2018年艺术节上的表演者. (李Pellegrini)

Award-winning poet, writer, editor, physician, educator C. 戴尔的年轻 '91 will return to his alma mater as the special guest and alumni honoree at 电子游戏软件’s 21st annual 艺术s Festival, 从4月25日到27日. 

Young will be at the festival on April 26 to take part in a career-related interview program titled "Inside the BC Studio" with Professor of English Suzanne Matson (2:30 p.m., Stokes 艺术 Tent) and receive the annual 电子游戏软件 艺术s Council 校友 Award for Distinguished Achievement (4:30 p.m.(加森100). 

In addition to showcasing Young’s achievements, the festival will highlight the depth and breadth of campus arts—including music, 剧院, 跳舞, 诗歌, 电影, 绘画, sculpture—and the creative work of students, 教师, others at the University; some 1,900 members of the University community participated in last year’s festival. 向公众开放, community members are invited to attend the festival, which includes a variety of programming for all ages, 大部分免费.

C. 戴尔的年轻

诗人C. 戴尔的年轻 will be presented with the 电子游戏软件 艺术s Council 校友 Award for Distinguished Achievement.

Festival-goers can listen to student musicians presenting original works in a variety of genres at the "Battle of the Bands" and "Singer Songwriter" competitions, or take in performances that demonstrate the range of 文化 expression in BC's artistic community. A variety of music, 跳舞, 剧院 ensembles will be on stage each afternoon. Highlighting children and family-oriented entertainment on April 27 will be a production "Beauty of the Beast" performed by BC students in the 的atre for Youth Class (noon-1 p.m., 奥尼尔广场帐篷)和《电子游戏软件》,室内乐协会的音乐会(2:30)(加森100).  

"艺术istic work grows and changes with the world around us. While 电子游戏软件 artists continue to demonstrate expertise in traditional, 文化, 有社会意识的工作, we are also expanding to include more technology and interdisciplinary work," said 的atre Department Chair and Associate Professor Crystal Tiala, 他也是电子游戏软件艺术委员会的主席, 他们组织了这个节日. "This year be sure to check out the giant LED screen featuring new digital content on the main stage or watch for new design thinking workshops in collaboration with the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society. You can find creative thinkers and artists in all corners of our campus."

In collaboration with the Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculties, the festival—whose theme this year is "Infinite Expressions"—features events on the processes of creative innovation through design thinking, 三维成型, 和讲故事. Among these events is Stories by (Design + Thinking) @BC, a storytelling "fireside chat" of innovative projects and ongoing initiatives at 电子游戏软件 using design thinking.  

Other festival attractions include "MAKE: Rapid Visualization and Prototyping," a workshop demonstrating art and design techniques for prototyping ideas, on April 26 on the fourth floor of Devlin Hall (time TBA), 和“艺术之夜”," a celebration of the School of 的ology and Ministry 10th anniversary, 4月25日下午7点.m. in the Atrium Gallery of the 的ology and Ministry Library on Brighton Campus.

的 main performance tent is on the Plaza at O'Neill Library. 的 艺术 Tent and Stokes Lawn are also the site of children's activities and a smaller stage for more intimate performances, 显示, 和招待会, including the "Inside the BC Studio" interview with Young. A 教师 member in the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers who practices medicine full-time, 他是一本故事集小说的作者, 苦难, four collections of 诗歌, most recently 光环. Young is a recipient of fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, 国家艺术基金会, 约翰·西蒙·古根海姆纪念基金会, 和洛克菲勒基金会, the 2017-18 recipient of the Hanes Award from the Fellowship of Southern Writers.

Young’s 诗歌 and short fiction have appeared in many anthologies and magazines, including 美国最好的诗歌, 《电子游戏软件》, 大西洋月刊, 这个国家, 《电子游戏正规平台》, 《电子游戏正规平台》, 诗歌. Young’s artistic and professional development at BC included a double major in English and biology, involvement with the student literary magazine 手写笔 以及校园广播电台WZBC.  

Others to be honored at the festival this year include 的atre Department Associate Professor John Houchin, who has directed numerous full-length productions at 电子游戏软件, as well as 10-minute plays for the Boston 的atre Marathon, 剧作家平台, staged readings of several new plays in Boston. 和他的妻子, 编舞帕姆·牛顿, 他创作了《电子游戏软件》," a devised performance piece based on Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets. 

电子游戏软件 seniors being recognized for their artistic achievements are Changgyu (Derek) Cho, 瑞安W. 加德纳, Jayhyun (Michael)哦, 张思琪(Vicky), 和塞西莉亚·拉塞尔·克里斯特曼, who will receive the Jeffery Howe 艺术 History Award. 

的 艺术s Festival received a Music Drives Us Performance Grant based on the music programming throughout the festival.

Festival information, including dates, times, locations, is available at the 艺术节网站


—Rosanne Pellegrini | University Communications | April 2019