
欢迎来到 这座桥 是美国全球参与办公室(全球参与办公室)的通讯.


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9月, the 全球参与办公室 and Student Affairs hosted a welcome picnic for the international community.
图片来源:Caitlin Cunningham



The 全球参与办公室 and the Office of International 学生 and Scholars are pleased to announce the inaugural lecture for our 全球学者讲座系列.
Dr. Sarah Jensen will be giving a lecture entitled "Promoting child development in settings of severe adversity". 这将是一项混合赛事.


Dr. Jensen is a 电子游戏正规平台 Scientist working with Professor Theresa Betancourt at the 电子游戏正规平台 Program on Children and Adversity at 电子游戏软件 School of Social Work. Her research seeks to delineate the role of early psychosocial and biological experiences in shaping children’s cognitive, 情感, 神经学的结果. Her current work focuses on a coaching-based parenting intervention to promote healthy child development and prevent violence in families facing severe poverty in Rwanda.

霍维的房子图书馆| 2021年10月6日|下午4:30 - 6:00

Dr. 玛丽安圣. 翁奇, was a long-time leader in the 电子游戏软件 community and greatly extended its global outreach through her travels and building strong partnerships.

      Dr. St. 奥格于20世纪70年代初作为电子游戏正规平台生来到电子游戏软件. 在她漫长的BC任期内,她担任过许多不同的角色, 包括法语课程的协调员, 妇女电子游戏正规平台项目主任, and the founding Director of the Center for International Programs and Partnerships (today's Office of 全球 Education).

      电子游戏软件之外, 玛丽安是马萨诸塞州外语协会的主席, 作为一个活跃的电子游戏正规平台者和作家, was the recipient of several fellowships and awards including grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 美国教师协会, 以及Pi Delta Phi法国荣誉协会. 2006年春天, she served as Michael Dukakis 访问ing Professor in International Affairs at the American College of Thessaloniki, 希腊.

      退休后,博士. St. 昂热写诗,当时正在写牧师的传记. 路易斯·法夫尔,二战期间的天主教牧师和抵抗运动领袖. 

      Dr. St. 翁吉的儿子安迪说,她“非常爱她的孙女们”. Her granddaughter described her as "independent, confident, classy, and strong”.

      她两个儿子中的一个, 安迪, 说他母亲有“求知欲”, 对学习和知识的热情, 这种好奇心是会传染的。”. 



自从今年秋天回到校园, the Office of International 学生 and Scholars (OISS) and 全球教育办公室 (OGE) continue their important work supporting   international students and scholars coming to BC and students studying abroad. We would like to welcome new team members in these offices and congratulate others on their recent promotions.







“他们有丰富的与国际学生打交道的经验... They have been critical in welcoming our hundreds of new international students over the past few weeks."



帕特O ' donnell 分类. 导演,总局


"Pat's promotion reflects several years of his contributions to our office's mission. 帕特已经成为新员工的宝贵导师,并在我们办公室发出声音."


奥斯丁的木匠 , OGE项目经理

萨曼莎李 , OGE项目经理


“作为电子游戏正规平台生助理,两人都为我们的办公室带来了宝贵的见解. 我认为他们每个人都给我们的办公室和我们的学生带来了新的视角."



的高度 — The Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (BAIC) filled the Gasson 100 banquet room with color and dance during the annual celebration in late September. Fr. Olayo-Méndez gave a keynote address and discussed the need for his community to confront injustice and unify with other 人 in the world. 庆祝活动包括来自Fuego del Corazon的表演, 英国广播公司的拉丁舞蹈队, alongside the off-campus dance group Bajucol Colombian Folklore Dance Company. 之后,学生们在中庭排队,北汽工作人员为他们提供美味的食物.


The Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center supports the undergraduate community—with a particular focus on AHANA (人 of African, 拉美裔, 亚洲, 和印第安人后裔), 多元文化的, 多民族的, 在引导大学生活和实现他们的潜力方面.


The 2nd International Conference on Educational Frontiers will occur November 19-20, 2021. 本次会议由电子游戏软件林奇学院和我们的合作伙伴主办, 马尼拉雅典耀大学Gokongwei兄弟教育与学习设计学院. 主题是“全球教育实验:启发未来的经验教训”.在这次会议上, education professionals come together to confront issues and questions about education policies and practices in pandemic and post-pandemic times. 早鸟注册将于10月22日结束. 查看上面的链接以查看更多详细信息. 


探索圣. Alberto Hurtado, SJ

The 全球参与办公室 is hosting a discussion and reception to celebrate the book 社会正义与神圣:圣. Alberto Hurtado, SJ . 加入我们与编辑斯科特·菲茨吉本的对话, 孙加文, SJ, 费尔南达·索萨讲述了阿尔伯托·乌尔塔多的生平和思想, who was a monumental figure in the history of the Americas and a 20th century Chilean saint. 需要口罩.



电子游戏软件 has released a mobile application called BC Safe in order to ensure the safety of BC students, 教师, 以及在校园里和在国外旅行或学习的员工.


This app will replace the previous BC Mobile Safety App as a major resource for keeping our BC community members safe while they study abroad. 该应用程序不仅提供国际安全问题通知, 它还包含大量资源,包括紧急联系号码, 旅游报告, 美国大使馆信息, and instructions on how to sign up for international health insurance and travel safety programs. 你甚至可以用它来查询天气!

BC Lynch和Trinity会面

The Lynch School of Education and Human Development 教师 will be engaging in a Virtual Collaboration with Trinity College Dublin School of Education 教师, 10月7日星期四,波士顿时间下午1点/爱尔兰时间下午5点 .


The purpose of this event is to make connections with our international peers. 本次活动的主题是 教育的全球视野 and we will have 教师 speakers from each school giving an introduction to their work in the areas of inclusive leadership, 特殊教育, 课程(设计或实践). 


这次Zoom活动将对林奇学院的教职员工开放. 如果你有兴趣参加,请回复活动协调员Dr. Margaret Flood,爱尔兰富布赖特访问学者( floodmb@blairekidsarts.net ).


Jesuit Refugee Service–Middle East and North Africa (MENA) serves displaced 人 in Jordan, 黎巴嫩, 伊拉克, and Syria – accompanying them through some of the most challenging times in their lives.

加入JRS-USA与Fr. 丹Corrou, SJ, JRS-MENA区域主管, 更多地了解中东地区正在发生的问题和需求, JRS的应对方法, 以及你能做些什么. This free event begins at 7 pm and will be Thursday, October 14th in Gasson Hall, room 100. 


国际教育周 (IEW) emphasizes the importance of increasing knowledge and awareness of the world's many cultures, 人, 和语言.


在国际学生和学者办公室的指导下, 全球教育办公室, 以及全球参与办公室, 本周将讨论以下主题: "Healing Along the Faultlines: Enduring Crisis; Maintaining Resilience; Strengthening Engagement; Ensuring Justice ". 活动将于11月8日至12日举行. 

我们很乐意与您合作. 任何对策划或举办活动感兴趣的人都可以发邮件给我们: iew@listserv.blairekidsarts.net.


Co-sponsored by OISS, the Office of Graduate Student Life, and University Counseling Services, 远离家乡 is a group that provides a safe space for international graduate students to share and discuss adjusting to life in the US, 学术压力, 家庭问题, 和更多的. 讨论由大学咨询服务的一名成员领导. 该会议每两周举行一次,从9月22日星期三中午12点开始. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件  bcis@blairekidsarts.net .


作为伊格那丢500系列讲座的一部分, 何塞·加西亚·德·卡斯特罗SJ, 科米拉斯大学神学系教授, 西班牙, 将 圣依纳爵的皈依 ". 提供午餐. This event will include lunch and be held in Murray Function Room 426 at 12 pm on October 5th.

Follow our 推特 for future opportunities to engage with our partner schools and their events!

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