
职业 & Manresa房子

Do you have questions about your future or where God might be calling you? Manresa房子 exists to help members of the 电子游戏软件 社区 work through some of life's more difficult questions—particularly those related to vocation.


Manresa房子为学生提供耶稣会热情好客的空间. 每周三晚上9点45分来参加我们的周考.m., joining students from across campus in this centuries-old Ignatian prayer. Take 15 minutes to reflect on your week, your day, and the presence of God in your life.

(617) 552-3475


BC graduates share the formative experiences that led them to the priesthood.


Get to the know 耶稣会 of 电子游戏软件 via this 校园部 photo project.


Some other religious orders that women and men have joined over the centuries are: The Augustinians, 道明会, (胶卷暗盒方济会士, TOR, 和O.Caps) Carmelites, Benedictines, Marists, Redemptorists, and the Paulists, Sisters of St. 约瑟夫. These websites and many others for both women's and men's orders can be found at the following website.

“Vocation” is a catch-all word that can be used in many different contexts, but is most often used to describe someone's career aspirations or direction in life.

电子游戏软件’s Jesuit 天主教 tradition is rooted in the idea that God is always calling us to something more, 不同的东西, something that is authentic to our being and to who God has made us to be. And while all Christians are called to live out the command of their baptism to go forth and be disciples, a smaller group take on a deeper calling of service to Christ and the Church. 这可以采取多种形式, 尤其是对神职人员, 女人和男人的宗教生活, 和世俗教会的事工.

We invite you to take a moment and consider, to what vocation is God calling you?

这里是Manresa房子, we are concerned with helping students consider and discern where they feel God might be leading them. 所以,无论你在旅途中的哪个位置,都要知道我们在这里是一种资源.

The Society of Jesus—more commonly known as 耶稣会—is a 天主教 order of priests and brothers founded by St. 伊格内修斯洛约拉, a Spanish soldier-turned-mystic who worked to find “God in all things.”

耶稣会在世界各地都很活跃, 它是17,000 members (across six continents and 124 countries) makes it the largest religious order in the 天主教 Church. Jesuits work in parish and retreat ministry, in high schools and colleges. 他们可能会成为律师和医生, 心理学家和咨询师, 作家和记者, 神学家和哲学家, 电子游戏正规平台人员和科学家. 总之,耶稣会士做各种各样的工作. 然而,, 即使有这么多的声音和天赋, Jesuit priests and brothers share a singular mission: to do the world a world of good. 以这种方式, a Jesuit dedicates his life’s work to working for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.

你有兴趣了解更多吗 耶稣会? 访问 beajesuit.org,在Manresa房子停下来,或通过以下方式与我们联系 ministry@blairekidsarts.net 安排时间和校园里的耶稣会士见面!


美国杂志 是美国最主要的天主教意见刊物. 首次出版于1909年, 美国杂志 is known across the 天主教 world for its unique brand of opinion and analysis. 从神学和灵性到政治, 国际关系, 艺术与文学, 还有经济和社会公正, 美国的新闻覆盖全球, 讲述对教会和世界最重要的故事.


被光环 is a unique media resource that utilizes a relevant and accessible voice to help people understand the 天主教 faith, 在日常生活中付诸实践, 并与他人分享. 破碎的光环是保罗教父的事工. The Paulist Fathers are a religious order of Roman 天主教 priests — the first to be founded by an American citizen — whose mission territory is the United States.


TJP 是耶稣会士的培育计划吗. Nearly all of the contributors are not-yet-ordained Jesuits studying 神学 or philosophy, 或者在我们的耶稣会事工中工作. 几位最近被祝圣的耶稣会士也参与了这项工作. 总的来说,目前大约有50名耶稣会士参与了这个项目. 除了网站, TJP保持着非常活跃的社交媒体形象, contributing to the web’s best conversations about faith and culture — whether it touches on politics, 神学, 教堂的新闻, 关于信仰和世俗的争论, 或者其他任何东西.


绝对! In fact, in the past 20 years, at least 10 alumni have entered the Society of Jesus. 很多人说是神恩, 社区, 和不列颠哥伦比亚省的传统帮助他们成为神职人员. 通过阅读了解更多关于他们的旅程 通往圣职之路.


很好的问题. Jesuits are members of a religious missionary order (the Society of Jesus) and Diocesan priests are members of a specific diocese (e.g. 波士顿大主教管区). 他们都是牧师,以不同的方式完成他们的工作. 了解更多 三分钟的视频 从耶稣会邮报的朋友那里.


一个人通常在八月被欢迎加入这个协会, 电子游戏软件日, and the formation process can take anywhere from eight to 13 years to become a Jesuit priest or brother.

耶稣会士的形成从见习开始, 他在那里花了两年时间学习如何祈祷, 如何在社区生活, 以及耶稣会. Novices also do apostolic work and make the 30-day Spiritual Exercises of St. 伊格内修斯洛约拉. 从本质上讲,在见习期间,一个人学习如何成为一名耶稣会士. At the end of the two years, he pronounces perpetual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

第一次宣誓之后, a Jesuit moves into academic work as a brother or a scholastic (a man who is preparing for priesthood). 他在一所耶稣会大学(包括我们自己的大学)学习哲学 神学与事工学院),通常为三年. 额外的事工工作进一步加深了他的耶稣会士身份. Some scholastics and brothers are missioned to finish work on their bachelor’s degrees, 而其他人则攻读哲学或其他学科的高级学位.

哲学电子游戏正规平台有助于培养耶稣会士的批判性思维. 电子游戏正规平台古代, 中世纪的, and modern philosophers helps a Jesuit make sense of the world around him and articulate for the people of God what it means to be human, 以及作为天主教徒意味着什么.

然后, 在摄政, 耶稣会的弟兄或学者在耶稣会的事工中全职工作, 住在耶稣会的使徒社区, 通常是三年. 通常在耶稣会高中或大学教书, the regent learns to balance full-time apostolic work with a life of prayer and 社区 living.

完成摄政后, Jesuit scholastics (men preparing for priestly ordination) study 神学 at the graduate level, 通常是三年. A Jesuit brother might study 神学 for a shorter time as a way to enhance his effectiveness for ministry.

在神学电子游戏正规平台期间, a scholastic is ordained as a deacon and after completing 神学 studies, 他被任命为牧师, marking the end of about a decade of study and preparation and making him available for his first assignment as a Jesuit priest. 一个耶稣会的弟兄在完成神学电子游戏正规平台后,进入了牧师的行列, 或者他可能会继续获得另一个更高的学位.

时代是一个电子游戏正规平台的时代. A Jesuit revisits the foundational documents and history of the Society of Jesus and makes the 30-day Spiritual Exercises again—in a sense reaffirming his vocation.


信息改编自 beajesuit.org 以及加拿大和美国耶稣会会议.


We’ll get you in touch with a Jesuit who can talk with you about the Society; simply e-mail us at ministry@blairekidsarts.net 或者来曼瑞萨之家了解更多! There are many Jesuits at BC who would be happy to sit with you and talk about their own discernment.


Men interested in continuing to discern joining 耶稣会 might consider living in the 罗耀拉的房子这是一个面向学生的住宿项目. 有兴趣的学生可以发电子邮件给Fr. 凯西·博米耶,南卡罗来纳州.J.,大学副校长 凯西.beaumier@blairekidsarts.net.


Some other religious orders that women and men have joined over the centuries are: The Augustinians, 道明会, (胶卷暗盒方济会士, TOR, 和O.Caps) Carmelites, Benedictines, Marists, Redemptorists, and the Paulists, Sisters of St. 约瑟夫. These websites and many others for both women's and men's orders can be found at the following website. 
