Lee Pellegrini摄

优异的学习成绩, 对癌症生物学领域的电子游戏正规平台有杰出贡献, 以及在校内外对他人的模范服务, 休尔·考克斯三世是今年电子游戏软件(电子游戏软件)爱德华. 芬尼根的.J. 奖. 由BC校长William P. 莱希,年代.J., the award recognizes the graduating senior who best exemplifies the University’s motto, “永远追求卓越.”

Cox has distinguished himself in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences as a biochemistry major in the Chemistry Honors Program, and has conducted research at some of the Boston’s preeminent medical institutions, 包括布里格姆总医院和丹娜-法伯癌症电子游戏正规平台所.

“作为第一代大学生, he serves as an excellent role model for all 电子游戏软件 students who are striving to live lives of meaning and purpose,” according to Morrissey College Interim Associate Dean Thomas Mogan in Cox’s Finnegan nomination. Mogan also cited “his impressive academic endeavors in the classrooms and scientific laboratories at 电子游戏软件,他在校外的本科电子游戏正规平台, 以及他打算从事医学事业的计划.

“作为一名新生进入电子游戏软件, 我做梦也没想到能以这样的荣誉结束比赛,考克斯说。, 在奥斯威哥湖长大的人, 俄勒冈州. 但在许多教授和管理人员的鼓励下, 我能够和我那些才华横溢的同学们一起茁壮成长. 这对我来说是莫大的荣幸, 但最重要的是, 这反映了我从家人那里得到的巨大支持, 朋友, 还有学校的导师.

“作为第一代大学生, 在申请大学和随后进入大学的过程中,我面临着挑战,他说. “我在大学录取过程中遇到了困难, upon admission my family balked at the financial burden of attending many schools, 电子游戏软件的情况却不是这样.”

尽管他说适应要求苛刻的大学课程需要时间, “the 电子游戏软件 infrastructure to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds financially, 在学业上, 情感上的帮助我无法用言语表达. 我想特别向我所有的教授们致敬, and all those involved with CTP [College Transition Program] out of LTL [Learning to Learn].”

Coming into 电子游戏软件 as a freshman, 我做梦也没想到能以这样的荣誉结束比赛. 但在许多教授和管理人员的鼓励下, 我能够和我那些才华横溢的同学们一起茁壮成长. 这对我来说是莫大的荣幸, 但最重要的是, 这反映了我从家人那里得到的巨大支持, 朋友, 还有学校的导师.

毕业后, Cox will continue to volunteer at a local hospice service and work in the cancer biology lab at Dana-Farber, 就像他过去三年一样. 在间隔年之后,他希望能进入M.D.-Ph.D. program to study cancer biology, and go on to pursue a career in adult or pediatric oncology. “I plan to split my time between my passions for caring for those in need and scientific exploration,”他说.

His care for others and commitment to service are important hallmarks of his BC experience. Cox has engaged in volunteer and leadership activities with schoolchildren as a tutor and mentor in the Allston-Brighton community. 他也是BC Big Program的老大哥和领导者, 同时作为顾问和孟德尔协会的导师帮助校园同学. He also was a student member of the Morrissey College Educational Policy Committee.

“I sought to become involved with some of the many campus service programs,” Cox said. “Mentoring children from backgrounds similar to mine caught my eye and became dear to me. 孩子们的适应力让我感到惊奇和鼓舞. The opportunity to support children in attaining their goals and thriving in their life is something that I highly value. 电子游戏软件的服务文化怎么强调都不为过, 在我看来, 我们学校最大的特色之一. This culture stems from one of the tenets of a Jesuit education that I admire: to develop a whole, 全面发展的世界公民.”

These varied service and leadership experiences “have allowed him to utilize his strong interpersonal skills and to demonstrate his deep capacity for empathy which will serve him well as he pursues his future medical career,莫根指出.

在他的STEM课程之外, Cox appreciated the core curriculum and electives which allowed him “to engage with English and philosophy in ways that have had meaningful influences on my approach to life and how I orient myself in the world. 我在学业上的成功很大程度上得益于连贯的自我哲学, 我可以在人文学科的课程中加以完善.”

考克斯还提到了他的电子游戏正规平台追求对提高他的学业的价值. 在丹娜-法伯大学期间,他完成了学院项目的学者, and last summer received the Scholars Book 奖 for Outstanding 电子游戏正规平台 Project from Harvard University’s Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,

“The opportunity to perform research in cancer biology complemented my degree perfectly,” he said. “There were many instances when I would learn about something in the classroom that translated directly into how I performed or approached my research. 在两个阵营中都有一席之地,这让我感到非常满足.”

他还把支持自己工作和成功的校园导师归功于他们. “Danielle Taghian [professor of the practice of Biology; chair, 教师 Pre-Health Advising Committee] has been one of my most influential mentors and advisors since my first semester. She was always in my corner and has supported me through some of my toughest semesters and the strenuous medical school admissions process.他还赞扬了副院长拉斐尔·卢纳, 学前健康项目主任, “who has pushed me to excel in and outside of the classroom since I was a freshman.”

As graduation approached, Cox reflected on his defining undergraduate experiences. “虽然这是我最困难的时期之一, 大二下学期是我最难忘的. 这是COVID年, 尽管有起起伏伏, 我被迫以一种小时候从未有过的方式恢复过来. While I wish that many things had gone differently—not having been in a pandemic and witnessing unspeakable hardship in the world—it is in the toughest of times when we see who we are, 还有其他人是谁.

“看到我的许多朋友在面对逆境时的表现, 我最怀念的是能够和他们一起生活和学习. 此外,我会想念BC的人们. All of the students I’ve met here share the quality that I think makes BC so unique: a selfless desire to make the world better than they have found it.”



Jessie Cheng,卡罗尔管理学院
专业:管理学(市场营销) & Business Analytics); Minor: Film Studies
Undergraduate dean’s office peer advisor; teaching assistant; Against the Current; Campus Activities Board; youth minister; advocate to address eating disorders, 青少年小说相关作品的作者. 电子游戏正规平台生将在“呼叫所有乌鸦”工作,” a non-profit organization which aligns with her passion for social impact and creative expression.

Majors: Biology; Special Education
St的活跃成员. 伊格内修斯教区,年轻天主教女性的导师. Involvements include the Student 电子游戏软件 Program; Pre-Dental Society; volunteer with BC Campus School, 卑诗省特奥会, 最好的伙伴, 结伴打网球. Post-grad will attend University of Louisville to pursue special needs pediatric dentistry training.

Karen J. 康奈尔护理学院的阿尔达纳教授
Involved with El Centro; the Connell School Seacole Scholars program and Keys to Inclusive Leadership in Nursing; research presenter at the Eastern Nursing 电子游戏正规平台 Society conference; Boston Children’s Hospital oncology fellow; peer mentor; Alpha Chi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. 毕业后, will enroll in the Connell School’s Doctorate of Nursing Practice Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program.

Rosanne Pellegrini |大学传播| 2023年5月