Welcome to the Boston College Office of Sustainability webpage! 可持续发展办公室通过以下领域实现其目标:教育和推广, landscape and natural features, LEED buildings, and waste reduction and recycling. 

About Us

What We Do

电子游戏软件的可持续发展办公室是推动大学全校可持续发展目标的资源和催化剂. It collaborates with Facilities Management, Boston College Dining Services, 学生团体组织和支持各种环境可持续发展倡议和项目. The office works to: 

  • Implement energy conservation measures across facilities
  • Develop a comprehensive approach to energy conservation and water management 
  • Coordinate a recycling and composting program across campus
  • Incorporate and maintain natural features across campus
  • Identify potential sustainability opportunities
  • Measure and report on annual progress toward sustainability goals


Meet Our Team

Sustainability Program Manager

Bruce Dixon



Sustainability Office Interns

Lauren Dadekian '24, Undergraduate Office Intern

Margaret Ryan '25, Undergraduate Office Intern

Olivia DiRenzo '26, Undergraduate Office Intern


Garden Steward

Kate Kelly '24, Garden Steward



300 Hammond Pond Parkway
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Email: sustainability@blairekidsarts.net

Office Phone: 617-552-3738

Office of Sustainability Website: http://sites.google.com/blairekidsarts.net/officeofsustainability

Sustainable News

订阅可持续发展办公室的listserv,了解校园和波士顿地区最新的环境事件,包括电子游戏软件绿色俱乐部的活动, campus lectures, and the latest Environmental Eagle newsletter. 

Subscribe to Listserv

Sustainability Newsletter

Read about the latest sustainability inititatives, 在学生团体EcoPledge和可持续发展办公室的时事通讯中,校园里发生的活动和事件.

The Environmental Eagle Archive

Environmental Eagle Newsletter

Academic Programs

跨学科的环境电子游戏正规平台项目目前正在电子游戏正规平台保护环境的方法, discovering engineering alternatives, and energy efficiency practices.

Environmental Studies Program

伍兹高级电子游戏正规平台学院提供可持续发展的专业电子游戏正规平台证书. It is an online, 六门课程的课程对持有高中文凭或学士学位的学生开放. It allows recipients to demostrate their compentency in pressing questions of the day, including climate change, effects of population growth, shifting demogaphics, and the ensuing natural resource limits of energy, food, water, materials, and waste.

Sustainability Certificate

Campus Groups

Join the green community.

Bike BC

Bike BC is a student-run bikeshare program serving the entire Boston College community. 

Bike BC

Charity Water

Boston College charity: water 是由学生发起的一项倡议,其目的是提高人们对全球水危机的认识,并筹集资金支持吗 charity: water campaigns. Since its inception, BC charity: water 已经筹集了数千美元,为两个不同村庄的钻井平台和油井的开发提供了资金. 

BC Charity Water

Climate Justice BC

Climate Justice BC aims to educate about the dangers of climate change and how students can be agents for change; unite with local and national climate activists to strengthen social support for climate justice; and to engage in activism within the BC community.

Climate Justice BC


EcoPledge是电子游戏软件最大的学生管理的环境俱乐部,致力于使BC更加可持续. EcoPledge educates the BC community about environmental issues by showing films, presenting lectures, and hosting annual celebratory events like Harvestfest and Earth Day. EcoPledge members often go beyond the campus, participating in local community clean-ups, national environmental conferences, and hiking and camping outings throughout New England.


Green Ambassador Program

Established in 2014, Athletics, Facilities Services, and the Office of Sustainability have partnered to make the Green Ambassador program to support ongoing campus recycling efforts. 绿色大使欢迎球迷来到BC选定的地点,提供比赛日活动的信息,并回答回收问题. For information about the Green Ambassador program please email sustainability@blairekidsarts.net

Outdoor Adventures

Run by Campus Recreation, 电子游戏软件为学生提供体验自然的机会,通过白天和周末的旅行,包括攀岩, hiking, sea kayaking, paddleboarding, and backpacking.

Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor Club

学生经营的户外俱乐部为BC学生组织户外旅行,享受环境. Trips include hiking, climbing, kayaking, white water rafting, and skiing. 

Outdoor Club

Plant Club

植物俱乐部是一个欢迎和鼓励的环境,为所有层次的植物知识的人. Join plant club for plant maintenance meetings, propagation workshops, cutting swaps, bonsai workshops, terrarium events, foraging and species identification walks, and more!

Plant Club

Real Food BC

Real Food BC是一个校园学生团体,致力于通过促进从当地购买食物来建立一个更可持续的食物系统, green, 人道主义资源,以支持本地化的粮食生产,并减少长途粮食运输造成的碳排放. BC Dining Services has already taken steps towards more sustainable food procurement. In collaboration with Real Food BC, BC Dining created Addie's Loft, an organic eatery that offers food from local, sustainable sources. 

Real Food BC

Sustainable Living and Learning Community

Run by the Office of Residential Life, 这个生活和学习社区教育学生可持续发展,并鼓励他们成为社区的积极成员. 学生在第一年结束时申请,并在大二期间住在可持续发展楼层.

Living and Learning Communities

UGBC Environmental Caucus

电子游戏软件的本科生政府与校园内的环保俱乐部合作,创造一个更绿色的BC. 他们的环境核心小组致力于校园的可持续发展和绿色变革.


Entrepreneurs for Social Impact 

“企业家促进社会影响”致力于扩大全球追求公平和正义的企业, with special emphasis on the Greater Boston area. 在其他社会正义事业中,他们强调了那些为更可持续的未来而努力的公司.

Student Guide to Sustainable Living at Boston College

可持续发展办公室创建了这本书,作为电子游戏软件学生团体的参考指南. These guidelines cover recycling on campus, conservation efforts, green cleaning, and how to join Environmental Clubs.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at sustainability@blairekidsarts.net.


Sustainability Guide 3.1

Student Sustainability Guidelines

How to Recycle and Compost

Single-Stream Recycling

Boston College uses single-stream recycling, 这意味着你可以把所有的可回收物品扔进一个垃圾桶,而不需要分类. 但是,在回收之前一定要冲洗容器,不要回收塑料袋.

What Can you Recycle?

Most recyclable items can be placed in single-stream recycling bins, including:

  • Plastics #1-7
  • Glass and plastic bottles
  • Empty, clean cardboard food and drink containers
  • Aluminum cans: soda, tuna, etc.
  • Empty, clean, plastic food containers, etc.
  • Newspapers, magazines, junk mail, cardboard


Why Compost?

Composting helps prevents methane production through aerobic decomposition, reduces dependence on fossil fuels, and reduces landfill waste and incineration. Compost can be turned into a natural fertilizer, adding nutrient-rich soil to the land and promoting biodiversity.

Composting is a lot easier than recycling. Dining staff will compost for you in Corcoran Commons, McElroy Commons, Lyons Hall and Stuart Dining Hall. All food that you haven't eaten goes into the compost bin.

What Can You Compost?

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Bones and fat trimmings
  • Dairy products
  • Eggshells
  • Coffee grounds
  • Paper napkins
  • Tea bags