
希瑟·杜波依斯助理教授, 左, and Associate Professor Jaime水域 (Photos by Lee Pellegrini)

Suffering and 创伤 are inescapable parts of the human condition. 跨学科学者希瑟·杜波依斯和圣经学者Jaime水域是两位新的神学和事工学院教员,他们的教学和电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台和理解苦难及其神学和事工的含义有关.

杜波依斯, 和平电子游戏正规平台的助理教授, 创伤, 和精神, 他说,对从事牧师工作的人来说,了解创伤是至关重要的,因为他们是在与最脆弱的人打交道, 融入他们的身份, 希望, 和梦想. “如果你是一位部长, 你是怎么接近讲坛的, 咨询环节, 电子游戏正规平台小组, shift a little bit when you're mindful of how 创伤 works?”

杜波依斯在创伤知识神学和和平电子游戏正规平台方面的专长源于她早期在地方和国际层面的非营利部门的专业经历. 从杜兰大学毕业后, 杜波依斯 worked in her home state for the Louisiana Violence Prevention Alliance. “It gave me an insight into the everyday work of people like social workers, 老师, 心理健康专业人员, and first responders who are dealing with violence in direct or indirect ways. I was in awe of the way that they worked with people. So witnessing their work was really powerful for me, 我继承了他们的经历, 他们的问题, 他们的挣扎在我的脑海里.”

在英国布拉德福德大学获得冲突解决硕士学位后, 她在全球性组织塔南鲍姆宗教间理解中心工作, 总部设在纽约, 这使她接触到来自不同宗教传统的和平建设者——穆斯林, 犹太人, 佛教, 和基督教.

“They were doing everything from peace education, 调解武装组织之间的争端, 创伤愈合, to organizing farmers to advocate for their rights. And that's part of what attracts me to peace studies is that it can be so broad, because there's so many ways in which humans are in conflict. 我想了解如何像他们一样思考,像他们一样感受,像他们一样说话,像他们一样生活. Their work inspired me to go back to school to study theology.”

杜波依斯在福特汉姆大学获得神学和伦理学硕士学位,并获得博士学位.D. in peace studies and theology from the University of Notre Dame. She taught at Stonehill College prior to joining STM last fall.

杜波依斯’s interest in constructive responses to conflict, 创伤, and violence is driven by her desire to prevent 痛苦. “I went into justice work because I had a heart attuned to 痛苦. I have always been animated by questions of 痛苦. If you're interested in 痛苦, you're going to learn something about 创伤. And so 创伤 studies came to me through the work for peace and justice. 当我把这些东西结合在一起, I see how some of our spiritualities are addressing deep 痛苦, 位移, 流亡, 和背叛. 我们使用创伤的语言作为当代的现实,但这是一种古老的经历.”


She teaches a seminar on the Old Testament prophet 耶利米, who is also the subject of her forthcoming book. 耶利米, 被称为“哭泣的先知”,他生活在公元前7世纪晚期到公元前6世纪中期,写了他那个时代的事件, which included the fall of Judah to the Babylonians.

“He lived during a time of turmoil and a lot of 痛苦,沃特斯说. 他的预言生涯持续了大约40年. He is a critic of how people are living and worshipping. 他看到了犹大王国的灭亡, 所罗门神殿的毁灭, 人们被流放. In 耶利米’s view and from the perspective of later editors of his book, the people’s 痛苦 has been brought on by themselves, and so they should prepare for it rather than resist it.”

他的批评信息没有得到很好的回应, 说水, 和耶利米经历的阻力, 痛苦, 和攻击. “He feels like he's a laughingstock in his community. He is attacked by a priest; he's thrown in a cistern to die.”

沃特斯补充说,耶利米也批评上帝. “He feels like he's been abandoned because he experiences so much 痛苦. And so he doesn't feel protected in the way that God said God would protect him.

“我还认为,当人们思考我们现代的混乱和我们正在经历的苦难时,它们(《电子游戏正规平台》中充满希望的章节)可以引起很好的共鸣, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the fight for racial justice and equality.”
STM副教授jaime waters说

“(《电子游戏正规平台》)在叙述耶利米的生平和他可能对不同社区发表的预言之间来回切换. 它读起来有点乱,但我认为它很好地表达了那个时代的混乱.”

Waters points out that 耶利米 also has chapters that talk about hope, 祷告的重要性, 还有一种开放, 包容的治疗愿景. “我认为这些文字对当时的人们度过战争和混乱非常重要,沃特斯说, “但我也认为,当我们思考现代的混乱和我们正在经历的苦难时,它们也能与今天的人们产生共鸣。, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the fight for racial justice and equality.”


She took Perspectives on Western Culture with Kerry Cronin. She said prior to that class she had not read much of the Bible, 但很快发现探索圣经吸引了她的神学信仰和求知欲. “我真的很喜欢阅读文本,批判性地思考它们,并试图了解它们在古代的意义,以及它们对我今天的意义.”

Waters took additional theology courses with David Vanderhooft, 约翰·达, 以及菲姆·珀金斯(Pheme Perkins),他电子游戏正规平台了圣经成书时期的历史和文化现实. She recalled that’s when she thought: “I'd like to actually do this as a career. 我觉得自己被召唤去当教授.”

She graduated from BC with a double major in theology and philosophy in 2006. 她得了个M.A. in religion with a concentration in Bible from Yale University. 她拿的是M。.A. 和Ph值.D. 约翰霍普金斯大学近东电子游戏正规平台专业,专注于希伯来圣经/旧约. Prior to joining STM, she taught at DePaul University.

“如果你是一位部长, 你是怎么接近讲坛的, 咨询环节, 电子游戏正规平台小组, shift a little bit when you're mindful of how 创伤 works?”
STM助理教授heather dubois


杜波依斯正在写一本书,书名是 走出僵局, in which she uses the spirituality of Saint John of the Cross, a 16th世纪修道士, and the contemporary critical theory of Judith Butler, a well-known American philosopher and gender theorist, 提出一种穿越僵局的愿景.

Rather than thinking of yourself standing in front of a mountain, 杜波依斯 contends that it is better to think of yourself in a web.

“我们是有关系的生物,”她说. “我们正, 不管是好是坏, part of complex webs of relationships that are structural, 文化, 人际关系. 它们是我们生理的一部分,由我们的精神和宗教传统所塑造. 所有这些不同的关系都是动态的,所以它们可以随着时间的推移以不同的方式发展. 如果我们能把它们理解为动态的, 我们有更多的机会来重新配置我们的处境,并通过所经历的不可能的僵局.”

沃特斯关于耶利米的书将由礼仪出版社出版,作为《电子游戏正规平台》系列的一部分, which offers a feminist interpretation of every book of the Bible. 这意味着沃特斯在阅读和评论文本时,关注的是女性在文本中的表现,以及她们如何受到文本的影响.

“《电子游戏正规平台》中的一些意象是形象的,老实说,对女性是一种冒犯,沃特斯说. “我的评论试图解决其中的一些问题,并提出阅读策略和不同的方式来解释文本,这些方法符合文本的历史含义, but also are attentive to the realities of women today.”


除了关于耶利米的研讨会, Waters taught Core Narrative of the Old Testament: Genesis to Kings in the fall. 她这学期教授《电子游戏正规平台》和《电子游戏软件》. 后一种方法, 说水, “surveys a variety of women in the Old and New Testaments, 有名字的和没有名字的, in order to understand the ways that they are depicted in texts. 这门课程与困难的描述作斗争, 将段落置于其历史中, 文学, 以及神学背景, 并提供了在各种田园和学术背景下解读古代女性的方法.”

杜波依斯 teaches Impasse and Spiritual Transformation, 学生们写的是人们正在遭受的当代僵局, such as immigration in the United States or climate change.

Another of her courses is Conflict Resolution and Transformation. 杜波依斯说,冲突可以被理解为中性——一种差异或摩擦——“如果我们能建设性地处理冲突, 我们可以防止它演变成暴力.

“I try to help students to shift their frames of reference, 创造性地思考冲突,杜波依斯说, who cited how 创伤 can prevent that from happening. “当我们受到创伤或压力时, we shift into a mode that is focused on survival, and that doesn't allow us to creatively solve problems.”

Her other courses are Socio-spiritual Care, and Trauma Healing and Prevention.


“我发现与STM学生一起工作很令人兴奋,因为他们中的许多人将在部长的环境中工作, 广泛的定义,杜波依斯说, “and that connects with my own background in nonprofit work. 所以我觉得它完成了一个圆.”

杜波依斯说,她发现在辛波利会堂的时光促使她在神学思考上有了更好的发展. “[学生’] questions are coming from a desire to help people. And so that makes me think harder in ways that are important to my vocation. Because if I'm interested in preventing 痛苦, I've got to be a good teacher.”

她自己就是一个桥梁建造者, 杜波依斯认为电子游戏软件是一个重视建立跨社区桥梁的地方. “If you're going to deal effectively with 痛苦, 你需要愿意去考虑它, 并从不同的角度来看待它. No one discipline's going to solve 痛苦 for us. 我们必须共同努力. It's such an obvious thing, but we don't always do it that way.”


“有机会回到(不列颠哥伦比亚省)当教员真的很令人兴奋,沃特斯说. “我爱这个社区. 我喜欢这个任务. 我爱耶稣会天主教徒的身份. 我真的很喜欢这里的人.”


Kathleen Sullivan | University Communications | April 2023