Welcome to the First Year Hub! As a first year student or family member, FY Hub是您的一站式信息商店,并与校园合作伙伴建立联系,这对于成功过渡到高地至关重要! 你可以按主题过滤,或者只搜索你的问题. 如果你找不到你想要的,不要犹豫,电子游戏软件 bcfye@blairekidsarts.net.

How can we help you?

Item match your criteria


Looking to reflect on your transition to BC? Don't miss out on 48hours: an off-campus weekend experience for first-year students to connect with upperclass mentors and peers about their joys and challenges of navigating college life.

48hours@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3281

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / 48小时
Academic Advising

Workbook Coming Soon




Are you ready to pick your courses? Make sure to carefully read your Academic Planning Workbook -- it will help guide and prepare you for course advising and registration.

aac@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-9259

Academic Support
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / AcademicAdvising

Ascend is a program for first-year women through the Center for Student Formation. Participants have an opportunity to meet new peers, engage in meaningful conversations about life at BC, and connect with upperclass female mentors.

ascend@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-6140

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry / FYE-Resources / search-tags /提升
BC Bookstore

Looking for a new laptop for college? Curious about the books you will need for your classes? Need some BC swag for your wardrobe? The BC Bookstore has you covered for this and so much more.

bc@bkstr.com | 800-978-0978

Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / BC-Bookstore
BC Heights

Want to get the scoop on life at BC? Check out The Heights, BC's independent student newspaper to find out what's happening on and off campus!


Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / BCHeights
BC Library

Need to do research for a paper or project? 使用BC图书馆网站访问电子游戏正规平台数据库, 课程保留或从图书管理员那里得到帮助!


Academic Support
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / BCLibrary
BC Police

The Boston College Police Department works together with the BC community to create a safe and secure campus environment that encourages mutual respect, caring for others and responsible behavior.

non-emergency: 617-552-4440 | emergency: 617-552-4444

Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / BCPD
BC Prereqs

We want Boston College to be a safe and welcoming community for all. To help achieve this all incoming first-year students are required to complete four online courses: AlcoholEdu, DiversityEdu, Mental Well-Being, and Sexual Assault Prevention.

bcsa@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-8600

Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / BCPrereqs
Campus Ministry

Shaped by the University’s Jesuit, Catholic tradition—Campus Ministry programs invite participants to recognize and respond to the call of God in their lives by supporting ongoing spiritual and religious growth and challenging individuals to commit to a life of prayer and service to others.

ministry@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3475

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / CampusMinistry
Campus Rec

Looking for a way to stay physically active? BC Rec has all you need from team sports to fitness classes to athletic facilities, including the new Margot Connell Recreation Center.

campusrec@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-0797

Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / CampusRec
Career Center

The Career Center can assist with more than just finding a job after graduation. 查看他们的网站,了解专业和职业探索资源和项目,这些资源和项目可以为你指明在BC大学和以后有意义的道路.

career.center@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3430

Academic Support
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / CareerCenter
Compass Mentoring Program

Compass is a mentoring program specifically designed for first year students of color at BC. Participants will have an opportunity to meet other AHANA peers, engage in meaningful conversations around transition to BC, and connect with upperclass mentors.

bccompass@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3281

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / Compass-Mentoring-Program
Connors Family Learning Center

The Connors Family Learning Center is here to support your academic success. 他们为有学习障碍的学生提供辅导、技能讲习班和特殊服务.

Tutoring Appointments: 617-552-0611

Academic Support
Tutoring Apponitments: 617-552-0611
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / ConnorsFamilyLearningCenter
Core Curriculum

Open only to first-year students, the interdisciplinary Core courses - Complex Problems and Enduring Questions - probe compelling contemporary issues and explore subjects crucial to the human experience.

core@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-1297

Academic Support

Cornerstone courses at BC are small, 以讨论为基础的研讨会,让你了解作为教授和学术顾问的教员.

Academic Support
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags /基石
Counseling Services

Transition can be tough. 大学心理咨询服务(UCS)提供专业和保密的心理健康服务,帮助学生克服他们的挑战.


Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / CounselingServices
Dining Services

Curious about dining on The Heights? Learn about BC's dining halls, including schedules, menus, meal plans, and where you can use your Eagle bucks!

bcdining@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-2263

Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / DiningServices
Disability Services

Disability Services empowers students with medical, physical, psychological, and temporary disabilities to achieve their educational, career, and personal goals.

student.support@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3470

Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / DisabilityServices
Division of Student Affairs

Student Affairs is home to 15 offices that provide countless programs and services promoting student learning, health and wellness, leadership development, and community engagement.

bcsa@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-8600

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / DivisionofStudentAffairs
Freshmen League

The Freshmen League is a program designed for first-year men at BC through the Center for Student Formation. Participants have regular meetings with two upperclassmen leaders who will help them learn the ropes of BC and get off campus to experience the city of Boston.

frleague@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-6140

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / Freshmen-League
Gold Pass

Hey Superfan! 黄金通行证是BC学生参加所有老鹰队常规赛的门票. 您可以使用该应用程序轻松访问每个游戏.

617-552-GoBC (4622)

Getting Involved
Information Technology Services

You might be wondering how to get technologically plugged into BC and gain access to virtual tools like Agora, Canvas and the VPN... Our friends in ITS can get you started and answer your BC tech questions.

help.center@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-4357

Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags /信息技术服务
International Student Orientation

Run by the Office of International Students and Scholars, International Student Orientation will help you navigate the transition to BC as an international student.

bcis@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-8005

Transitioning to BC
Multifaith Opportunities

Home to student groups celebrating a wide range of faith traditions, the Multi-Faith Center welcomes you to celebrate your own faith, as well as to learn more about cultures and backgrounds unfamiliar to you.

ministry@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3475

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry / FYE-Resources / search-tags /多信仰
Office of International Students and Scholars

Visit the Office of International Students and Scholars to find information on navigating the transition to BC as an international student, visas, and International Student Orientation.

bcis@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-8005

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / OfficeofInternationalStudentsScholars
Office of Student Involvement

With more than 300 student organizations to choose from, OSI is one of the many stops you can make to connect to opportunities to get involved, develop leadership skills and make a difference on campus and beyond.

osi@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3480

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / OfficeofStudentInvolvement
Parents Weekend

In order to keep our focus on providing a robust and safe experience for our students this fall, we have had to make some difficult decisions around non-academic gatherings. Therefore, Boston College will not be holding a traditional,in-person experience for Parents Weekend this year. We are planning some virtual offerings to bring our parent community together and will be sharing news of those in the coming weeks. 

parentsweekend@blairekidsarts.net | 866-237-1120

Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / Parents-Weekend
Residential Life - Transitions

Visit the Office of Residential Life for move in dates, housing forms, packing lists, and virtual tours of BC's first year residence halls.

reslife@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3060

Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / ResidentialLifeTransitions
Robsham Theater Arts Center

Don't miss out on the rich theater scene at BC! 在罗布舍姆戏剧艺术中心,你可以买到各种各样的演出和制作的门票.


Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / RobshamTheaterArtsCenter
Shuttle and Transportation

Need to get from Newton to Upper Campus? Learn about the BC shuttle routes, schedules, and download the real time bus locator - the TransLoc app.

shuttle@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-0151

Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / ShuttleTransportation
Student Outreach and Support Services

Student Outreach and Support Services is committed to the growth of well-rounded and healthy individuals and in particular provides support to students who identify as LGBTQ, connecting them with campus support services.

student.support@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3470

Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / StudentOutreachandSupportServices
Student Services

The Office of Student Services is a one-stop service for students. Look there for the Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Employment, Student Accounts, Student Loans, and Credit and Collections offices.

studentservices@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3300 or 800-294-0294

Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags /学生服务
Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center

The Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (BAIC) supports the undergraduate community—with a particular focus on AHANA (people of African, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American descent), multicultural, multiracial, and OTE students—in navigating college life and fulfilling their potential.

bowmancenter@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3358

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags /北汽
Transfer Students

Transferring to Boston College? Be sure to check out Undergraduate Government of Boston College's (UGBC)Transfer Student Guide to help in your transition to the heights!

bcfye@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3281

Transitioning to BC
Undergraduate Government of Boston College

The Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) is BC's student government body. Created to enrich the lives of students, its purpose is to serve students' interests and to help cultivate an engaged and caring student community.

bcsa@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-8600

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / UGBC
University Health Services

Do you have questions about immunization forms or about the student health insurance plan? Or are you on campus and not feeling well? 大学保健处支持学生的保健需求,并为他们诊断和治疗身体疾病, emotional, and/or transitional concerns.


Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / UniversityHealthServices
Volunteer and Service Learning Center

"Men and Women for Others" is a phrase that embodies the Volunteer & Service Learning Center's (VSLC) mission. The VSLC supports students looking for volunteering opportunities in the Boston area by providing advice, resources, and opportunities to serve.

vslc@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-1317

Getting Involved
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / VSLC
Welcome Week

Weeks of Welcome will connect you with opportunities, offices and people on campus to help in your transition to the Heights. Be sure to download the app to view the full event schedule!

bcsa@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-8600

Transitioning to BC
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / WelcomeWeek
Women's Center

The Women’s Center supports, educates, and empowers students of all genders. Valuing personal agency and strong community, the Center works to cultivate leadership, authentic relationships, and awareness of intersectional social justice issues.

women@blairekidsarts.net | 617-552-3489

Health, Wellness, and Safety
公元前:办公室/ Mission-Ministry FYE-Resources / search-tags / WomensCenter

我们在这里帮助你尽可能无缝地过渡到大学, 这样你就能把精力集中在重要的事情上. Check out the resources above to get started.