团队建设 & 郊游

康纳斯中心’s 80-acre estate is an ideal location for your group’s team-building program or summer outing. Whether you seek a formal program to build cohesiveness or just want to take a break from the office, our staff can help achieve your goals and create lasting memories.


Whether dressed up with white linens for casual elegance or red-checkered tablecloths for a classic cookout, 展馆提供了一个有盖的, 户外郊游接待空间.

  • 尺寸:26.5' x 62.5'
  • Capacity: 80 (seated at picnic tables - supplemental tables available)
  • 适合烧烤,鸡尾酒会,晚宴
  • 设施:无线上网, 排球场, 篮球场, 大块场地,可以打槌球, 垒球, 手套和许多户外游戏.


位于主门厅旁边, provides a light filled space with updated audio visual equipment for large meetings team building activities.

  • 尺寸:57' x 31'
  • Capacity: 160 (theater); 90 (school room); 50 (hollow square); 42 (ushape)
  • 理想搭配:神秘谋杀案晚餐, karoke, 运动活动, 客户答谢活动, 团队建设的晚餐


This magnificent formal parlor features wood paneling, French doors, and a large fireplace. The 主要客厅 can also be combined with the 多佛客厅 and 房地产的房间 for larger receptions and overlooks a garden terrace, 哪些地方可以举办户外招待会.

  • 维度: 38' x 23.5'
  • Capacity: 100 (reception); 60 (dinner); 70 (theater); 36 (hollow square)
  • 适合:中等规模的团队建设活动, 网络社交, 寻宝游戏, 书签约, 跳舞, 集团瑜伽


A grand carved mantle is the focal point of this elegant parlor. Standard furnishings include an upright piano and luxurious furniture. Larger receptions can overflow into a terrace and onto an outdoor patio.

  • 尺寸:25.5' x 19'
  • Capacity: 45 (reception); 30 (dinner); 35 (theater); 18 (hollow square)
  • Ideal for: beverage tastings, photobooths, dessert stations


This modern room offers guests an opportunity to rest and relax on soft seating furniture. Many guests take advantage of the outdoor deck attached to the suite, 还有所有的免费小吃和饮料. 

  • 尺寸:25' x 56'
  • 容量:20人(休息室)
  • Ideal for: evening socials, game nights, active team building games  




The 查尔斯河会议室 offers fully modern amenities and traditional accents. The multipurpose space can be configured to serve a broad range of needs.

  • 尺寸:25' x 53'
  • Capacity: 50 (theater); 36 (u-shape); 40 (hollow square)
  • Ideal for: mid-size movement activities, 书签约, interactive role playing


This bright and airy space features high ceilings and large doors that open onto the expansive grounds. 酒体明亮,色泽宜人, this room is an ideal setting for daytime and evening events.

  • 尺寸:18 ' x 28 '
  • Capacity: 16 (square); 50 (reception)
  • 适用于:小型团队建设活动

St. 塞西莉亚的花园

最初由奥姆斯特德和沃克斯设计, 纽约中央公园的著名景观设计师, St. Cecilia’s Garden features beautiful fieldstone pathways and picturesque flower beds.

  • 尺寸:69' x 58.5'
  • 容量:200
  • Ideal for: large team-building activities, 寻宝游戏s
St. 康纳斯中心的塞西莉亚花园


The expansive 较低的花园 affords plenty of space for a large reception tent, positioned adjacent to the archways and 石头楼梯 that make 康纳斯中心 truly distinctive.

  • 尺寸:142' x 53'
  • 容量:400人(帐篷)
  • Ideal for: galas, large social functions, customer appreciation receptions


该中心最具特色的户外空间之一, 的梯田, 石头楼梯, and archways lead visitors from the parlors down to the 较低的花园. 石制拱门, 蜿蜒的石径, and staircases offer picture-perfect reception spaces for events of any size and type.

  • 尺寸:73.5' x 10'
  • 理想用途:鸡尾酒会


Visitors who take the five-minute walk through wooded trails arrive at the rustic 查尔斯河登陆. This undeveloped riverside spot offers a serene break from the day to day.

  • 适合:自然漫步


At 康纳斯中心, our spectacular setting is only half the story. 以确保无压力和有趣的体验, our staff will support you every step of the way and take care of every detail. 康纳斯中心 offers a broad range of amenities and resources, including:

  • 规范沙排球场
  • 篮球场
  • 户外运动场地(垒球等).)
  • 运动器材
  • 户外活动的露天亭子
  • 现场专业活动协调员
  • 免费停车
  • 无线网络
  • 带打印机的宾客服务区


Audiovisual and technology costs are included in the rental fee for the property. The following items may be placed on reserve for your group on a first come first serve basis:

  • 液晶投影仪
  • 投影仪的屏幕
  • 画架
  • 白板纸和记号笔
  • 讲台上有麦克风

康纳斯中心 works with outside vendors to provide many specialty amenities and services not listed above.


康纳斯中心 offers six finely appointed guest suites. Each room offers a queen-size bed, a private bathroom, cable television, 无线互联网.


康纳斯中心 offers 21 additional suites with queen- or full-size beds, 私人浴室, 无线互联网.


康纳斯中心 offers 36 guest bedrooms with shared bathrooms.

Please speak with our staff for more information about lodging options. All lodging fees are subject to the Massachusetts lodging tax.


康纳斯中心与八家餐饮公司合作. 通过这些久经考验的伙伴关系, 康纳斯中心 is able to offer you world-class dining options and flawless on-site execution.


Our menus are custom created to meet your individual needs. 除了传统的选择, our caterers have experience accommodating a wide range of special dietary and allergy needs. 


因为团队建设和郊游计划是高度可变的, all  facility rates are determined based on space use and number of guests.


A nonrefundable deposit is due when the contract is signed.


如果预订被取消, the sponsor will be responsible for a cancellation fee as outlined in their contract.


支付 for events are by check made payable to 电子游戏软件 or with a credit card.


Because all alcohol menus are specifically created for each event, 费用将根据选择和服务而有所不同. 康纳斯中心提供所有酒类服务.  The center does not allow alcohol to be brought in for any circumstance and reserves the right to limit and control the amount of alcohol served.

Specific information regarding pricing will be provided by the event coordinator.


Any additional services required will be charged directly to the client.  这些可能包括帐篷和其他娱乐租赁, 椅子的升级, 损失的费用, 警察服务, 代客泊车, 涂层检查, 等.