4Boston is BC's largest weekly service organization. 在学年中,志愿者每周与社区合作伙伴一起服务四个小时, healthcare, 或者教育部门,以社区为中心进行一小时的小组反思, social justice, and spirituality.

What We Do

Build community with our partners and among our small groups of volunteers, through both engagement and reflection.

Consider the policies and structures that create unjust conditions for our neighbors, 同时寻求理解我们在抵制和改变我们在世界上遇到的不公正方面的责任.


Important Dates

4Boston Application Deadline
Friday, September 8th at 11:59 p.m. EST
4Boston Orientation
Sunday, September 24th from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST
Location: 300 Hammond Pond
 4Boston Retreat & Teach-In
Sunday, February 18th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST
Location: 300 Hammond Pond
Sending 4th 
 Sunday, April 28th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EST
Location: Murray Function Room

4Boston provides students with a significant extended urban encounter, 根据耶稣会在行动中沉思的传统,定期有机会进行反思和分析,从而丰富了这一过程.
4Boston also strives to provide reliable, 始终如一地支持波士顿地区的机构,这些机构为该市的穷人和边缘化群体服务.

This work inevitably raises universal questions of life's meaning and purpose. While we rely on the Judeo-Christian tradition to address these and other issues, 欢迎各种信仰和没有特定宗教信仰的人参加4Boston.

It is our firm belief that action without reflection risks despair, and reflection without action risks irrelevance, and it is our explicit hope that 4Boston students will grow intellectually, morally, 在精神上,通过定期为他人服务,并对这种服务进行有纪律的反思.

4Boston的工作有三大支柱:社区、精神和社会正义. 我们的目标是与我们的合作伙伴和志愿者小组建立一种社区意识, both in service and reflection. 我们不仅致力于通过参与社区活动来满足眼前的需要, 但考虑到造成不公正条件的政策和结构,并学习我们在抵制和改变我们在世界上遇到的不公正方面的角色. I​n and through all of this, we seek to grow as spiritual beings, attentive to the ways that God moves through our work and reflection, calling and empowering us to be Women and Men for and with Others, in all times and places.

4Boston’s application for new and returning volunteers is now open! 

All questions should be directed to the Program Director, Joe Citera and the 4B Graduate Assistant, Lexie Elliott


Apply for 4Boston 

Please review the 4Boston Volunteer Guidelines prior to submitting your application.

Applications will be accepted through Friday, Sept. 8 at 11:59 p.m.  Due to the volume of applicants, late applications will not be accepted. 

With over 500 student participants and 30 partner organizations, 4Boston relies on an annual cohort of Student Leaders to lead reflection groups, coordinate volunteers, and support ongoing communication with community partners. 

波士顿大学邀请所有即将升学的三年级和四年级学生在下一学年的每年三月提交学生领袖职位的申请. The 4Boston application opens on February 27th and closes on March 14th. 

Important Dates for 2024 - 2025:

Fall Leader Retreat: Sunday, August 25, 2024
Participant Selection: Saturday, September 14, 2024 (Time TBA)
Orientation and Commissioning: Sunday, September 22, 2024
Winter Leader Retreat: January 20, 2025
Retreat & Teach-In: Sunday, February 16, 2025
Sending 4th: Sunday, April 27th, 2025

Apply to be a 4Boston Leader

*我们强烈建议所有首次申请者参加我们的学生领导信息会议,听取现任领导的经验. Please join us in Higgins 265 on Monday, March 11th at 8:30pm or in Gasson 302 on Tuesday, March 12th at 4:30pm.

Thank you for considering a donation to 4Boston. 您的免税捐赠是宝贵的学习经验投资,许多电子游戏软件的学生将带着他们的余生.

To Donate Online:
Visit the Online Giving Form
Enter your information; for the field "I wish to make my gift to:” select 4Boston. [If you are sponsoring a certain student, please select "In honor of a BC student," and include their name and year.]
Click "Submit Gift"

To Mail a Check:
Boston College, Office of Campus Ministry
McElroy Commons 233
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

If your corporation matches donations, please enclose the appropriate forms.
4Boston, under the umbrella of the Trustees of Boston College, is a non-profit 501(c)3 with a federal tax exemption number of 04-2103545.

Program Director
Joseph Citera
McElroy 122

Graduate Assistant
Lexie Elliott

Executive Board
Erin McOsker
Nathan Tolva
Emily Shi
Katherine Stevens

Office Hours: 2023-2024

Our office hours are held in Carney 373. Feel free to walk-in or make an appointment

For general inquiries, email: 4bostonvolunteers@blairekidsarts.net

Are you a current 4Boston Volunteer?
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