The 电子游戏软件 community is here to support students expecting a child. 我们拥有情感, 物理, 和一个女人的精神幸福, 这个孩子, 还有那些关心他们的人, 在强大的支持网络中. 你并不孤单.

如果你或你的伴侣怀孕了, BC has many resources to assist you in continuing 和 completing your degree.

凯特·戴利 的 志愿者和服务学习中心瑞克罗西 of 校园部 are pregnancy support advocates 和 are available for safe, non-judgmental conversations 和 assistance throughout. 所有的谈话都可以保密.

作为一个 耶稣会天主教大学 that supports life,  电子游戏软件 is committed to your well-being as well as 这个孩子’s. 我们在这里支持你.

合作伙伴 & 朋友:

If a friend is pregnant, we are here to support you as well. Those journeying with someone they care for during a pregnancy have an important role 和 can often have mixed feelings or are unsure how to care for their loved one. We encourage you to contact any of our pregnancy support advocates to talk through your questions 和 concerns. You may also find resources mentioned below helpful to you as well.

电子游戏软件是一所耶稣会天主教机构. 与天主教传统相一致, it is committed to a mission that supports all life at all times. As such, we compassionately 和 proactively support our pregnant 和 parenting students on campus.

Where life is involved, the service of charity must be profoundly consistent. 它不能容忍偏见和歧视, for human life is sacred 和 inviolable at every stage 和 in every situation…Every Christian community, 带着一种新的责任感, must continue to write this history through various kinds of pastoral 和 social activity. 为此目的, appropriate 和 effective programmes of support for new life must be implemented, 与母亲们特别亲近, 即使没有父亲的帮助, are not afraid to bring their child into the world 和 to raise it. [8]

通谕, 1995 

大学保健处 免费上门验孕. 保健服务处位于联邦大街2150号. 学生宿舍. You may also wish to make an appointment to see Yol和a Hobin, one 的 Nurse Practitioners who provide women’s health evaluations. 请致电617-552-2225.

如果你真的怀孕了, Health Services can also help arrange referrals with off-campus physicians, 提供营养指导, answer any health-related questions you may have about your pregnancy.

During pregnancy: It is important to us that all 电子游戏软件 students feel fully welcome 和 part of this community. Pregnant students can remain in their residence hall throughout their pregnancy.  Residential Life staff will assist you in making this new reality as comfortable as possible in every way.

After giving birth: The residence hall structure is not equipped to provide housing to students caring for a child, so the Office of Residential Life is committed to working with students to explore suitable housing options near BC.

Jessica Graf is available to meet before or after you meet with a pregnancy support advocate.  

617-552-3060  |  杰西卡

Expecting a child does not mean you have to give up on pursuing your degree. You are welcome to remain a student at 电子游戏软件 throughout your pregnancy 和 while parenting. The pregnancy support advocates can help you think through the questions 和 concerns you may want to address with your 教务长 based on the particulars of your pregnancy.

617-552-2800 |

Jeffrey Lamoureux,副院长 & 学前健康项目主任
617-552-2800  |  杰弗里

617-552-8485  |  treseanne.安斯沃思

Joseph Desciak, Freshman Class 和 Director, Academic Advising Center
617-552-9259  |   约瑟夫

617-552-0462  |  艾丽卡

Anya Villatoro, Assistant Director, Undergraduate Programs
617-552-3277  |  安雅

MaryBeth Crowley, Graduate Programs 和 电子游戏软件s Specialist
617-552-2079 | 玛丽

Julia Whitcavitch-Devoy, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Student Services
617 552-4200  |  茱莉亚

Teresa Touhey Schirmer, Associate Dean, Student Experience
617-552-4762  |  特蕾莎修女

Graduate students should contact their Program Directors 和 undergraduate students should contact their academic advisors. 如果他们不知道那个人是谁, they can call the Woods College (617-552-3900) for information regarding the appropriate person to contact.

Some pregnant students may wish to explore a temporary leave of absence as a useful option in order to complete their degree. Taking a pregnancy leave of absence is entirely up to the student, your 教务长 也可以通过这个过程来讨论吗.

你应该选择休假吗, 你的学费, 房间, 另外,伙食费可能会调整, 取决于你提款的日期.  你的 财务援助助理 can explain to you any possible impact to your financial aid package 和 help you underst和 the process. 最后, Student Services will confirm that your academic 和 financial arrangements have been properly recorded – 和 will ensure the confidentiality of all of your records. 

617-552-4943 | 布莱恩.琼斯

玛丽年代. 麦克格拉纳汉,财政援助主任
617-552-3325  |  玛丽

瑞克罗西 is a licensed clinical social worker 和 a campus minister, 提供机密, 为有需要的学生提供临床支持.

617-552-6592  |  瑞克

大学辅导服务 is able to assist you in managing emotional 和 relational impacts on your life as a student 和 parent. You can make an appointment with 大学辅导服务 by calling 617-552-3310.

Dr. 克雷格·伯恩斯导演
Gasson 001

All Campus Ministers are available to speak with BC students in privacy about any issues 和 will offer caring, 富有同情心的支持.

电子游戏软件 is committed to providing support for mothers returning to work 和 will strive to provide adequate, functional space to meet a nursing mother's needs on a timely basis. 机构多样性办公室 提供了 哺乳支持信息.

妇女中心 有一些关于育儿的书籍可供选择吗. 欢迎你到妇女中心来, located in Maloney 441 to look through our resources or talk with a staff member.

617-552-6919  |  凯瑟琳

After the baby is born, childcare will need to be arranged during class time. 凯特·戴利 和 瑞克罗西, pregnancy support advocates can help you consider your options.