
感谢您对暑期学生教职员的职位感兴趣. The 2024 暑期学生教职员 application has closed, and we are no longer taking applications. 我们不期望有更多的职位空缺, 因为我们已经有一个很大的备用游泳池,请随时联系 summerhousing@blairekidsarts.net 如果你有其他问题.


社区助理:  社区助理负责保持一个好客的环境, 积极的, 在大厅里随处可见, 主要作为随叫随到和紧急反应能力. 社区助理 will provide support and be a resource for the BC summer student residents as well as the summer camps and conference guests that are utilizing the residence halls during the summer months. CAs will conduct evening rounds 通过out all residence halls that are occupied by summer guests to address any facilities, 个人, 群体需求. 

职位的承诺: 每周平均轮班2-3次, monthly day-time meetings with supervisor and CA team; Wednesday May 15, 2024 -星期日, 8月11日, 2024.

补偿: 该职位提供校内住宿.

暑期营运助理:  暑期营运助理s are responsible for serving as customer service associates addressing all components of on-campus housing for BC students and summer guests. 这可以包括, 但不限于, serving as administrative support in the 住宅生活 Summer Welcome Center or 住宅生活 Office in Maloney Hall, 为即将到来和即将离开的团体/学生准备宿舍. 具体地说, 协助客人在指定地点办理入住/退房, 准备和审核钥匙/门禁卡, 并回答暑期嘉宾/学生的电话和面对面的问题.  夏季业务助理还负责准备房间供入住, 包括但不限于铺床, 提供化妆品, 重置家具, 解决设施问题. 暑期营运助理s must maintain a 积极的 attitude and deliver a high level of customer service to students and guests at all times.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - Thursday, August 22, 2024

补偿: 该职位提供校内住宿和小时工资.

暑期行动协调员: The 夏季行动协调员s serve as leaders and supervisors to the 暑期营运助理s (SOA). 夏季运营协调员将创建和维护员工时间表, 协助培训员工, 以及日常任务的管理. They will assist and co-manage the responsibilities of the Operations Assistants which include, 但不限于, administrative support in the 住宅生活 Summer Welcome Center or 住宅生活 Office in Maloney Hall, 为即将到来和即将离开校园的群体做好准备, 布草审核和盘点, 准备和审核钥匙/门禁卡, 和密钥包准备. They serve as customer service associates assisting addressing all components of on-campus housing for BC students and guests with check-in/-out of guests and answering the phone and in-person questions from current or future summer guests/residents. 另外, 夏季行动协调员s are responsible for managing the team in preparing rooms for occupancy, 其中包括但不限于, 协助送洗衣物, 整理床铺, 提供化妆品, 重置家具, 解决设施问题. 夏季行动协调员s must maintain a 积极的 attitude and deliver a high level of customer service to students and guests at all times, 解决员工在客户服务方面的任何问题.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Wednesday May 15, 2023-Friday August 23, 2024

补偿: 该职位提供校内住宿和小时工资.

设备人员:  The 设施人员 is responsible for the maintenance of all furniture in the residence halls 通过out the summer months and up to Fall opening. The professional 住宅生活 设施 team oversees the day to day operations of the student facilities crew, 所有人都密切合作,以支持和满足夏季住房计划的入住时间表. 整个夏天的许多项目都是时间敏感的. 这项工作包括逐个房间进行盘点, 检查, and replacement of furniture or blinds in all student living spaces and common area lounges within all residence halls. 除了家具更换, the team will assist with  distributing furniture from a central warehouse and storage rooms to the residence halls. The facilities crew will collaborate with the 暑期营运助理s and 住宅生活 Resident Director staff to execute tasks associated with summer camps and conference groups.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Wednesday May 15, 2023-Friday August 23, 2024

补偿: 该职位提供校内住宿和小时工资.

住宿生活特别项目协调员: The ResLife特别项目协调员 will work directly with an Assistant or Associate Director of Residential Education or Housing Operations to complete necessary projects associated with summer operations, 或者为秋季学期做计划. 视部门需要而定, 协调员将被要求计划和执行部门的各种举措. 这些项目可以包括但不限于:

  • 协助房屋预订, 空间的变化, 以及夏秋季学期的其他住房分配过程. 
  • 协助预订夏季住房, ensuring they are accurate and collaborate to generate appropriate housing billing statements for current students and summer groups. 
  • 协助生活学习社区的住房申请, 市场营销和招聘, 审查和选择这些社区的候选人.
  • Assist with the organization and management of the Summer Orientation housing tours and 信息al resource fairs, 以及回答学生/家庭关于住房的问题. 
  • 协助计划、准备和执行暑期员工培训. 


职位的承诺: On average 35 hours per week; Wednesday May 15, 2024- Friday August 9, 2024.

补偿: 该职位提供校内住宿和小时工资.


电子游戏软件经验(BCE)项目助理(PA): The BCE课程助理(PA) works directly with and oversees BCE high school-age students (14-18 years old) by creating a safe and hospitable environment conducive to an academically productive experience. 这包括提供监督, 信息, 建议, 纪律, 策划和领导社会活动. PAs will provide leadership within the residential living community 通过 engaging with students, 指导, 通过调解室友之间的矛盾,让学生适应大学宿舍生活, 教育学生关于住宿政策等等. PAs are tasked with guiding the day-to-day experience of BCE students by getting to know them. PAs必须是可访问的, 平易近人, and respond to BCE students and abide by the BCE program handbook and 电子游戏软件’s policies and guidance for managing minors on-campus. 候选人必须愿意与高中生(14-18岁)交流. 希望在晚上和周末工作. The PA role is both independent and collaborative; PAs will need to work with each other as well as independently to accomplish tasks.

职位的承诺: On average 29 hours per week; Sunday, June 16, 2024 - Saturday, August 3, 2024.

补偿: 该职位提供校内住宿,膳食计划,洗衣分配和小时工资.

BCE项目协调员: The BCE项目协调员 co-supervise and work with the BCE项目助理 (PAs) to oversee the day-to-day operations of the residence hall, 计划规划, 学生远足, 以及BCE学生的健康. PC负责确保遵守安全规范, 未成年人保护政策, 以及电子游戏软件宿舍的政策和程序. They are responsible for creating a safe and hospitable environment conducive to an academically productive experience. 这包括提供监督, 信息, 建议, 纪律, 并策划和领导整个项目的社会活动. 委员会将协助协调大型方案拟订活动, 领导和策划校外学生游览活动, 解决学生纪律问题, and maintaining an 平易近人 presence in the community that ensures the safety of all BCE students.个人电脑按随叫随到轮流服务. 候选人必须愿意与高中年龄的学生(14-18岁)联系. 希望在晚上和周末工作. 这个职位需要很好的团队合作精神, 有效的计划, 组织, 以及对细节的敏锐关注.

职位的承诺: On average 40 hours per week; Sunday, June 2, 2024 -Saturday, August 3, 2024.

补偿: 该职位提供校内住宿,膳食计划,洗衣分配和小时工资.   
