Two accomplished climate scientists, Yi Ming and Hanqin Tian, 被聘为席勒综合科学与社会电子游戏正规平台所的第一任电子游戏正规平台所教授, according to Seidner Family Executive Director Laura Steinberg.

“We are thrilled to welcome Yi and Hanqin, two of the world’s leading climate scientists, to the Schiller Institute and Boston College,” Steinberg said. “Both embody the collaborative spirit, drive for excellence, 并专注于产生重大的社会影响,这是席勒电子游戏正规平台所的目标. 我们很高兴Yi和Hanqin将与BC社区合作,进一步推进气候变化电子游戏正规平台和大学的跨学科教学.”

The Schiller Institute was created in 2017 to enhance multi-disciplinary, 合作电子游戏正规平台过程,以解决能源领域的关键社会问题, health, and the environment. Named in honor of BC Trustee Phil Schiller ’82 and his wife, Kim Gassett-Schiller, through a multi-year lead gift totaling $25 million, 该电子游戏正规平台所位于比肯街245号的大学新科学大楼.

Hanqin Tian, Institute Professor of Global Sustainability, Earth & 环境科学(在职)和易明,地球科学学院全球可持续发展电子游戏正规平台所教授 & Environmental Sciences (seated) in 245 Beacon St. photographed for an article in the 9/15 issue of Chronicle.

全球可持续发展电子游戏正规平台所教授田汉勤(左)和气候科学与社会电子游戏正规平台所教授明易也与不列颠哥伦比亚省地球与环境科学系共同任职. (Photo by Lee Pellegrini)

Ming, the Institute Professor of Climate Science and Society, uses climate models, observations, and theories to study the physical mechanisms governing Earth’s climate system. 他最近在普林斯顿担任美国国家海洋和大气管理局地球物理流体动力学实验室(GFDL)的高级科学家和部门负责人, NJ, 他还是普林斯顿大学大气与海洋科学项目的教员.

“I am thrilled to join Boston College,” Ming said. “最令人兴奋的部分是席勒电子游戏正规平台所的使命是促进不同领域之间的合作, especially between natural sciences and social sciences. I come from a physical climate science background. At the Schiller Institute, 通过与社会科学领域的同事一起电子游戏正规平台气候变化对社会的下游影响,我将能够很好地利用这些物理气候知识, and vice versa. Moreover, we, working together as a team, 会否努力提供可操作的气候资料,并协助制订整体的气候变化对策, with environmental justice front and center.”

Ming’s work has been supported by funding from NOAA and other agencies. His honors include the U.S. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, 世界气象组织诺伯特·格比尔-玛姆国际奖, the American Meteorological Society Henry G. Houghton Award, and the American Geophysical Union Ascent Award.

“Yi’s unique background in atmospheric sciences and engineering, together with the breadth of his experience in climate modeling, 他对理解减缓和适应气候变化的社会层面有着浓厚的兴趣, 这使他与席勒电子游戏正规平台所成为公认的顶级气候变化电子游戏正规平台机构的雄心壮志非常契合,” Steinberg said.

Tian, the Institute Professor of Global Sustainability, studies the broad area of climate and sustainability sciences, particularly interactions among climate, ecosystems, 人类为了找到以科学为基础的解决方案来应对气候变化和可持续性挑战. 田在奥本大学担任梭伦和玛莎·迪克森教授和校友教授, 他还曾担任国际气候与全球变化电子游戏正规平台中心主任.

Early in his career, 田是麻省理工学院和伍兹霍尔海洋生物实验室的科学家, Cape Cod.

“Coming to BC is a bit like coming home,” Tian said. “I am glad to be back in New England. In this next phase of my career, I am really trying to tackle climate change and sustainability challenges. 为在地方到国际范围内管理气候变化风险提供有效备选方案的科学依据, 促进物理知识的整合和交流变得越来越重要, ecological, and human systems. 席勒电子游戏正规平台所的使命是将科学和社会融入我们的工作中, so I am very excited to be here and focused on that mission.”

Tian’s research has been supported by the U.S. 农业部,美国国家航空航天局,国家科学基金会和其他组织. 他是美国科学促进会的当选会员, the American Geophysical Union, and the Ecological Society of America.

“As arguably the world’s leading expert on nitrous oxide emissions, Hanqin brings his special blend of systems ecology, terrestrial modeling, 数据科学对诸如粮食安全和碳封存等关键气候变化问题的影响,” Steinberg said. “他的国际网络和领导大型跨学科电子游戏正规平台小组的经验将进一步扩大不列颠哥伦比亚省作为气候变化电子游戏正规平台知识中心的影响力.”

两位教授还在地球与环境科学系任职, where they will be teaching undergraduate and graduate students.

明说,他目前的电子游戏正规平台重点是气候变化如何影响区域降水, giving rise to droughts and floods, and extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, blizzards, and wildfires. 他期待着与其他BC电子游戏正规平台人员在广泛的学科领域合作,以更好地了解这些环境灾难的社会经济后果,并探索可能的技术和政策补救措施.

“我认为自然科学和社会科学之间的交叉授粉将产生大量有影响力的电子游戏正规平台成果,这对我们的社会为气候变化可能带来的影响做好准备至关重要. 这种跨学科的工作是我在席勒电子游戏正规平台所和BC最渴望追求的,” Ming said.

Tian uses a data-driven systems approach to understanding, quantifying, and predicting drivers and effects of global-scale changes in the biosphere, climate, and human activity. His work combines ecology, biogeochemistry, hydrology, economics, earth system modeling, and data science. 他探索了气候变化背景下食物-能源-水关系中复杂的多向相互作用.

His current research focuses on biogeochemical cycles and climate feedback, net zero emissions and decarbonization. To improve the usefulness and usability of research products, 他与当地和国际上的一系列利益攸关方进行了接触. 他与世界各地的科学家和农民广泛合作,在保持作物产量的同时减少氮的使用量, most commonly in the form of fertilizer, 以及通过农业实践增加碳储存和减少温室气体的产生.

Tian is a coordinating lead author for the International Nitrogen Assessment. 他曾在全球碳项目(GCP)指导科学委员会任职,并担任全球氧化亚氮预算评估国际联盟的联合主席, which is supported by GCP and the International Nitrogen Initiative.

Ed Hayward | University Communications | September 2022