

Designed specifically for non-management students, 催化剂计划为管理职能领域提供了坚实而广泛的基础.

Application open until March 15, 2024

Eight weeks that will change what's possible.

Management Skills 

学习组织如何运作和发展管理技能,以促进复杂的, not-for-profit, business, and government entities. 

Real Courses, Real Credit


Career Support

通过雇主小组讨论和技能评估会议,制定职业战略来建立你的个人品牌, writing résumés and business letters, interviewing, and effective networking.

Résumé Booster

在竞争激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出,获得实习和全职职位,并通过暑期课程提高证书, including Excel, and exposure to programming languages.


At a Glance

How long is the program?

The Catalyst Program is an intensive, 全日制暑期课程,为期八周,从五月开始,七月结束. 

How many courses & credits?

Students take three full, graded courses that include Financial Accounting, Marketing Principles, 以及他们对金融基础或商业法的选择. Students receive 11 credits upon completion of the program. 

Is there a career element?

As part of the program, 所有学生都参加职业实习,涵盖广泛的商业管理主题,包括Excel, Big Data, and career preparation. 

Faculty & Staff

Thomas Wesner

Thomas Wesner

Business Law & Society

Thomas Wesner

Business Law & Society

Director of Carroll School’s Summer Management Catalyst Program, an intensive, full-time, 为期8周的课程,旨在为非商业学生在管理的功能和关键领域打下坚实而广泛的基础, September 2016-present.

发起并帮助管理高度复杂的诉讼,其中包括成功追回属于约翰·亚当斯总统遗产的信托资产的诉讼. The case resulted in a multi million-dollar judgment, 2014年,马萨诸塞州最高司法法院维持了这一判决. The case, Woodward v. City of Quincy, SJC-11390, addressed legal issues involving trusts, charitable trusts, investments, trustee's accounts, forensic accounting, damages, breach of fiduciary duty, interest awards, the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act, governmental immunity, municipal corporations, and waiver.


Jon Kerbs

Jon Kerbs


Jon Kerbs


Jon Kerbs's areas of expertise include branding, product management, sales promotion, advertising, marketing strategy, business development, digital marketing, public relations, retail marketing, and product development. In addition to teaching, 他为寻求解决进入市场问题的组织提供咨询,并为财富500强公司提供领导力培训.

Rob James

Rob James


Rob James


Professor Robert F. James teaches Fundamentals of Finance, Corporate Finance, and Investments at the undergraduate level, and Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Financial Markets & Instruments, and  Investments at the graduate level.

John Neale

John Neale

Excel Module

John Neale

Excel Module

Professor John J. 自2013年以来,尼尔一直是卡罗尔学院的一员. 他教授运营和供应链管理课程, management science, and sports analytics. 2016年,约翰在本科教学中获得了卡罗尔学院的考夫林教师优秀奖. 

Edward Taylor

Edward Taylor

Financial Accounting

Edward Taylor

Financial Accounting

自1986年以来,爱德华·泰勒一直在电子游戏软件教授各种会计和税务课程,包括本科生和电子游戏正规平台生. 他是一名注册会计师,并在毕马威国际会计师事务所工作了五年.  

Drew Barksdale

Drew Barksdale

Career Advisor

Drew Barksdale

Career Advisor

德鲁·巴克斯代尔(Drew Barksdale)毕业于卡罗尔学校,主修经济和金融双学位. 他是大学橄榄球队的前奖学金运动员. His work experience scopes across various industries (O&G、工业和金融服务)和学科(销售、企业融资、 & M&A). Barksdale是一个充满激情的自我激励者,渴望指导和指导电子游戏软件的学生.

In his role, Drew focuses on coaching students, nurturing and developing new corporate relationships, and teaching a pre-professional development course, Career Accelerator.

Madeline Cortes

Madeline Cortes

Career Advisor

Madeline Cortes

Career Advisor

玛德琳·科尔特斯是卡罗尔学校2017届的毕业生. 她主修商业分析和市场营销,辅修信仰、和平与正义. 她的专业经验包括在Epsilon担任产品和内容营销的角色. At Boston College, Cortes advises undergrads, especially in marketing and business analytics, and teaches Career Accelerator.

Student Perspectives

Student Voices



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