2023 honorary degree recipients with University President William P. 莱希,SJ

左至右站立:BC董事会主席约翰·菲什,牧师. 尼古拉斯一. Sannella, Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd, Most 牧师erend Mark O’Connell, auxiliary bishop of Boston. 就座:Yolanda Courtney Lyle,大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J.希腊总理米佐塔基斯、帕特里克·斯托克斯. (李Pellegrini)

在5月23日举行的第146届毕业典礼上, 电子游戏软件 presented honorary degrees to five distinguished individuals. 阅读获奖名单 在这里; their degree citations are below.


In 2019, Kyriakos Mitsotakis became the prime minister of Greece after campaigning on a platform of increased employment, 强劲的经济增长, 降低税收以振兴国家经济.

他的建议反映了20年来的政治, 在私营部门工作了10年, 以及为国家服务的强大家族遗产. 他的父亲也曾担任过首相, and a great uncle was a much-respected national leader in the early 20th 世纪.

自从成为希腊政府首脑以来, 他实施了税制改革, 领导希腊应对COVID-19大流行, and been recognized as the leading proponent of a Europe-wide vaccine passport. He has also proposed that the European Union create a common market for natural gas to offset the steep rise in gas prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A graduate of Harvard and Stanford universities, he has close ties to the 电子游戏软件 community. His wife Mareva is a 1989 alumna, and their son Konstantinos graduated in 2020.

For serving generously and faithfully to promote the common good in his homeland and throughout Europe, 电子游戏软件 awards Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis the degree of Doctor of Laws, 作为一种荣誉授予的.

尤兰达·考特尼·莱尔94年毕业.D. '01

Yolanda Lyle has influenced pharmaceutical policy and operations through nearly two decades of providing wise counsel at one of the world’s premier companies. 作为副总统, executive operations and chief of staff to the chair and chief executive officer at Pfizer Inc., she supported its pioneering work to combat the COVID-19 global health crisis through the swift development and manufacture of a critical vaccine that has helped to save lives around the world.

她1990年来到不列颠哥伦比亚省, 获得了杰基·罗宾逊基金会的奖学金, 1994年毕业,获得社会学学位. 她于2001年获得电子游戏软件法学院的法律学位.

今天, 作为一位受人尊敬的领导者和有影响力的非裔美国高管, she embodies the values of her alma mater through support of the Robinson Foundation, and her work on the Executive Committee of the 电子游戏软件 Wall Street Council and the 电子游戏软件 Law School 校友 Committee.

She was honored in 2017 by the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association with a Luminary Award, which recognizes significant contributions to the health care industry and to advancing the careers of women.

For her accomplishments and commitment in sharing her time and talents in the service of others, the University confers upon Yolanda Courtney Lyle the degree of Doctor of Laws, 作为一种荣誉授予的.

Arivee vargas rozier-byrd, ' 05, j.D. ’08

Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd is committed to helping women find joy and fulfillment in their professional and personal lives.

After earning both a bachelor of arts and a law degree from 电子游戏软件, 她从事法律职业, later changing the focus of her work from the law to human resources. 今天, she serves as senior director of employee relations at Vertex Pharmaceuticals, 美国领先的生物技术公司之一.

作为一名认证的生活教练, she taps into the experience of her own personal and professional challenges to support women in pursuit of careers and lives that align with their deepest desires. Her podcast “Humble Rising” features women of color sharing stories and strategies on how to lead fulfilling lives.

A first-generation college graduate and daughter of immigrants, she was honored with BC’s John A. Dinneen指出,遍布年代.J.,西班牙裔校友社区服务奖. 2020年,她被任命为 波士顿商业杂志’s 40 Under 40 list of the city’s best and brightest young professionals. Her service to 电子游戏软件 includes membership on the University’s Board of Regents, AHANA校友咨询委员会, 电子游戏软件妇女委员会, 以及校友会董事会.

以表彰她对导师的奉献, 激励, 并激励他人, 电子游戏软件 confers on Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd the degree of Doctor of Laws, 作为一种荣誉授予的.

牧师. 尼古拉斯一. SANNELLA 67

牧师. 尼古拉斯一. Sannella put his talents to good use when he entered the medical profession and became one of New England’s most respected vascular surgeons. 当了将近二十年的医生, 他曾担任劳伦斯综合医院的外科主任, 洛厄尔圣徒医疗中心的医务人员主席, 也是新英格兰血管外科学会的副会长. 当外科医生的时候, he also earned a law degree and was sought for his advice on medical legal matters.

然而,他感到了一种不同的召唤, which led him in 1999 to pursue a vocation to become a priest in the Archdiocese of Boston. 今天, 他是洛厄尔合作组织的牧师, 包括无原罪受孕, 圣安东尼, 和圣三一教区.

这位敬业的老鹰长期为母校服务. Named to the Board of Trustees in 1993, he is currently a Trustee Associate. 2004年,他获得了威廉五世勋章. 麦肯尼奖, 这是BC校友会授予的最高荣誉, 2010年, 他获得了伊格内提奖, which recognizes an individual who lives up to the Jesuit calling to be "men and women for others."

For his decades spent healing both body and soul, 电子游戏软件 awards 牧师. 尼古拉斯一. 桑妮拉获得了人文文学博士学位, 作为一种荣誉授予的.


受到肯尼迪总统号召将人类送上月球的启发, Patrick Stokes originally enrolled in engineering at the University of Detroit, 但在发现他更喜欢人文学科之后, 他一年级后就转到了电子游戏软件. He graduated magna cum laude in 1964 with a double major in English and mathematics.

A former president, CEO, and chair of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc., he and his wife Aja made the lead gift for BC’s humanities building that bears their name, 支持他毕生对文科的兴趣.

In 1991, the 电子游戏软件 校友 Association presented him with the Award of Excellence in Commerce, 2010年,他获得了詹姆斯F. Cleary Masters Award as a volunteer whose leadership elevated University fundraising to “new levels of excellence.他是三个不列颠哥伦比亚省校友的父亲,第四个校友的祖父, he served on the University’s Board of Trustees for more than two decades.

For his accomplishments as one of the nation’s most successful business leaders and for his generosity and commitment to his alma mater, 电子游戏软件 proudly confers on Patrick Stokes the degree of Doctor of Business Administration, 作为一种荣誉授予的.

大学通讯| 2022年5月