Welcome to BC! 

Check out the Boston College video gallery for a glimpse of life on the Heights.

Welcome to the Heights

Experience the beautiful BC campus - affectionately known as the Heights.


As a Jesuit, Catholic university and a leader in the liberal arts, 我们认为形成性教育是我们教育学生的中心使命,他们将利用自己的天赋为他人服务.

Boston College is a place of belonging; a place where home is not just a location, but a way of living.

At Boston College, you will be asked, "What brings you joy? What are you good at? And who does the world need you to be?"

Boston College is not just a place to you come to, it's a place you're a part of.


Boston College is a place with a heart and soul and tradition like no other.

BC students talk about their experiences as members of the AHANA (African, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American) community on the Heights.

Campus Tour

加入我们的学生导游,虚拟参观电子游戏软件,了解建筑, history, and campus community on the Heights.

The centerpiece of Boston College's $300 million strategic investment in the sciences, 245 Beacon Street, officially opened in January 2022. 

Boston College's Margot Connell Recreation Center is a 244,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art, four-story structure students use of a variety of activities. 

Residential Life

Living on Boston College's campus includes a meaningful residential life experience, access to the city of Boston, and a vibrant campus community.

Boston College's Margot Connell Recreation Center is a 244,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art, four-story structure students use of a variety of activities. 

First-year students live in traditional style rooms on Newton or Upper Campus, with both locations offering many resources to make BC feel like home.

Boston College Dorm Tours

Boston College students provide a quick tour of their dorm rooms on campus, ranging from traditional doubles to apartment style housing.


卡罗尔管理学院提供了一个变革性的学术经验,将管理电子游戏正规平台与文科相结合, encouraging students to explore majors and minors outside of CSOM, while also inviting students in other schools study its programs.

Anchored by a human-centered, inclusive approach and design-thinking methodologies, engineering at BC is bolstered by a global viewpoint, ethical underpinnings, and distinctive capstone projects that address real-world challenges.

BC is at the forefront of scientific research and innovation, 同时也优先考虑形成性的文科教育,作为R1电子游戏正规平台敏锐度的基础. 

The Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program is an undergraduate academic, merit program that annually awards full-tuition scholarships and fully-funded, GPSP-sponsored summer programs to 18 incoming freshman students.

核心课程让学生获得一个共同的智力基础,因为他们在人文学科的定义作品中经历了密集的基础, natural sciences, and social sciences, and introduction to world history and culture.

245 Beacon Street is a brand new, 150,000-sq. ft, state-of-the-art science facility in the heart of the Boston College campus.

Student Life

学生事务部由15个附属部门组成,提供丰富的课外项目和服务,促进学生的学习, health and wellness, leadership development, and community engagement.

Learn about the many signature experiences, events, and traditions that are unique to life on the Heights!

It's an exciting time to be back on campus as each new school year begins.

9月17日,电子游戏软件军乐队受邀在新英格兰爱国者队足球比赛中场休息时表演, 2023, at Gillette Stadium. 




Ashley Waldron '26, an engineering major and student equipment manager for the BC men's hockey team, 将她对曲棍球的热爱与她的工程知识结合起来,设计并创造了一种名为SaucerPost的新设备, 老鹰队现在用它来练习控球和传球技巧.


Danny Gillis, who became known as the "BC Fiddle Kid" in 2013, 在波士顿大学男子曲棍球比赛中,每当他在第二次中场休息时,就会在视频板上对着《电子游戏软件》(The Devil Went to Georgia)这首歌进行空中演奏,他就是球迷们的最爱. 作为一名学生,他毕生的梦想现在已经实现了,他将成为2028届的学生.

The BC baseball hosts the Annual ALS Awareness Game at Fenway Park. The Eagles play in honor of Pete Frates '07, champion of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Danny Gillis, who became known as the "BC Fiddle Kid" in 2013, 在波士顿大学男子曲棍球比赛中,每当他在第二次中场休息时,就会在视频板上对着《电子游戏软件》(The Devil Went to Georgia)这首歌进行空中演奏,他就是球迷们的最爱. 作为一名学生,他毕生的梦想现在已经实现了,他将成为2028届的学生.


The PULSE Program is a pioneering service-learning program that has offered 3.2 million hours of service to the greater Boston community throughout its history.

不列颠哥伦比亚省最值得骄傲的传统之一是由志愿者组织的年度红色大手帕5k & Service Learning Center, to honor 9/11 hero Welles Remy Crowther '99.

In January 2024, Arrupe International Encounter的学生与全球教育与经验中心一起前往约翰内斯堡,了解在南非背景下伸张正义的信仰. 


St. Ignatius thought the Examen was the most important prayer one could offer. Every semester, Campus Ministry asks us to look back with an Ignatian reflection.


当地艺术家肯·帕克(Ken Packie)受委托将一棵近6英尺宽的病树基座雕刻成一幅神圣家族的三维肖像, 庆祝不列颠哥伦比亚省的耶稣会天主教遗产,并认识到布莱顿校区的历史意义.

Schools & Colleges

Dean of Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., explains the school's mission and what attracts students.

A welcome message by Carroll School of Management Dean Andy Boynton '78, P '13.

Connell School of Nursing Dean Katherine E. 格雷戈里解释了BC学生作为护士的独特定位,这是文科和科学严谨的护理教育的结果.

The Woods College provides flexible, academically rigorous, ethics-focused undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs for a wide range of students.

院长斯坦顿·沃瑟姆解释了林奇学院如何通过教育和应用心理学来追求通过卓越和道德教学来改善人类状况的目标, research, and service.

BC Students


康奈尔护理学院25岁的学生Esther Udoakang解释了她的学习和课外活动是如何帮助她为改变世界做准备的.

Julia Spagnola ’23, a Campus School volunteer and Vice President of UGBC, ran the Boston Marathon as part of the Campus School Boston Marathon Team.

Fran Hodgens '24, 谁在卡罗尔管理学院学习财务会计、咨询和商业分析, shares his story as a BC student.

Teresa Knestout '24, 谁在林奇教育与人类发展学院学习基础教育和应用心理学, shares her story as a Boston College student.


Day in the Life Vlogs

Boston College students show us a typical day in their lives, including academics, housing, activities, and more.

Seasons at BC

Students take advantage of the sunshine, warmer weather, and outdoor offerings that come with springtime on the Heights. 

A look at the fall semester at the Heights, including study, spirit and the splendor of the changing season.

Christmas time on the Heights is a truly special sight.

BC Alumni

1999年的威尔斯·克劳瑟被称为“红色大手帕人”,因为他在911事件中世贸中心南塔倒塌前在救人时戴着一块手帕作为防护面具, 2001 terrorist attack. His legacy is proudly honored at Boston College.

Hannah Terrile '22, who studied communication and marketing, 分享了她在不列颠哥伦比亚省的经历如何帮助她成功地成为纽约大都会队的社交媒体助理.

Shan Rizwan '21 came to the Heights as an undecided major, but discover his true passion with a camera and microphone. His YouTube Channel has more than 91,000 subscribers as he documents his daily life, travels, and now his full-time role as a content creator.

BC Social Highlights

When Boston College students, faculty, staff, and alumni come together on the Heights, we can't help but celebrate that unmistakable "BC Feeling."

