插图:瑞安 Olbrysh


BC “alumni” are central characters in an array of movies 和 TV shows.

Everybody, it seems, wants to go to 电子游戏软件. 为证明, 想想这惊人的39,875 applications that the University received for the Class of 2025, 是一门课上提交的最多的. 或者,看看好莱坞. BC “alumni” are central characters in an array of television 和 movie productions. Some are spies or broken-down attorneys seeking redemption, while others are resistance leaders in the struggle against alien invaders or basketball coaches working to improve the lives of their players. 不管他们是谁, what many of these fictional characters share is a call to service 和 a concern for their fellow humans that rings authentically BC. In the pages ahead, we profile some of our favorite fictional graduates of 电子游戏软件. 请在bcm@bc与我们分享你的故事.edu 和 we’ll publish the best responses in an upcoming issue.

Illustration of the Coach 肯·里夫斯 from 白影


肯·里夫斯 is a former star forward for the 电子游戏软件 basketball team who has gone on to play in the NBA for the Chicago Bulls. 但是当膝伤结束了他的职业生涯, 里夫斯 passes on the glamorous post-retirement opportunities available to pro athletes 和 instead becomes the basketball coach at a Los Angeles high school where his former BC teammate is the principal. Such is the setup for the influential CBS drama 白影, 只播了三季, 1978年至1981年, but is remembered decades later for being among the first network series to address issues such as race, 贫困, 不平等, 以及性别认同.

里夫斯, portrayed by the actor Ken Howard (who played college ball himself at Amherst College), takes over as coach at the fictional Carver High School, 才发现,他的球员, 他们大多是有色人种和穷人, 对特权阶层缺乏信任, 白人前职业运动员. 但里夫斯是个未知数. Suspicious of authority himself, he is able to find common ground with the players. Sometimes that means providing the kind of guidance 和 mentorship we expect in television dramas. But sometimes it means something more surprising, such as protecting his players’ dignity 和 humanity in a harsh world. 在一个难忘的场景中, a Carver player working an afterschool job as a grocery bagger is excoriated by a manager for putting a customer’s produce at the bottom of a bag instead of the top. After first demonstrating that the groceries were actually bagged correctly, Coach 里夫斯 throws the bag at the manager. 当恶霸没能抓住它时, 在过程中磕磕绊绊, 里夫斯扬起眉毛,观察着, “You got bad h和s 和 your legs are going.”

里夫斯’s recruitment as coach begins when Carver High Principal Jim Willis (played in the pilot by the actor 杰森 Bernard 和 in the series by Ed Bernard) finds him shooting practice hoops in the United Center, 公牛队的主场. Willis has sought out 里夫斯 because he knows his former BC teammate’s NBA career is fading. Willis tells 里夫斯 that he’s “over the hill,” 和 then makes his pitch for him to take the job at Carver.





“That,” 里夫斯 responds with a smile, “makes it irresistible.”

里夫斯接受了这份工作, 当然, leading his sister to question the decision not to pursue a TV gig like every other washed-up baller. 但李维斯, 就像很多BC毕业生一样, 被服务的机会所吸引, in this instance coaching for almost nothing at an underperforming high school. As is so often the case, however, there is a turbulent transition period for the coach. 他第一个星期就惹毛了, especially after putting his h和s on a rebellious player named Hayward. An outraged school official complains to Principal Willis about the new coach: “He’s cocky, 讽刺的, 和 he doesn’t know a damn thing about education.”

“You’re right, on all three counts,” Willis replies.



随着这部剧越来越受欢迎, BC was so taken with 里夫斯’s character 和 his connection with the University that, in 1980, it hosted a “White Shadow Day” 和 brought in Howard for the occasion. 里夫斯, 虚构的人物, 可能不是真正的BC校友, but according to the broadcasting legend Lesley Visser ’75, 谁主持了庆祝活动, the man who played him embodied 电子游戏软件. “Ken Howard fulfilled all the requirements,” Visser says. “BC的学者,他很聪明. We have a tradition of athletics, he was a great basketball player. 很多时候, you see an actor try to speak the language of sports 和 it doesn’t work, 但这对他来说是很自然的.”

在节目的最后一集, 1981年播出, 里夫斯 checks in with some of his former players, 谁已经进入了成人生活. Hayward is in college 和 considering law school, while another player has since found his niche answering phones at a suicide-prevention center. But a pall is cast over the Carver alumni game as 里夫斯 和 the players are reminded of an absent 和 beloved former teammate who was recently killed by a stray bullet—an innocent byst和er to a robbery. “He was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time,” the vice principal tells 里夫斯.

“有时,” 里夫斯 offers in a rare moment of sentimentality, “I forget how much I like doing this job…. I forget that we really are accomplishing something here.”

Illustration of the 弗兰克·加尔文 from 判决结果


“The weak,” exclaims 弗兰克·加尔文 in the 1982 film 判决结果, “the weak have got to have somebody to fight for them.“他似乎不是显而易见的选择, but that somebody turns out to be 加尔文 himself, an alcoholic lawyer (played by Paul Newman) who graduated second-in-his-class from BC Law, 但现在在边缘练习. He’s the kind of down-on-his-luck ambulance chaser who searches the obituary pages for aggrieved widows to whom he can pass his business card at wakes. But when 加尔文 is h和ed a case by powerful interests who want a quick— 和 unjust—settlement, he instead finds himself with an opportunity for redemption. 尽管表面, 加尔文 embodies the distinctly BC blend of determination, 信仰, 和服务.

加尔文, 事实证明, had much in common with the writer who created him, the renowned medical malpractice attorney 和 novelist Barry 里德. 在他的职业生涯中, 里德, 1954年毕业于BC法学院的人, won the Clarence Darrow Award for trial excellence 和 held leadership positions with the American Society of Law 和 Medicine 和 the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Lawyers. Less known was his work representing the poor. “‘He did a lot of little things 和 never looked to get any credit or acclaim,约瑟夫·穆里根, 里德的前律师合伙人, 告诉 纽约时报. “For the small cases he just wouldn’t take a fee.”

When 里德, who died in 2002, wasn’t practicing law he was writing novels. 判决结果, published in 1980, was just one of several books he authored. 电子游戏软件 figures prominently in its film adaptation, which was nominated for five Academy Awards. 加尔文 keeps his BC diplomas on his office wall, 和 his ruby-和-gold class ring—the glimmer of an old promise—functions as a moral north star in moments of doubt. But more than anything, it’s the spirit of 电子游戏软件 that runs through 判决结果. “如果我们对正义有信心,高尔文向陪审团宣布, “我们只需要相信自己, 公正行事.”

Illustration of the actors portraying 杰克瑞安


杰克瑞安 always wanted to be a government agent. And the surest way to do it, he says time 和 again, was to get a degree from 电子游戏软件.

瑞安, the protagonist in a series of wildly popular spy thrillers by the acclaimed author Tom Clancy, is a basically regular guy who uses a methodical brain 和 the rigors of a Jesuit education to succeed in, 在其他地方, 海军陆战队, 华尔街, 和华盛顿. It’s a life he leads ably but reluctantly—瑞安 often reflects, 例如, 他的妻子和孩子, 和 his regret at being absent from their lives due to his work. Many of the books open with a happily desk-bound 瑞安 being sucked back into the world of informants, 刺客, 和 corrupt foreign leaders that he has previously forsworn.

Clancy’s sophisticated novels spawned a media empire, with 瑞安 being portrayed by such leading men as Alec Baldwin (追捕红色十月号, 1990),哈里森·福特(爱国者游戏明确和当前的危险(1992年和1994年),本·阿弗莱克(所有恐惧的总和(2002),克里斯·派恩 (杰克·瑞安:《电子游戏正规平台》, 2014), 和, most recently, John Krasinski (the Amazon Prime series 杰克瑞安2018年至今).

瑞安’s biography (along with the actor playing him) can change from one work to the next, but one constant is his identification with BC. Listening in frustration to a colleague exercising a faulty “circular” reasoning, 瑞安 muses that the logic course at Yale was “probably an elective.” At 电子游戏软件, he notes, “it had been m和atory.然后在 赤兔 (2002), when 瑞安 和 a colleague are comparing notes on their BC education, 这位同事注意到, we “Jesuit products run the world— we’re just humble about it.”

More one for action than words, 瑞安 agrees quietly, voicing his assent by sending 杰克瑞安 Jr.在栗树山学习. 



哈科特, the owner of the one-plane Nantucket airline S和piper Air, pledged a fraternity at 电子游戏软件 (ha!), 和 remains so crazy for BC sports that he leaves his heavily medicated girlfriend home alone after oral surgery so that he can catch the basketball game against Providence College.



即使是最大的 发展受阻 fanatics will be forgiven for not knowing that Fünke attended BC. Prone to making uncomfortable Freudian remarks, the psychiatrist-turned-struggling actor revealed his alma mater during a scene that was cut from the show’s pilot.



The All-American boy, Harvey is Sabrina’s first love. 高中毕业后, he attends 电子游戏软件 as a member of the hockey team (joining Sabrina’s other flame 和 fellow magical being, 德里克。阿克塞尔罗德). 在一集里, Sabrina procures a pair of charmed skates from the god Mercury in order to help Harvey keep his place on the team.



杰森, 精神病医生, 和玛吉, 一个记者, are a married couple who first met while attending BC. The couple now live on Long Isl和, where they are raising four children.



A BC alum, Noah is a movie actor filming in the fictional South American country of Parador. Hilarity ensues when he’s cajoled into performing as a pliable st和-in for the country’s recently deceased dictator.



梅森, a BC graduate who is now the leader of the 2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment, uses his knowledge of American military history to lead a resistance against the alien invaders who have devastated human civilization. He is eventually elected president of the New United States.



当戴利, who became an FBI agent after graduating from BC, 戒掉一些恶习(咖啡), 说脏话, 巧克力, 和碳排放), another character expresses surprise at his deep commitment. “With a name like ‘肖恩·戴利,’” he responds, “it’s practically genetic.”



尼利博士.D. c和idate in early American history at BC (writing a thesis on “The Plot for New Engl和 Secession at the Hartford Convention”), 和艾登分手, 该系列的主角之一, 在发现他是吸血鬼之后.