For the first time in 15 years, finance is the most popular major at Boston College, with 1,360 undergraduates enrolled for the 2022-2023 academic year, followed by economics (1,260), 自2012-2013年以来,哪个行业每年都高居榜首,2013-2014年以来一直领先于金融业.  

十大热门专业排行榜的其他显著变化还包括神经科学(第411名),这是该专业作为本科专业的第四年上升至第九位, 而心理学(571分)和传播学(570分)则从去年的第5名和第6名互换了名次.

生物学(883分)和政治学(743分)保持了前两名, respectively, third and fourth, as they have since 2016-2017.

另外三个一直很受欢迎的本科专业也进入了前十:计算机科学,第七(556);, nursing at eighth (418), 应用心理学和人类发展(第10名,382名),后两个专业自2011-2012年以来一直是BC省电子游戏软件人数最多的专业.  

These and other data for the University’s 9,484 undergraduate day students and 5,机构电子游戏正规平台与规划办公室(IR)在2022年秋季学期编制了250名电子游戏正规平台生&P),作为其为管理人员提供的年度事实和数据摘要的一部分, faculty, staff, and students. 当前和过去版本的波士顿大学事实书可访问

其他报告的统计数据显示,林奇教育与人类发展学院的电子游戏正规平台生人数最多(958人)。, followed by the Carroll School of Management (849), Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences (823), BC Law School (813), BC School of Social Work (633), Woods College of Advancing Studies (566), Connell School of Nursing (341), and School of Theology and Ministry (318).

金融交易和贸易是以各方之间的信任为基础的, which speaks to a basic aspect of human nature. In the classroom, 即使我们涵盖了金融的基础知识和公司融资或投资等领域, we also emphasize ethics and doing the right thing. Those topics dovetail with recent trends in finance, such as corporate social responsibility and environmental, social, and governance investing. 因此,金融与不列颠哥伦比亚省的个人关系价值观非常吻合.
Haub Family Professor and Chair of Finance Ronnie Sadka

Statistics such as popular majors, according to administrators and faculty, offer insights into the interests, motivations, and aspirations of BC students, and how these may evolve or remain constant over time. While individual positions may vary from year to year, most of the current popular majors at BC—specifically finance, 经济学(包括莫里西学院和卡罗尔学院的招生), biology, political science, communication, psychology, 而护理——至少从21世纪开始就进入了前10名, and some far longer.

这些数据还为考虑BC学生在更广泛的社会和代际趋势中的学术和职业兴趣提供了一个标准. National analyses of undergrad majors are ubiquitous, 但一眼就能看出一些共同点:商科或与商科有关的专业, nursing, psychology, biology, economics, computer science, communication, 在美国的高等教育中,政治科学的电子游戏软件率往往很高.

This is why enrollment data for BC benefits from context, 管理人员和教职员工说:这些数字应该通过一个主要的国家耶稣会的镜头来看待, Catholic university and the students it attracts.