Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

林奇教育与人类发展学院(Lynch School of Education and Human Development)最近为教育学院院长举办了两场大型会议, 提升其全球形象,并加强其在国际舞台和国内耶稣会大学的形成教育的领导地位.

The Global Education Deans’ Forum resumed in-person meetings after a two-year, 10月19日至21日,林奇学校欢迎由教育领袖组成的国际学校组织.  Twenty-four deans from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America, and the United Kingdom, 以及林奇学院的托马斯·莫尔·布伦南教育主席林·古德温, former dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong, attended. The three-day event was led by GEDF co-founder Rick Ginsberg, 堪萨斯大学教育与人文科学学院院长.

“在这个年度会议上有如此广泛的国际代表和如此多的高排名教育学院出席,这是不寻常的,但也很令人震惊。, achieving organizational goals,” said Stanton E.F. Wortham, the Charles F. Donovan, S.J., Dean of the Lynch School. “面对面会面的欲望显然是受到COVID限制和持续分享最佳实践的愿望的刺激, seek collaborations, and address universal challenges.”

特别有趣的是林奇学院的Gerardo L. Blanco, academic director of the Center for International Higher Education, and Rebecca Schendel, the center’s managing director, who outlined three critically important, worldwide trends: the “massification” of college enrollments; the proliferation of non-degree certifications; and the rise in populism and authoritarianism.  

高等教育机会的增加导致大量学生进入大学, 相应地,为他们提供服务的高等教育机构的数量也在迅速增加, noted Blanco. The escalation of student mobility, driving more study abroad from all countries, has also contributed to this trend.  电子游戏正规平台人员警告说,已经出现的人口结构变化表明,到本世纪中叶, the worldwide population will shrink, resulting in fewer enrollees, a trend already experienced in North America.  

Schendel专注于非学位认证的发展和扩展, or “micro credentials,对于许多没有资源或意愿完成大学学位的大学适龄年轻人来说,这是一种越来越受欢迎的教育选择.  这种转变给世界各地的大学带来了两难境地:既要重塑课程以满足不断变化的消费者需求,又要降低课程的复杂性, or maintain the status quo and risk irrelevance and empty classrooms.

One participant noted that, 鉴于TikTok视频越来越受欢迎,而且时长只有一分钟, today’s students expect their education to resemble or mimic that brevity.

Stanton Wortham

Stanton E.F. Wortham, the Charles F. Donovan, S.J., Dean of the Lynch School.

与会者对民粹主义和威权主义的增加表示担忧, resulting in anti-immigrant, anti-international student stances, and threats to free speech and the validity of science, which has severely undermined universities’ societal role.

Johnny Go, S.J., 他是菲律宾马尼拉雅典耀大学教育与学习设计学院院长, 他指出,他的国家以前由强人和民粹主义者罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo duterte)统治,现在当选了小费迪南德·马科斯(Ferdinand Marcos Jr .)., son of the late dictator, in June. 小马科斯对国家教育的影响还有待观察. 吴登辉把自己从削弱教育的民族主义中撤退的希望寄托在杜特尔特的女儿和新任副总统身上, Sara, who was also named secretary of education, 一位大学教授认为她是“一个有自己个性的女人”.”

在会议的早些时候,Wortham和Lynch School Gabelli教员Dennis L. Shirley outlined the emerging trend of whole-person education, a BC hallmark, 以及与学生幸福感相关的基本理念和电子游戏正规平台成果, 认为它应该取代传统的优先事项,比如高风险评估的分数.

On October 5-7, 林奇学院邀请了来自15个美国耶稣会机构的教育系主任和教授参加年度会议 Association of Jesuit Colleges & Universities Education Deans Conference.  Led by St. Louis University School of Education Dean Gary W. Ritter, the event provided opportunities for peer-to-peer learning; discussions on current national issues facing schools of education; and occasions to collaborate on initiatives that advance the field of Catholic education.  

开幕式作为林奇学院项目的展示,包括由 Roche Center for Catholic Education Executive Director Melodie Wyttenbach; Assistant Professor Andrew F. Miller, who discussed a variety of topics, including the school’s lab school designation with Brighton’s Saint Columbkille Partnership School; and Charles Cownie, director of the Urban Catholic Teacher Corps, and of Catholic Teacher Formation.

Wortham outlined the recently announced Department of Formative Education, 这是美国高等教育中前所未有的一门学科,它将成为林奇学院和全校努力理解和推进形成性教学的中心.

在随后的讨论中,全国教师短缺问题成为了焦点, as Loyola Marymount School of Education Dean Michelle D. 杨指出,这场危机影响了全国80%的地区, leaving thousands of classrooms without a qualified teacher.

“AJCU学校和教育部门的领导正在正面解决这个问题, 不仅是在我们自己的大学里,还通过几个ajcu范围内的合作,” she explained. 第一种策略是美国教师联盟制作的公益广告,旨在吸引有才华的人加入教学行业, 并强调通过耶稣会机构进行准备的“增值”. The second involves a multi-university, grant-funded diverse teacher pipeline project, which would result in the development of more than 700 highly prepared, culturally responsive teachers per year.”

里特强调了定期与每天面临同样挑战的同事会面的好处, despite their diverse locations and enrollment contrasts.

“与忠诚的领导者建立关系,他们能够同情和欣赏我们的奋斗, victories, and aspirations is terrific,” he said.  “But we can do more. 我们的组织愿景是寻找创新和合作的机会,以便我们能够更好地履行我们的耶稣会使命,为全国各地的社区人民服务.”

Phil Gloudemans  | University Communications | October 2022