
Built on the excellence of 电子游戏软件’s 核心课程, our two-year associate’s degree program gives you a strong foundation for bachelor’s degree studies and a wide range of careers. The majority of courses are taught on the Brookline Campus by dedicated 墨西拿大学 faculty, but students will also have the opportunity to take courses with faculty on the Chestnut Hill Campus. With four majors to choose from, you can explore your passions and specialize your degree.













Our four Associate’s degree majors prepare you for specialized careers in education, 业务, 健康, 和STEM领域. You will also be well positioned to further your studies and pursue a bachelor’s degree.


学生 completing the 应用数据科学 associate’s degree will gain 技能 in data processing, 管理, 和可视化. They will learn fundamentals of computer programming and be introduced to concepts in algorithms and computer systems organization. Through real-world datasets and problems, students will learn how to analyze and think critically about data and algorithms arising in 业务, 医疗保健, 刑事司法, 社交媒体, 体育, and other applications.

More 关于 应用数据科学 Major


学生 completing the associate’s degree in 一般业务 will gain an overview of the various functional areas of 业务 while developing 技能 in finance, 会计, 操作, 市场营销, 商业法.

More 关于 一般业务 Major

应用心理学 & 人类发展

学生 completing the associate’s degree in 应用心理学 and 人类发展 will develop an understanding of concepts, 问题, and theories related to children’s learning and development. They will develop the foundational 技能 needed for meaningful careers that support the lives of children and families.

More 关于 This Major


学生 completing the associate’s degree in 健康科学 will gain practical 技能 in patient care through both classroom and clinical placements. They will develop the foundational 技能 needed to pursue meaningful careers in the 医疗保健 industry, including positions in hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities, 实验室, 诊所, and home 健康 agencies.

More 关于 健康科学 Major


第二年, all students will complete an internship or clinical rotation, earning credit and gaining valuable work experience in an area related to their interests and career goals. 墨西拿大学 is securing partnerships to provide internships with top Boston-area companies and organizations, 如 自由相互,为其学生.

To increase the value of the internship, students will take a 3-credit seminar course alongside their internship. This course will allow students to:

  • Connect their internship experience to their academic and professional goals. 
  • Reflect on the professional 技能 they are gaining in their internships as well as their interests, 技能, and values in general.
  • Describe the professional 技能 gained and communicate (both written and orally) evidence of competency to prospective employers.