Tony Rinaldo拍摄

托马斯·D. Stegman,年代.J., 他是一位备受尊敬的新约学者,也是电子游戏软件神学与事工学院(STM)的前任院长, passed away on April 8 after a courageous battle with glioblastoma. 他60岁.

访问ing hours will be held on Thursday, April 20, from 10 a.m.中午在 St. Ignatius Church in Chestnut Hill, followed by a Funeral Mass at 12:15 p.m. View the Mass via livestream below.

从2016年到2022年,Fr. 斯缇格曼领导了神学与事工学院,这是一个国际知名的神学奖学金和牧师的智力和牧师培养机构, 宗教, 还有普通人. 他在2021-2022学年结束时辞去了院长职务,专注于自己的健康.

在他任职期间, the STM rose to the upper echelon of the global rankings in theology, 神性, 还有宗教电子游戏正规平台, placing in the top 10 in the prestigious QS 全球 Survey. The school also established the Spirituality Studies Program; the Committee on Race 和 Ethnicity (CORE) to advance racial justice, 多样性, equity 和 inclusion; 和 Formacíon Continua, 为全球成千上万的学习者提供西班牙语继续教育课程和网络研讨会. 他还帮助在STM建立了两个捐赠椅子:希伯来圣经/旧约的克利福德和基茨椅子和亨利R. 卡瓦列里访问耶稣会教授,以吸引和留住最好的教师在该领域. 

很难夸大汤姆在STM社区是多么受人爱戴和尊敬,在他担任教职员工和院长的许多年里,他在STM社区的生活中扮演了多么重要的角色...His legacy here is tremendous, 但他留给我们的最伟大的礼物之一,是一个基督徒如何对待衰落和死亡的榜样:对上帝的坚定信仰和信任,以及对复活的希望.
Current School of Theology 和 部 Dean Michael C. 麦卡锡年代.J.

Fr. Stegman杰出的教学生涯始于2003年的前韦斯顿耶稣会神学院. 2008年STM成立时,他是最早在STM任教的教员之一, serving as a professor of New Testament 和 Professor Ordinarius. 在被任命为院长之前,他还担任STM教会学院的主席.

Provost 和 Dean of Faculties David Quigley praised Fr. 感谢Stegman对STM学生、教师和工作人员的领导和坚定不移的奉献.

“在汤姆·斯缇格曼担任院长的六年里,与他一起工作并向他学习,这将是我担任教务长期间最大的幸福之一,奎格利说.  “他是一位模范同事,致力于他作为教师、行政人员和牧师的工作.  Tom's fellow deans 和 I came to admire him greatly, 和 we will all continue to treasure the lessons he taught us about leadership, 服务, 和信仰.”

托马斯·D. Stegman,年代.J.

托马斯·D. Stegman,年代.J.

Simboli hall是学校行政办公室和教室所在的地方. Stegman drew praise 和 gratitude from his STM 同事s for creating a close-knit, 有爱心的, 欢迎社区.

“很难夸大汤姆在STM社区是多么受人爱戴和尊敬,在他担任教职员工和院长的多年里,他在STM社区的生活中发挥了多么重要的作用,STM院长Michael C. 麦卡锡年代.J. “In one of my last conversations with Tom, I told him how grateful I am that he left the STM in such wonderful shape. His legacy here is tremendous, 但他留给我们的最伟大的礼物之一,是一个基督徒如何对待衰落和死亡的榜样:对上帝的坚定信仰和信任,以及对复活的希望. At least for me personally, that is the greatest gift he gave me." 

科琳·格里菲斯补充道, faculty director of spiritual studies 和 professor of the practice at the STM, 斯缇格曼院长对神学院和事工学院的热爱以及他对学院繁荣发展的承诺是坚定不移的. His courage 和信仰ful witness to the gospel were an inspiration to STM faculty, 工作人员, 和学生. 他以正直和公正领导着我们的学校,体现了耶稣会的最高理想. His wisdom 和 grace are lasting gifts to our community.”

迈克尔·鲍顿,南卡罗来纳州.J., rector of the Saint Peter Faber Jesuit Community where Fr. Stegman resided during his years at 电子游戏软件, offered similar praise.

“在 many rich facets of Fr Tom Stegman's life, his foundation has always been being a disciple of Jesus Christ,”他说。. 理查德.  “He learned this as a boy in Nebraska; it has nourished his Jesuit life 和 priestly ministry; it shaped his New Testament scholarship, writing 和 teaching; it taught him how to journey as brother, 同伴, 和 friend; it sustained him for over three-和-a-half years in his battle with brain cancer. 对于其他许多人来说, 认识并爱这位耶稣的好朋友是我莫大的荣幸.”

Through Tom’s meticulous scholarship 和 extraordinary ability as a teacher, he guided us through the most challenging texts, revealing cultural contexts [和] the use of literary devices 和 metaphors, that once understood 和 appreciated, 打开了一扇门,让我们在自由中与圣经中的爱和忠诚的精神相遇. Like a beautiful icon, Tom reflects the image 和 draws us into the Spirit of Christ.
克里斯·多诺万.T.S. ’06, Th.M. ’18

Fr. 斯缇格曼的电子游戏正规平台重点是《电子游戏正规平台》,他的专长是圣. 保罗. 作家兼编辑,Fr. Stegman’s publications include Opening the Door of 信仰: Encountering Jesus 和 His Call to Discipleship; Written for Our Instruction: Theological 和Spiritual Riches in Romans; Texts Less Traveled: Exploring Hebrews, the Catholic Epistles, 和 Revelation; The 保罗ist Biblical Commentary; Opportunity for No Little Instruction: Biblical Essays in Honor of Daniel J. 哈林顿,年代.J. 理查德·J. 克利福德,年代.J.

Last April, the School of Theology 和 部 held an event celebrating Fr. 斯缇格曼对神学教育的领导、电子游戏正规平台、教学和贡献. 在这次活动中,克里斯·多诺万·M.T.S. ’06, Th.M. ’18, one of the hundreds of students he taught 和 mentored throughout his career, recalled what it was like to be taught by Fr. Stegman:

“Through Tom’s meticulous scholarship 和 extraordinary ability as a teacher, he guided us through the most challenging texts, revealing cultural contexts [和] the use of literary devices 和 metaphors, that once understood 和 appreciated, 打开了一扇门,让我们在自由中与圣经中的爱和忠诚的精神相遇,多诺万说。. “就像一个美丽的偶像,汤姆反映了形象,并吸引我们进入基督的精神.”

Fr. Stegman said he never aspired to be dean, 和 that he agreed with his late friend, 同事, 和 former teacher Daniel 哈林顿,年代.J.他们有“世界上最好的工作”,电子游戏正规平台、教导和写作圣经. Fr. 然而Stegman, said he grew to love the job much more than he anticipated, 他补充说,他认为“没有什么比成为培养耶稣会士的学校的一员更重要的了。, those from other 宗教 orders, 和 laypeople to do ministry work.”

Fr后. Stegman was diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2019, he spoke openly about his illness, including at a 2021 Agape Latte appearance 和 in a 2022 电子游戏软件杂志 播客.

BCM 播客, when asked if he ever gets angry with God about his health, he offered the following:  “Not for one second. 我过着幸福的生活. 通过耶稣会的教育,我得到了很多祝福, the health care I have received through our benefactors. I have been able to travel as a Jesuit. I have so much to be grateful for. 我可以回想很多次,在那里我可以看到上帝带领我通过环境,通过人. If I had to go tomorrow, I would be able to look back at a very rich, full life. No, I’m not angry with God, because God has been so good to me.”


“I want to bear faithful witness to our hope in the Resurrection from the dead,” he said in his Agape Latte address. “I have found our faith so consoling to me. We believe that death is not the end, but the beginning. 作为一个牧师, as somebody who teaches New Testament, the Resurrection is the fundamental tenet 和 belief. I want to bear a faithful witness to it in my life, not just my words.”

Fr. Stegman was raised in Holdrege, Neb. A talented high school baseball player, 他被列入菲尔普斯县(内布拉斯加州)体育名人堂,后来在奥马哈的克莱顿预备学校执教青年队棒球. 他一生都是一名狂热的体育迷,尤其喜欢跟随圣. Louis Cardinals 和 Green Bay Packers.

He studied mathematics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, but he left after his first year to attend St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, 优等生. He joined the Jesuits in 1985. 他毕业于马奎特大学(Marquette University),获得哲学硕士学位.Div. 和S.T.L. from Weston Jesuit School of Theology. He earned a doctorate in New Testament studies from Emory University, under the direction of renowned theologian Luke Timothy Johnson. 他于1995年被任命为牧师.

A member of the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus, Fr. Stegman代表他的省出席了2012年在内罗毕举行的检察官大会和在罗马举行的耶稣会第36届大会, where he had the opportunity to meet Pope Francis.

他也是天主教圣经协会和圣经文学协会的成员, 和 held visiting chairs at Marquette 和 Creighton universities.

Fr. Stegman is survived by his parents, Dennis 和 Kay Stegman; his brother Mike 和 sister-in-law Karen Stegman; his brother Mark 和 sister-in-law Mary Jo Stegman; his sister Patti 和 brother-in-law Michael Hasty; seven nephews 和 a niece; 和 his brothers in the Society of Jesus.

A院长托马斯D. Stegman,年代.J.、经济资助基金 已经建立 向Fr致敬. Stegman的遗产. 

Jack Dunn 和 Kathy Sullivan | University Communications