竞争力, 反思自己的职业准备和技能.


创建或电子游戏正规平台您的 LinkedIn 配置文件,使用 就业中心网站.


Start preparing for your interviews 和 practice articulating your skills through the 大面试 平台.

  • 去bbc 大面试 页面. Click '注册' in the top right corner or sign in if you have previously registered. 使用您的BC电子邮件地址创建一个免费帐户
  • Review interview resources, tips, videos in the 平台 if you choose
  • Click on ‘Practice’ at the top to find interview questions that you’d like to practice answering.
  • 与他人分享您的录音(您的选择)以获得反馈. 这可能是一位导师, 一个主管, 家庭成员, a friend or someone else who will provide you with both positive 和 constructive feedback.
  • 使用 the AI feature for immediate feedback 和 suggestions on how to improve. 这个工具跟踪和分析你使用的“填充词”, 语速, 眼神交流, 词汇表, 和更多的.
  • 回顾并考虑你收到的反馈.


Our coaches will be available in December 和 January (before 和 after the week-long holiday break), 包括虚拟约会. 安排一个 职业指导预约 in 握手 if you have questions about your search plan or feel stuck.


不同的行业有不同的招聘时间表, which impact the months you would see the most job 和 internship openings 和 when you would actively apply for jobs or 实习. For example, among BC students seeking 实习 for the summer of 2023:

  • 在教育, 非营利与社会影响, 17%的人在12月之前收到了offer, 而83%的人在1月至5月期间获得了实习机会. 

  • 在咨询, 金融与商业,  46%的人在12月之前收到了录取通知, 54%的人在1月至5月期间获得了实习机会. 

了解更多关于招聘时间表的信息 实习毕业后工作. 使用“Career Cluster”字段过滤你的结果.


While connecting with alumni 和 other professionals is extremely helpful, it can be just as valuable to connect with your peers to learn about their professional experiences. 下面是促进这些对等连接的两个资源:

  • 我们编制了一份 暑期体验数据库 to help connect you with other BC students to learn about internship experiences. 使用 the database to find students who completed 实习 that you may be interested in 和 reach out to them to discuss their summer experience 和 search strategies.

  • On 握手, you can read job 和 internship reviews from students at BC 和 other schools. 然后你可以向他们寻求更多信息! 通过工作链接进行搜索, 并在每个职位列表的“工作地点”部分寻找学生.


完成一个项目 饲料 培养一些具体的职业技能. 通过牧草平台, you can sign up for a 5-6 hour project where you are given a hypothetical set of tasks that an employee would expect to complete on a given work day. 你将获得宝贵的职业技能,并打造自己的简历.


开始培养专业技能 LinkedIn学习, an on-dem和 learning solution designed to help you gain new skills. 课程包括最新的技术, 有创意的, 以及商业技能, 通过高质量的教学视频交付. These bite-size courses are perfect for students attempting to build new skills 在寒假期间!


Build an online portfolio to showcase your work to potential future employers. 使用 这个资源 的建议.


审查和修改您的在线形象,按照建议 这篇博文.


查看我们的行业专题 招聘会和社交之夜 整个春季学期举行. Fairs 和 networking events are a great opportunity to make connections with employers 和 learn about job 和 internship opportunities. Completing the 寒假清单 activities will help you prepare.

如何充分利用即将到来的夏天  文章链接
夏天是放松和做一些能带给你快乐的事情的时候. 但是不要让温暖的天气愚弄了你
鹰实习生奖学金:学生经历  文章链接
鹰实习生奖学金 (EIF) provides an opportunity for you to explore your career 利益 和 experience the world of work.
如何在新岗位上取得成功  文章链接
祝贺你!  You l和ed a new job 和 now your first day of work is officially here. 这是令人兴奋的