
伯恩斯爱尔兰电子游戏正规平台访问学者伊南·奥哈尔平, his fondness for reading print newspapers mirrors his approach to scholarly work, 钻研外交官僚档案, 政府, 行政, 还有军方的通信和记录.  

“当你翻阅报纸找到你想读的内容时, 你发现自己停在了其他吸引你兴趣的东西上, 这可能会带来意想不到的深刻启示,奥哈尔平解释说, 都柏林圣三一学院当代爱尔兰历史荣誉教授.

“当我在图书馆或档案馆时,情况就是这样. 如果你想对历史有一个大致的了解, 这是一种直截了当的材料, 注重细节的叙述. 这项工作的乐趣就是我所说的偶然的电子游戏正规平台, 我最初可能会去哪里收集X,’但我最后看的是‘Y’系列,因为我在‘X’中发现了一些东西,’所以我最终把它融入了我的项目中.”

It’s this methodology that helped spark O 'Halpin’s interest in studying similarities between Ireland and Afghanistan’s struggles to cope with anomalous, 英国强加并维持边界, 例如, or the 政治 violence precipitating the Irish Civil War of 1922-1923—the subject of his Burns Scholar Lecture on March 2 at 5:30 p.m. 在伯恩斯图书馆汤普森室.

A collaboration between the Center for Irish Programs and University 库, the 伯恩斯学者计划 带来杰出的学术成就, 作家, 记者, 图书馆员, 和其他知名人士来大学授课, 举办公开讲座, 利用伯恩斯图书馆的资源进行他们正在进行的电子游戏正规平台, 写作, 以及与爱尔兰历史有关的创造性活动, 艺术, 和文化.

Eunan O 'Halpin

Eunan O 'Halpin

奥哈尔平是电子游戏正规平台20世纪爱尔兰和英国政治的专家, 行政, 还有外交史, 以及情报在外交中的作用, 反叛乱, 以及相关活动. 他的著作包括《the Head of the 公务员制度:费希尔爵士电子游戏正规平台, 《保卫爱尔兰:1922年以来的爱尔兰及其敌人》, Spying on Ireland: British Intelligence and Irish Neutrality during the Second World War,(网址:Daithí Ó Corráin), 爱尔兰革命的死者. 前公务员, he earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from University College Dublin and a doctorate from the University of Cambridge.

这学期, 哈尔平在爱尔兰教这门课, 冷战时期及之后的美国和英国(1945-2023), which explores relations between the United States and Ireland in the context of evolving Anglo-Irish, 英美, 以及更广泛的地缘政治.

在他即将到来的讲座中, 《战争中的岛屿:重塑爱尔兰政治暴力, 1922-23,” O 'Halpin will offer his perspective on a controversial and troubling chapter in Irish history: the conflict known as the Irish Civil War that flared a century ago between supporters and opponents of the treaty ending the Irish War of Independence against Britain (1919-1921), 支持条约的一方取得了胜利. 战斗人员和平民死亡的确切数字从未得到核实, 但估计至少有1人,500甚至更多, 对爱尔兰的经济损失是巨大的.

O 'Halpin, 对他来说, believes the focus on the purely military aspect of the civil war is misplaced. 更多的爱尔兰平民被杀, 主要在北爱尔兰, 在6月28日政府和亲条约部队的抗议活动之前的几个月里, 1922, attack on an anti-treaty Dublin stronghold—generally regarded as the st艺术 of the war—than afterwards, and most civilian deaths were from assassinations and other targeted violence.

1922年6月之前发生的事? There was a settling of scores left over from the Anglo-Irish War along various fault lines: sectarian killings; killings of ex-police; killings of people suspected of being on ‘the other side’ or helping whoever the enemy was. 在新成立的北爱尔兰, 特别是在贝尔法斯特发生了激烈的冲突, 导致近400人死亡, 大约60%是天主教平民. 相比之下, 在刚刚独立的爱尔兰内战中,’ most of the civilian injuries and deaths that occurred can be considered accidental—someone caught in a crossfire between the pro- and anti-treaty forces, 例如.”

Such details can be gleaned from 行政 and military records or private papers from that period, 奥哈尔平说:“即使是爱尔兰共和军, 到那时,哪个是“地下”力量, was highly bureaucratic and kept records—they had to track their various expenses, 包括贿赂和使用设备. So, 使用不同的资源, it’s possible to reconstruct the events that occurred with a good deal of confidence.”

例如, there was the case of a 13-year-old girl from a Protestant family killed during an IRA raid on her border home in June 1922, 一名年长的单身新教农民在参加葬礼时被枪杀. 尽管女孩的死可能是意外, 对她家的袭击是有预谋的, 说O 'Halpin, 农夫被射杀也是如此——因为他没有近亲, 他的财产很容易被爱尔兰共和军没收.  在这种情况下, the minority Protestant community would have interpreted these deaths as sectarian, like those of the 13 Protestant males killed in the Bandon Valley in April of 1922.

近几十年来,学术界一直在共同努力, 政治, and other circles to promote discussion not only about the conflict itself but the way it has been chronicled and perceived in the Irish memory: An Irish journalist in the 1950s famously referred to it as an “unspeakable war” that seemingly nobody wanted to talk about, despite the fact that many civil war veterans had published or otherwise shared their accounts and later generations contested the “code of silence” characterization.

爱尔兰内战无疑是悲剧性和创伤性的, 说O 'Halpin—as are most civil wars—he believes that some perspective is in order in assessing its impact on Ireland. 他指出,在武装冲突结束后, 政治 violence waned swiftly and dramatically in both the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland; although some combatants or civilians on both sides felt compelled to leave Ireland for their safety, 这些数字相当小, and emigration was a shared experience for the rank-and-file of both sets of combatants.

O 'Halpin’s family history reflects the complexities of the Anglo-Irish and Irish Civil wars period. 他的曾祖父P.J. 莫罗尼是第一届Dáil Éireann爱尔兰议会的成员. P.J.’s son Paddy was killed by Black and Tans (Royal Irish Constabulary reinforcements), 他在蒂珀雷里的家和生意被夷为平地. P.J. voted against the treaty and after winning re-election refused to take his seat in the Dáil.  P.J.的儿子, 吉姆和康·莫洛尼, 高级军官是否站在反条约一方, 但一旦从囚禁中释放出来,就没有受到进一步的影响. O 'Halpin said of his grandfather: “No one took his business away, and he was allowed to vote.”

O 'Halpin’s grand-uncle Kevin Barry was one of Ireland’s most storied war m艺术yrs. Executed by the British in 1920 at age 18 对他来说 in an IRA attack that killed a British soldier, Barry was memorialized in a song that is still a fixture in many Irish repertoires, and even beyond—others who recorded it included Paul Robeson and singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen (ABBA co-founder Björn Ulvaeus also composed a tribute to Barry while a member of a Swedish folk band).

奥哈尔平出版了《凯文·巴里:一个生死中的爱尔兰反叛者》, in which he analyzes his ancestor’s ideological formation and puts Barry’s story in the context of the generation of young men who joined the IRA to fight the British, 然后一个接一个. 这是奥哈尔平承认并接受的家族遗产, but which has not guided or restricted his wider view of the events and circumstances surrounding the Irish Civil War.

“My parents’ generation was not interested in pushing us down the path of fervent Irish republicanism; they looked forward. 关于这场战争,有一些一概而论的看法必须撇开不谈. Contrary to what one might expect if looking at the war in terms of social revolution, 不是年轻人, 可怜的, 以及拒绝条约的受教育程度较低的Dáil爱尔兰人, 但是年龄越大, 更多的解决, 受过更好的教育.


伯恩斯讲座,下午4:30开始.m. 接待处是免费向公众开放的.

肖恩·史密斯|大学传播| 2023年2月