Fitz Henry Lane, 1804–1865, View of Gloucester Harbor, 1858. Oil on canvas. From the Carolyn A. and Peter S. Lynch Collection at the McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College.

Peter Lynch, 富达管理与电子游戏正规平台公司副主席,电子游戏软件受托人, 从他和他已故的妻子卡罗琳的私人艺术收藏中拿出27幅画和3幅画,价值超过2000万美元,捐给了电子游戏软件的麦克马伦艺术博物馆, including renowned works from Pablo Picasso, Winslow Homer, John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, Childe Hassam, Albert Bierstadt, Martin Johnson Heade, and Jack Butler Yeats.

Peter S. Lynch

Peter S. Lynch (Lee Pellegrini)

这笔捐款包括额外的500万美元赠款,用于支持正在进行的策展和展览,该展览将被称为卡罗琳A. and Peter S. 林奇收藏,这是大学历史上最大的捐赠之一.  

Lynch, a 1965 graduate of Boston College, 他说,他把这些艺术品捐赠给了麦克马伦博物馆,目的是通过20位世界上最受欢迎的艺术家的各种绘画和素描来激励电子游戏软件的学生和博物馆的参观者.

“My hope is that this artwork, all of which my wife Carolyn and I collected during our 50 years together, 能帮助学生加深对艺术及其作为一种表现形式的重要性的理解吗,” said Lynch, who received an honorary degree from BC in 1995. “All students definitely can learn from this collection, which includes a diversity of styles of painting, 其中许多画描绘了我国最著名画家的自然美景. 我还想通过我们的捐赠来增加麦克马伦博物馆的永久收藏,并鼓励其他人效仿.”

winslow homer, 1836–1910, Grace Hoops, 1872 Oil on canvas, 22 x 15 in

Winslow Homer, 1836–1910, 'Grace Hoops,' 1872. Oil on canvas.

Among the notable pieces in the collection are Pablo Picasso’s drawing Head; Winslow Homer’s painting Grace Hoops; Mary Cassatt’s watercolor Mother and Child; John Singer Sargent’s painting Olive Trees, Corfu; and Jack Butler Yeats’s 1929 painting Farewell to Mayo, 哪个英国演员劳伦斯·奥利弗爵士送给女演员费雯丽的结婚礼物.

Theodore E. Stebbins Jr., 哈佛大学福格博物馆美国艺术顾问策展人,美国美术博物馆前美国绘画策展人。, Boston, 他将这些藏品描述为“非凡的艺术品汇编”,其中包括美国任何一家博物馆都想要的杰作.

“这个系列反映了彼得和他对海洋和自然的热爱,”斯特宾斯说. “He and Carolyn acquired wonderful seascapes and marine paintings, 以及一些杰出的非海军陆战队员的作品,其中包括马丁·约翰逊·海德的一些杰作 Orchid and Hummingbirds Near a Mountain Lake这是一幅非凡的画作,也是有史以来最好的赫德兰艺术品.

“Winslow Homer’s Grace Hoops 是一幅不同寻常的、精彩的、感人的关于那个年龄的年轻女性的画,而阿尔伯特·比尔斯塔特的 Newport Rocks is a gem; there is nothing like it. Bradford’s Among the Ice Floes is a stunning painting, representing Bradford at his absolute best. Each painting is beautiful and tells a unique story of American life. It is an extraordinary collection for Boston College and the community.”

diego rivera, 1885–1957, Family, 1934 Ink on paper, 11 x 15 in

Diego Rivera, 1885–1957, 'Family,' 1934. Ink on paper.

Nancy Netzer, the Inaugural Robert L. and Judith T. Winston Director of the McMullen Museum, 他说,博物馆很荣幸林奇家族将这些杰出的藏品委托给博物馆保管. “This is a transformational gift for the McMullen Museum, 扩大我们作为重要教育资源的作用,不仅向电子游戏软件社区免费提供,而且向所有学生和公众免费提供, wherever they may be,” said Netzer.

A professor of art history in the Department of Art, Art History, and Film at Boston College, 内泽尔说,博物馆将与不列颠哥伦比亚省的教职员工和学生以及来自世界各地的学者合作,对艺术品进行新的电子游戏正规平台,并与众多观众分享新的见解和当代解读.

“Carolyn and Peter Lynch’s generosity and their focused, 几十年来,敏锐的收藏为麦克马伦博物馆向新英格兰及其他地区提供的藏品照亮了未来.  We are profoundly grateful to them.”

林奇说,他第一次对艺术产生兴趣是在小时候和母亲一起参观美术博物馆,并反复欣赏约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利(John Singleton Copley)的名画之后 Watson and the Shark. His 电子游戏软件(Boston College)学习艺术史课程后,他的兴趣被进一步激发.  In his 30s, 他和卡洛琳是MFA一个名为“年轻神学院学生”的收藏家团体的成员,” whose major focus was furniture before turning to paintings. His interest in art collecting grew after marrying Carolyn, who passed away 2015.

“When we got married, Carolyn and I did not have money to purchase art, so the fine art collection came later. We cherished having this art in our homes, 但现在是时候把它送给别人,这样它就可以被别人电子游戏正规平台和享受.”

Martin Johnson Heade, 'Orchid and Hummingbirds Near a Mountain Lake,' c. 1875–90.

Martin Johnson Heade, 'Orchid and Hummingbirds Near a Mountain Lake,' c. 1875–90.

林奇说,他个人最喜欢的收藏包括迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera)的一幅家庭画, the Martin Johnson Heade painting Orchid and Hummingbirds Near a Mountain Lake, William Bradford’s Among the Ice Floes, and Albert Bierstadt’s Near the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains林奇说,他是在25次访问美国后受到启发,买下了这本书.S. National Parks with his wife and three daughters.

“I know that the collection was sought after by other museums, but I wanted it to go to my alma mater, which dramatically improved my life, and where my father taught mathematics and physics, my wife proudly received an honorary degree in 2009, and my daughter Annie spent four wonderful and productive years,” said Lynch. “这笔捐款将有助于加强南希·内泽尔在麦克马伦博物馆所做的杰出工作. I hope that many of our 10 grandchildren will go to BC, where they and their classmates can view the art our children grew up admiring, 来自新英格兰各地的游客将会来到这个博物馆的珍宝中参观这些藏品.”

林奇夫妇一直是电子游戏软件的长期支持者,也是该校最慷慨的捐助者之一. 他们的捐款包括1999年捐赠的1000多万美元,用于命名卡洛琳a. and Peter S. Lynch School of Education and Human Development, 并从2010年开始捐赠2000万美元,用于建立林奇领导学院, 为来自马萨诸塞州的校长和有抱负的校长提供培训和支持.

“I am an extremely lucky person who has been so blessed in life,” said Lynch.  “Giving this collection to Boston College is a small way for me to give back.”

I know that the collection was sought after by other museums, but I wanted it to go to my alma mater, which dramatically improved my life, and where my father taught mathematics and physics, my wife proudly received an honorary degree in 2009, and my daughter Annie spent four wonderful and productive years.
Peter S. Lynch


The Carolyn A. and Peter S. Lynch Collection consists of the following artwork:

Albert Bierstadt (American, 1830–1902)
Owens Valley, California,
circa 1872, Oil on panel
Near the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains
, 1861, Oil on panel
Newport Rocks,
1859, Oil on panel
The Approaching Storm: White Mountain View with Hay Wagon and Figures,
1861, Oil on canvas

William Bradford (American, 1823–1892)
Among the Ice Floes
, 1878, Oil on canvas
Trapped in Packed Ice,
1877, Oil on canvas                                                             

James Edward Buttersworth (American, 1817-1894)
Racing Yachts
, Oil on canvas

玛丽史蒂文森卡萨特,1844年至1926年,母亲和孩子在纸上水彩画,12 7/10 x 9 1/5英寸

Mary Stevenson Cassatt, 1844–1926, 'Mother and Child,' watercolor on paper.

Mary Cassatt (American, 1844-1926)
Mother and Child, Watercolor on paper

Frederic Edwin Church (American, 1826-1900)
New England Landscape
, 1949, Oil on board

Sanford Robinson Gifford (American, 1823-1880)
The Ruins of the Parthenon
, 1869, Oil on canvas

William Stanley Haseltine (American, 1835-1900)
Rocks at Narragansett
, 1863, Oil on canvas

Childe Hassam (American, 1859-1935)
Water Hazard, Maidstone Links
, 1923, Oil on canvas
Spring Flowering Trees,
Oil on canvas

Martin Johnson Heade (American, 1819-1904)
Two Green Breasted Hummingbirds
, 1863-64, Oil on canvas
Orchid and Hummingbirds Near a Mountain Lake,
1875-90, Oil on canvas

Winslow Homer (American, 1836-1910)
Grace Hoops
, 1872, Oil on canvas

George Inness (American, 1825-1894)
In the Evening,
Oil on canvas

John Frederick Kensett (American 1816-1872)
On the Beverly Coast
, 1865, Oil on canvas

Fitz Henry Lane (American, 1804-1865)
View of Gloucester Harbor
, 1858, Oil on canvas
Sunset After a Storm,
1858, Oil on canvas

Pablo Picasso, 1881–1973, 'Head.' Pencil on paper.

Pablo Picasso, 1881–1973, 'Head.' Pencil on paper.

Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973)
Pencil on paper

Diego Rivera (Mexican, 1886-1957)
1934, Ink on paper

Robert Salmon (British/American, 1775-1845)
View in Boston Harbor, Ship Going Out
, 1852, Oil on panel

John Singer Sargent (American, 1856-1925)
Olive Trees, Corfu
, 1909, Oil on canvas
Study of A Fig Tree
, 1908, Oil on canvas

Aaron Shikler (American, 1922-2015)
Study for the White House Portrait of Jacqueline Kennedy
, 1968, Oil on canvas

Francis Augustus Silva (American, 1835-1886)
Approaching Storm
, 1871, Oil on canvas

Jack Butler Yeats (Irish, 1871–1957)
Farewell to Mayo
, 1929, Oil on paper
Rushing Water
, Oil on canvas
The Quiet Men,
Oil on canvas

John Singer Sargent, 1865–1925, 'Olive Trees, Corfu,' 1909. Oil on canvas.

John Singer Sargent, 1865–1925, 'Olive Trees, Corfu,' 1909. Oil on canvas.

The McMullen Museum of Art aims to cultivate learning, celebrate artistic excellence, explore the visual traditions of diverse cultures, 并激发跨学科的教师和学生基于视觉艺术的电子游戏正规平台. 麦克马伦博物馆为校园内不同年龄的观众提供与展览相关的项目和资源, in the Greater Boston area, and beyond.

该博物馆收藏了艺术史上各个时期和文化的具有国际学术重要性的展览. In keeping with the University’s central teaching mission, exhibitions are accompanied by academic catalogues and related public programs. The McMullen Museum of Art was named in 1996 for the late BC benefactor, trustee, and art collector John J. McMullen and his wife Jacqueline McMullen. In 2005, 麦克马伦家族基金会提供了一笔主要捐赠,用于翻修和建造位于联邦大道2101号的博物馆新馆的增建部分. 由建筑师马金尼斯和沃尔什于1927年设计的罗马文艺复兴风格, it originally served as the home of Boston’s cardinal archbishop. 翻新工程于2016年春季完成,并于2016年9月12日向公众开放.

Jack Dunn | University Communications | December 2021