

Seyla Benhabib

Seyla Benhabib
“The Seductions of Sovereignty: A Democratic 和 Cosmopolitan Critique
1月25日晚7点.m. |加森100

The Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science 和 Philosophy Emerita at Yale University, Benhabib是许多书的作者, has received prestigious awards 和 lectureships in recognition of her work. 在哥伦比亚大学, 她是一名高级电子游戏正规平台员和兼职法学教授, 哲学系的附属教员, 当代批判思想中心高级电子游戏正规平台员.

她最近的书是 Exile, Statelessness 和 Migration: Playing Chess with History from Hannah Arendt to Isaiah Berlin. 她的其他著作包括: 文化的诉求:全球化时代的平等与多样性; the award-winning 他人的权利:外国人、公民和居民; Another Cosmopolitanism: Hospitality, Sovereignty 和 Democratic Iterations; 逆境中的尊严:乱世中的人权; 平等与差异:人的尊严与人民主权; 和 Toward New Democratic Imaginaries: Istanbul Seminars on Islam, Culture, Politics.

Benhabib—whose work has been translated into many languages—won a Guggenheim fellowship 和 has been a research affiliate 和 senior scholar in many United States 和 European institutions. Cosponsored by the International Studies Program 和 the 全球 Citizenships Project.

弗朗西斯X. 克鲁尼,年代.J.

弗朗西斯X. 克鲁尼,年代.J.
"On the Edge: Reflections on Being a Catholic Intellectual amid Many Religions"
2月8日晚7点.m. |加森100

Fr. 克鲁尼, the current Catholic Theological Society of America president who taught at 电子游戏软件 from 1984 until 2005, is the Harvard Divinity School Parkman Professor of Divinity 和 Professor of Comparative Theology.

Recognized as the father of the contemporary field of comparative theology, he has published numerous books in the area of Hindu-Christian comparative theology. 他也写过关于耶稣会传教士传统的文章, 特别是在印度, 早期耶稣会关于轮回的泛亚洲话语, on the dynamics of dialogue 和 interreligious learning in the contemporary world.

他最近的著作包括 读印度教徒 以及《电子游戏软件》; Western Jesuit Scholars in India: Tracing Their Paths, Reassessing Their Goals;St. Joseph in South India: Poetry, Mission 和 Theology in Costanzo Gioseffo Beschi’s Tēmpāvaṇi. 由神学系共同主办.


2月22日晚7点.m. |加森100

出生于恩尼斯科西,Co. Wexford, Tóibín lived in Barcelona from 1975-1978; out of his experience he wrote向巴塞罗那致敬.

他最近获奖的小说包括: 魔术师; 名字之家; 诺拉·韦伯斯特; 和 玛丽的遗嘱. He is the author of short story collections, two plays staged in Dublin, the memoir 宴会上的客人,以及非小说类书籍.

一个贡献者 《电子游戏软件》 和特约编辑 伦敦书评, Tóibín的作品已被翻译成多种语言. He has taught writing at prestigious universities 和 is currently Mellon Professor in the Dep艺术ment of English 和 Comparative 文学 at Columbia University 和 chancellor of Liverpool University. 由爱尔兰电子游戏正规平台计划和小说日系列共同赞助.


"South to America: A Journey Below the Mason Dixon to Underst和 the Soul of a Nation”
3月1日晚7点.m. |加森100

佩里在伯明翰出生九年后出生, Alabama 16th Street Baptist Church bombing 和 instilled from an early age with an instinct for justice 和 progressive change. 历史之间的相互作用, 比赛, 法律, culture informs her work as a critically acclaimed author 和 the Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University. 它反映了黑人思想的复杂历史, 艺术, 和想象力, 以及她作为法律历史学家的背景.

她的新书《电子游戏正规平台》 South to America: A Journey Below the Mason Dixon to Underst和 the Soul of a Nation, looks at the South through a historic, personal, anecdotal lens. Called a “rich 和 imaginative tour of a crucial piece of America” by 《电子游戏正规平台》, it was named one of TIME magazine’s most anticipated books of 2022, debuted on 《电子游戏软件》 畅销书排行榜.

佩里的文章曾出现在知名刊物上. Cosponsored by the African 和 African Diaspora Program, Law School, History Dep艺术ment.


“Truth in Journalism: Reporting on Politics 和 Identity in America”
. | Gasson 100

The daughter of Haitian immigrants who met while attending 电子游戏软件, Alcindor has written extensively on the intersection of 比赛 和 politics 和 is a prominent voice in analyzing the critical issues of our time for Democrats 和 Republicans alike.

Since 2022, she has been the N电子游戏软件 Washington correspondent, is anchor 和 moderator of PBS’ 华盛顿周. Prior to NBC, she was public broadcasting’s White House correspondent for PBS 国情咨文. 作为MSNBC的撰稿人,阿尔辛多出现在 早上乔与媒体见面. 在她职业生涯的早期,她是一名记者 《电子游戏软件》《电子游戏正规平台》.

她游历了很多地方, 包括飞往赫尔辛基, 芬兰, 特朗普总统会见俄罗斯总统普京. She has received the White House Correspondents’ Association Aldo Beckman Award for Overall Excellence in White House Coverage 和 the 2020 NABJ Journalist of the Year Award. Cosponsored by the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy 和 the Journalism Program.


3月29日|晚7点.m. |加森100

美国科幻小说作家, 罗宾逊是20多本书的作者, 包括国际畅销 火星 三部曲, 纽约2140, 极光, 萨满, 绿色的地球, 2312, a 纽约时报 bestseller nominated the seven major science fiction awards—a first for any book.

由美国派遣到南极.S. National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Artists 和 Writers’ Program in 1995, 2016年,他回到了他们的媒体项目. 被《电子游戏正规平台》杂志评为“环境英雄”, his work has been translated into many languages 和 has won a dozen awards in five countries.

His honors include the Heinlein Award for lifetime achievement in science fiction, the Arthur C. Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society, asteroid 72432 was named “Kimrobinson.“他的小说, 未来部, was selected as one of Barack Obama’s Favorite Books of 2020; his most recent, 《高山:一个爱情故事 is a non-fiction exploration of his years exploring the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Cosponsored by the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science 和 Society, 地球与环境科学系和英语系, 环境电子游戏正规平台计划, the Lynch School of Education 和 Human Development's Center for Psychological 人文学科 和 Ethics.

Dipesh Chakrab艺术y

Dipesh Chakrab艺术y

4月13日晚7点.m. |加森100

查克拉巴蒂是芝加哥大学劳伦斯A. 金普顿杰出服务历史教授, South Asian Languages 和 Civilizations; faculty director of the University of Chicago Center in Delhi, 也是芝加哥当代理论中心的教员.

他的出版物包括几部专著和文章. 编辑集体的创始成员 次等的电子游戏正规平台的顾问编辑 重要的调查的创始编辑 后殖民电子游戏正规平台他也是该系列的创始编辑之一 南亚跨学科他曾在多家董事会任职.

Chakrab艺术y received the Toynbee Foundation Prize for contributions to global history 和 the Tagore Memorial Prize awarded by the Government of West Bengal for his book 文明的危机.

洛厄尔人文系列由洛厄尔电子游戏正规平台所赞助, 电子游戏软件的文理学院, 以及教务长和院长办公室.

所有活动均免费向公众开放. For more details, including resources for faculty 和 students, visit the 洛厄尔人文系列网站.

大学通讯| 2023年1月