照片由John Quackenbos提供

前波士顿大学棒球队队长皮特·弗雷茨07届毕业, whose heroic battle with ALS served as the inspiration for the Ice Bucket Challenge that helped raise more than $220 million for ALS research, 12月9日在贝弗利的家中去世. 他34岁.

Mr. 兄弟会 was diagnosed with ALS—also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease – in 2012 at the age of 27. 这一残酷的揭露结束了他棒球运动员的生活, 但它开启了另一个, with him and his family becoming a symbol of determination in fighting the ravages of the neurodegenerative disease.



Mr. 弗雷茨的故事有一个不容置疑的公元前维度. His parents, John and Nancy, his sister, Jennifer and his wife, Julie, are all alumni. 和他的父母一样,他和朱莉是在电子游戏软件读书时认识的. Mr. 作为老鹰队的外野手,弗雷茨的职业生涯非常成功, 在一场比赛中打出8分打点,创造了BC的现代纪录. 1999年的主教练迈克·甘比诺(Mike Gambino)聘请了奥巴马. 2012年,他被任命为BC的棒球运营总监, 他提供了建议, 支持, and inspiration to Eagles players even as the progression of the disease made it impossible for him to travel with the team. 他创造了一个特别的“导师之夜”,当前球员向现在的老鹰队谈论棒球后的生活时.

“皮特·弗雷茨拥有我们大学珍视的特质——勇气, 完整性, 无私, 以及帮助他人的承诺,电子游戏软件发言人杰克·邓恩说. "He accepted his illness and devoted the remaining years of his life to raising awareness of ALS and helping to raise money for a cure. 他是所有BC学生的榜样,也是我们校园里受人爱戴的人物.

"The 皮特兄弟会 Center for baseball and softball in the Harrington 体育运动 Village will stand as a testament to his enduring legacy. 我们向弗雷茨的家人表示衷心的哀悼, who have been an inspiration in their loving devotion to Pete and the cause of ALS research,邓恩说.

“没有人比皮特·弗雷茨更能体现电子游戏软件的精神,马丁·贾蒙说, BC的威廉五世. 坎贝尔体育总监. "Pete’s impact not only on our campus but nationally for his efforts in leading to raise awareness for ALS will be remembered forever. He was a special person who led his life to the fullest and I am just glad I had the honor of spending time with him. 我们的思念和祈祷与他的家人和朋友同在.”



在接受电子游戏软件学生报纸采访时, 的高度在他被诊断出患有渐冻症将近一年后,他说. 兄弟会 said that his role as an advocate “gives me another reason to get out of bed every day. 成为比你自己更伟大的事业的一部分是你能做的最好的事情之一.”

在2014年夏天,Mr. 兄弟会 was at the center of what became a worldwide phenomenon and one of the most celebrated social media campaigns in history—the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. 好几个星期, people around the world posted videos and photos that showed them dumping buckets of ice water on their heads, 并要求朋友和亲戚也这样做, 同时呼吁捐款支持渐冻症的电子游戏正规平台.



Mr. 兄弟会 did not invent the Ice Bucket Challenge: Its origins involved a convergence of several other charitable efforts and longstanding traditions like the Polar Bear Plunge. Mr. 兄弟会, 然而, 在那年的七月中旬被卷入其中, 受朋友和ALS患者的启发, Pat Quinn. 他通过Facebook向家人发出了这一呼吁, 朋友, and a vast network of acquaintances and well-wishers that included New England Patriots stars Tom Brady and Julian Edelman, 红袜队老板约翰·亨利, 和BC大学校友夫妇运动组合马特和莎拉·瑞安. 其他知名人士,包括乔治·W·克林顿. Bush and Bill Gates to Lady Gaga and Kermit the Frog—joined the campaign and the momentum grew. 电视游戏节目《电子游戏正规平台》!,甚至把冰桶挑战作为答案之一.

2014年,皮特·弗雷茨参加了冰桶挑战,把自己浇到水里, 选择了芬威公园的中心场地. In 2017, he donated the bucket and his sunglasses 被国家棒球名人堂博物馆收藏.

2014年,皮特·弗雷茨参加了冰桶挑战,把自己浇到水里, 选择了芬威公园的中心场地. In 2017, he donated the bucket and his sunglasses 被国家棒球名人堂博物馆收藏.

“奇迹正在发生,他父亲说。, 约翰兄弟会, 这一挑战已成为社交表情包, “and it’s happening partly because Pete was willing to put himself out there and willing to share his story. 当ALS的脸是帅气的, 年轻的, 有魅力的, 前一级棒球运动员, the nation and even the world are waking up to the unacceptability of not having a treatment for this debilitating disease.”

The ALS Association reported that it had received more than $100 million in donations for one month alone during the height of the Ice Bucket Challenge; altogether, 该活动筹集了超过2.2亿美元. 近三年后,也就是2017年春天,美国经济再次陷入衰退.S. Food and Drug Administration announced approval of a drug that slows the effects of ALS.

《电子游戏软件》 选择先生. 感谢其2014年度最佳灵感奖, 2015年,ESPN体育中心(ESPN sportcenter)播出了一段关于奥巴马的节目. 这是弗雷茨作为父亲的第一个父亲节,他和朱莉迎来了他们的女儿, 露西, 在上一年的八月.

Julie 兄弟会 and daughter 露西 look on as 皮特兄弟会 received the NCAA Inspiration Award in 2017.

Julie 兄弟会 and daughter 露西 look on as 皮特兄弟会 receives the NCAA Inspiration Award in 2017.

Mr. 兄弟会 received the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Association Inspiration Award from NCAA President Mark Emmert. “What you have been able to do to inspire so many people to 支持 this cause is monumental. It is, in fact, inspirational,” said Emmert, presenting the award at the 兄弟会’ home in Beverly. 他还被选为2015年度传播者 公关周.

2017年6月,Mr. 弗雷茨捐赠了冰桶挑战用过的桶和太阳镜, 还有一顶公元前时代的帽子和手套, 被国家棒球名人堂博物馆收藏. Hall of Fame Vice President Jon Shestakofsky praised “the tremendous work that Pete has done in taking this disease, 还有坏消息和他生命中发生的不幸, 把它变成了积极的一面.”

当老鹰队在2017年秋天参观大厅时, 弗拉茨一家赠送了一个由弗拉茨亲笔签名的棒球,这是仅存的几个棒球之一. 兄弟会. It would be included in the “ALS and Baseball” exhibit, which opened in April 2018 and features Mr. 兄弟会, Lou Gehrig和Catfish Hunter.

In 2017, a crowd rallied on City Hall Plaza as Boston Mayor Marty Walsh WCAS '09 declared Sept. 皮特·弗雷茨节.'

In 2017, a crowd rallied on City Hall Plaza as Boston Mayor Marty Walsh WCAS '09 declared Sept. 皮特·弗雷茨节.'

9月, a crowd filled City Hall Plaza as Boston Mayor Marty Walsh WCAS '09 declared September 5 to be “皮特兄弟会 Day.与此同时,一本关于弗雷茨生平的书也出版了《电子游戏正规平台》,由凯西·谢尔曼和BC校友戴夫·韦奇撰写. 作者从书中获得的收入有一半归弗雷茨家族所有.

BC棒球队组织了许多活动来纪念他. 赞扬并发扬他的努力,以促进ALS的认识和电子游戏正规平台, including annual Ice Bucket Challenges; wearing specially designed jerseys with 兄弟会’ last name and number 3 (which he wore as a player) that were later auctioned to benefit his No. 3 Fund; and, since 2012, hosting an annual ALS Awareness Game. 弗雷茨的球衣在2016年的比赛中退役. 2017年和2018年, 老鹰队在芬威公园举办了一年一度的比赛, 通过门票销售为ALS筹集资金.

<a href='http://international.blairekidsarts.net'>电子游戏软件</a>举行了一场仪式,让皮特·弗拉茨的第一号退役. 在2016年第五届ALS意识比赛前,他身穿3件球衣.

电子游戏软件举行了一场仪式,让皮特·弗拉茨的第一号退役. 在2016年第五届ALS意识比赛前,他身穿3件球衣.

2019年,电子游戏软件(电子游戏软件)授予. 兄弟会 by naming Phase II of the Harrington 体育运动 Village as the 皮特兄弟会 Center. 该设施, 哪一个将在2020年夏天开放,  将提供一个31,000平方英尺的室内棒球和垒球设施,设有更衣室, 打隧道, 室内草皮场地, 力量和调节空间, 还有一个接待区.

Mr. 兄弟会’ family has continued to help him spread the word about ALS: His brother Andrew ran in the 2017 Boston Marathon on Pete’s behalf, 而南希和约翰则多次在公众场合露面, and in recent years spoke in the media about the financial impact ALS has on families. The ALS Association, working with its Massachusetts chapter, established a pilot program in Mr. 兄弟会的名字为ALS患者提供家庭护理帮助.

在宣布他的死讯时,弗雷茨的家人描述了他的死讯. 兄弟会 as an inspiration to people around the world who drew strength from his courage and resiliency.

“天生的领导者和终极队友, 皮特是所有人的榜样, 尤其是年轻运动员, who looked up to him for his bravery and unwavering positive spirit in the face of adversity. He was a noble fighter who inspired us all to use our talents and strengths in the service of others...We ask that you celebrate Pete and the hope that he has given to so many by following his daily affirmation: Be passionate, 是真实的, 努力工作, 永远不要害怕成为伟大的人.”

葬礼弥撒将于 St. 伊格内修斯教堂 在马萨诸塞州栗山市. 12月13日星期五上午11点.m.
