Candelight Mass at Saint Joseph's Chapel, Boston College

在大流行和保持社会距离的时期,信徒们如何实践他们的信仰, for Catholics, 意味着取消公众弥撒和参加圣礼?

For Vice President and University Secretary Casey Beaumier, S.J., it means resuming the 10 p.m. 在学年期间,每周一到周四在高年级举行的烛光弥撒是十多年来的传统. 与新冠肺炎疫情爆发前一样,圣. Joseph’s Chapel. 现在的不同之处在于,出席是通过Zoom而不是亲自出席.

Fr. Casey Beaumier, S.J.

Casey Beaumier, S.J. (Lee Pellegrini)

“We want to do whatever we can to support our students—and really, anyone who wants to join in prayer,” said Fr. 他也是高级耶稣会电子游戏正规平台所的主任. “I want to do whatever I can to help the students stay connected.”

The last in-person Mass was celebrated at St. 3月11日,学校宣布将过渡到在线课程,大多数住校学生将离开校园. “It was a sad and abrupt moment,” said Fr. Beaumier, 他补充说,在弥撒结束时,学生们随身携带蜡烛,“在未来的几周和几个月里,携带基督的光,作为希望的灯塔。.”

圣若瑟节烛光弥撒于3月19日恢复. Beaumier celebrating and IAJS staff Taiga Guterres and Matt Schweitzer providing technical support. 大约有300名注册者,这些人可以在信徒祈祷期间通过聊天功能提供请愿书和和平标志.

Boston College priests Michael Magree, S.J., Matt Monning, S.J., and Cesar Muziotti, S.J., are other celebrants of the Candlelight Mass.

Registration can be accessed via The registration will provide details on how to join the livestream, and reminders will be sent by email before each Mass begins.

Ryan Heffernan (Lee Pellegrini)

Elsewhere at BC, St. Mary's Chapel is open for private prayer and reflection, and resident ministers, who live on campus, are meeting the needs of students who remain at the University.

Campus Ministry has launched a social media campaign called “Reflections on Being Connected,,学生和BC社区的其他成员可以借此分享谁或什么让他们在这段时间里感到踏实,并与上帝联系在一起.

In a reflection offered last week, 20岁的Meghan Boyer写道:“在过去的几天里,我真的感受到了我们BC社区的力量, with professors and peers reaching out to offer emotional, moving, and financial support to BC students in need. 存在于不列颠哥伦比亚省社区的爱是我从未感受到或经历过的, 正是通过这些持续的“出现”的小举动,给了我希望, and make me feel connected to God.”

“We recognize that community is at the heart of the Boston College experience; it is also an important part of how we understand faith. 因此,校园事工在这些日子里创造性地保持社区团结,” said Campus Ministry Associate Director Ryan Heffernan, who noted the creation of a new Christian Life Community, or CLC, group for students looking to stay connected to peers. The group will meet via  Zoom every Friday at 11 a.m. to check-in, pray, and reflect.


“依纳爵协会的每周考试将继续举行,”他补充说. “For the rest of the spring semester, it will be broadcast on the Campus Ministry Instagram account (@bccampusmin) every Wednesday at 9:45 p.m. We had 60 people participate last week.”

Fr. Tony Penna

Fr. Tony Penna (Lee Pellegrini)

马萨诸塞州州长查理·贝克发布了居家建议, Campus Ministry staff began working remotely. The 电子邮件全天受到监控,如果BC社区成员想要联系校园牧师以获得教牧支持,电子邮件是最好的电子游戏软件, need care from the department, or want details on any of their virtual offerings. There also is a form 为希望探索与灵性导师远程工作的BC社区成员.

Associate Vice President and Director of Campus Ministry Rev. 托尼·彭纳从富尔顿·辛主教的话中得到安慰:“除非你的生命中有耶稣受难日, there could be no Easter Sunday.”

“There’s no doubt that these are difficult times for everyone, including the Boston College community,” said Fr. Penna. “Luckily, 不列颠哥伦比亚省社区建立在灵性和信仰的基石上,坚持善良最终会占上风, even in the worst of times. 虽然我们现在走向复活节,教堂关闭,没有庆祝圣餐,也没有我们信仰的许多其他传统习俗, 让我们这样做,确信无论我们在这个四旬期以什么方式祈祷,上帝都会找到我们.”

Thomas Groome

Thomas Groome (Tony Rinaldo)

As for practices that can take place at home, 神学与事工学院教授托马斯·格鲁姆建议每天读圣经. (Sign up at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website to have the daily readings emailed each morning.)

他说,他学习圣经的第一步是先停下来与上帝“核对”, 感谢新的一天,认识到他现在生活中正在发生的事情, “hopes and cares, joys and sorrows.” He then proceeds with reading the assigned scripture readings, looking for that verse that most speaks him.

“我试着从这样一个假设开始:这里肯定有一节诗或一行是‘只为我’——铭记在心的,” said Groome. “And sure enough, there always is.

“然后我和上帝聊了一会儿那首适合我的诗. I end with whatever prayer wells up from my heart,” he added.

新郎还说,当他感到担心或难以入睡时,他依靠自己长期以来的习惯念念珠:“大多数情况下,我都念不完, its mantra-like rhythm lulling me back to sleep. However, 我的祖母总是保证,如果你睡着了,这足够开始念珠了, the angels will finish it for you.”

STM Online: Crossroads, 提供在线成人精神丰富和信仰形成, 是否通过扩大服务范围来应对公共卫生危机, according to STM Continuing Education Director Meghan Lovett. An online course on the Psalms starts Mar. 25. "In these difficult and trying times, it seems appropriate to look at the Psalms as a source of prayer."

Karen Kiefer

Karen Kiefer (Gary Wayne Gilbert)

Because of its robust online resources, the Church in the 21st 世纪中心在这段被迫孤立的时期为天主教徒提供了一个与他们的信仰接触的地方.

For Lent, C21 is offering “Living Lent,,这是一个提供经文的在线祷告网站, videos, podcasts, and articles centered on a different theme each day of Lent. Visit

Faith Feeds, 这是一个以教区为基础的活动,人们在一起吃饭时聚集在一起谈论信仰, has moved online. Virtual Faith Feeds will be held using Google Hangouts.

Inspired by C21 Director Karen Kiefer’s book Drawing God, the center has launched the Friendship Project,挑战年轻人思考他们如何在周围的人身上看到上帝. 一个包含问题提示和绘图页的工具包可在以下网址下载 The Drawing God website also has Lenten-related drawing activities for children, such as prayer placemats and Stations of the Cross.

根据基弗的说法,这段中断的时间也会带来更多的反思时间. “Life is always so busy, 因此,这段时间提供了许多机会,可能听到上帝的耳语,看到上帝在仁慈和同情中工作.”

For more details on C21 offerings or to read faith stories, listen to GodPod podcasts, watch Agape Latte videos, or access the spring issue of C21 Resources (coming in April), visit the C21 website,

Finally, Mario Powell, S.J., '03, M.Div.'14, S.T.L.神学与事工学院助理教授Michael Simone, S.J., continue to provide this year's BC Alumni Association weekly reflections for the Lenten season.

Kathleen Sullivan | University Communications | March 2020