Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis 将于5月23日在电子游戏软件第146届毕业典礼上向2022届毕业生发表演讲.

University President William P. 莱希,年代.J.米佐塔基斯将在上午10点举行的授勋仪式上获得荣誉学位.m. in 校友 Stadium, rain or shine.

In addition, the University will present honorary degrees to: 尤兰达·莱尔94年,J.D. ’01, 辉瑞公司(Pfizer Inc .)董事长兼首席执行官的执行业务副总裁兼首席幕僚长.; Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd ’05, J.D. ’08, senior director of employee relations at Vertex Pharmaceuticals; 牧师. Nicholas Sannella ’67, a former vascular surgeon and now a parish priest in Lowell; and 帕特里克·T. 斯托克斯64年, former president and CEO of Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. and a major benefactor of undergraduate education at BC.

More on the 2022 honorary degree recipients:

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Kyriakos Mitsotakis 他的新民主党在2019年希腊全国大选中赢得了绝对多数, elevating him to the post of prime minister.

Mitsotakis campaigned on a platform of jobs, 强劲的增长, and lower taxes to revive Greece, 在2008年全球经济衰退之后,该国经历了GDP损失四分之一、银行几近崩溃的痛苦. As part of his response, 他优先考虑外国直接投资,并提高了该国在评级机构中的可信度. Despite the additional burden of COVID-19, 希腊央行报告称,2021年经济增长率为7%,今年预计为5%.

Elected to the Greek parliament in 2004, 米佐塔基斯在贸易和国防等委员会任职期间积累了宝贵的经验. 先是环境委员会主席,后来又成为影子环境部长, 他努力强调气候变化问题,并倡导环境可持续增长. 晚些时候, as minister of Administrative Reform and e-Government, 他领导了全面的国家改革,实施了机构的职能重组, 结构, 和流程.

对于Mitsotakis, 2019年的选举胜利代表了他的家族政治遗产的另一个篇章, 其中包括他的父亲康斯坦尼诺斯(konstaninos, 1990年至1993年担任希腊总理)和他的叔祖父埃莱乌斯·文尼兹·萨默斯, one of Greece’s most prominent early-20th-century politicians and statesmen.

Before entering politics, he worked for 10 years in the private sector, including as CEO of NBG Venture Capital at the National Bank of Greece.

Mitsotakis holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, a master’s degree from Stanford University, 和一个M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. 他和他的妻子, Mareva Grabowski, 1989年, 有三个孩子, 索菲亚, Dafni, 和Konstantinos, 2020年BC校友.



With an impressive record of commitment to care and service, 尤兰达莱尔 is vice president of executive operations, chief of staff to the chairman and chief executive officer, and NYHQ Site Lead at Pfizer Inc., 是谁在COVID-19大流行期间的开创性工作,在创纪录的时间内促成了疫苗的共同开发和生产.

 A native of Brookline, Mass., 莱尔毕业于不列颠哥伦比亚省,获得社会学学士学位,然后在电子游戏软件法学院获得法学博士学位. 她有近二十年为制药公司提供法律咨询的经验. Prior to her current role at Pfizer, which she has held since 2020, she served as its vice president and assistant general counsel, and chief compliance counsel for research and development, 医疗, 全球供应, and environmental health and safety.  

A member of the Executive Leadership Council, a network of the nation’s most influential Black executives, 莱尔也是杰基罗宾逊基金会东北地区的学者咨询委员会成员, which advances equity and opportunity in higher education and the workplace. In 2017, 她获得了医疗保健女企业家协会杰出奖,以表彰她对医疗保健行业的贡献和对推动其他女性职业生涯的奉献精神.

Besides contributing to the business community and wider society, Lyle is known for her involvement with the 电子游戏软件 Wall Street Council, and serves on its executive committee.

Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd

Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd

Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd is a senior director of employee relations at Vertex Pharmaceuticals, a global biotechnology company based in Boston. 她也是女性专业人士的认证生活和高性能教练,也是播客“谦卑崛起”的主持人,,她采访了有色人种女性,她们分享了自己的故事和如何拥有充实的事业和生活的策略.

After earning a juris doctorate from BC Law School, 这位2005年毕业的女校友主修社会学,辅修拉丁美洲电子游戏正规平台,在诉讼实践中当了几年律师. 她还为马萨诸塞州第一位黑人女联邦法官丹尼斯·卡斯珀(Denise Casper)担任助理. Vargas Rozier-Byrd later clerked for Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson, the first Black female judge on the First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The daughter of immigrants, Vargas Rozier-Byrd自称是一个终身学习者,她将自己的职业重点从法律转向了人力资源以及专业和个人发展. 她利用自己在个人和职业十字路口的经历来帮助其他女性, 用她的话来说, 让自己变得清晰和自信,朝着自己真正想要和应得的生活和事业迈进.”

In 2020, Vargas Rozier-Byrd被波士顿商业杂志评为40位40岁以下的城市最优秀和最聪明的年轻专业人士. She is a recipient of BC’s John A. Dinneen指出,遍布年代.J., Hispanic 校友 社区 Service Award. She serves on the University’s Board of Regents, AHANA 校友 Advisory Council, Council for Women of 电子游戏软件, and the 校友 Association's Board of Directors.


Fr. 尼古拉斯一. Sannella

Fr. 尼古拉斯一. Sannella 是波士顿地区最有成就的血管外科医生和医疗法律专家之一,当他决定成为教区牧师时. In 1999, he entered Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston and was ordained in 2003. 今天, he is pastor of the Immaculate Conception Church, Saint Anthony’s Church, and Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, which make up the Lowell Collaborative of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Before entering the seminary, Fr. Sannella在塔夫茨大学医学院获得医学学位后行医超过20年. He was a fellow of vascular surgery at Stanford Medical Center, chief of surgery at Lawrence General Hospital, president of the 医疗 staff at Saints Medical Center in Lowell, and vice president of the New England 社会 for Vascular Surgery. He was also a clinical instructor in surgery at Tufts School of Medicine. 1984年,Fr. Sannella earned a law degree from Suffolk University.

Fr. Sannella has long served his alma mater. 他于1993年被任命为波士顿大学董事会成员,目前是受托人助理. He chaired his 25th reunion committee, 是他第30次和第35次同学会的荣誉主席,也是大学全国运动和邵逸夫会指导委员会的成员. In 2004, 他因其对社会的重大个人和专业贡献而获得校友成就奖,并于2010年获得伊格内提亚奖, 该奖项旨在表彰那些实践了大学“男女皆为他人”使命的个人."


帕特里克·T. 斯托克斯

帕特里克·T. 斯托克斯 做了长期的, transformational impact on 电子游戏软件 students and campus as alumnus, 家长, 受托人, 也是主要的捐助者.

斯托克斯夫妇, Anna-Kristina, provided the lead gift for 斯托克斯 Hall, which is devoted to the humanities, 这是文科的基本要素,也是耶稣会教育的基础. 这对夫妇还通过斯托克斯家族捐赠奖学金捐赠了2500万美元来支持本科生, providing life-changing financial aid to “斯托克斯 Scholars.”

A former president, CEO and chair of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc., 斯托克斯 has served as a BC 受托人 or 受托人 associate for 24 years. During his tenure as 受托人 board chair, BC acquired the 70-acre Brighton campus, 这是一笔具有重要战略意义的收购,使不列颠哥伦比亚省在其历史上的关键时刻得以扩张.  

斯托克斯’ path to BC was indirect.  Motivated by President John F. Kennedy’s pledge to land a man on the moon, 从纽约市泽维尔高中毕业后,他开始在底特律大学学习工程课程. Preferring the humanities, he transferred to BC following his freshman year, and graduated magna cum laude with a double major in English and mathematics.  他得了个M.B.A. from Columbia Business School in 1966.

In 1991, BC校友会向斯托克斯颁发了卓越商业奖, and in 2010 he received the James F. Cleary Masters Award as a volunteer whose ideas, 能源, 和领导将大学的筹款提升到“卓越的新水平”.”


University Communications | April 2022