Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

我们的社会是一个以科学为中心,追求科学真理的社会. 我们由科学家组成, staff, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students of the Boston College Biology Department and the Biology Graduate Program, 我们因为对电子游戏正规平台的共同热情而团结在一起, 生物科学方面的教学和指导. We recognize that this passion will be most fully realized in an environment and a community that embraces and supports the full spectrum of human diversity, and we further believe that scientific discovery and the establishment of fundamental scientific truths is a global, human enterprise that must be free of prejudice and discrimination in order to achieve its greatest potential and to be of maximum benefit to humankind.

For these reasons, we strive to create and consistently maintain a working community that:

  • 是欢迎和包容的
  • implements strategies to ensure equity in the recruiting and treatment of all our students, staff, 科学家和教职员工
  • extends beyond our institution to encompass our extended family of colleagues and collaborators from around the world
  • 只需要我们对共同激情的承诺
  • 是丰富了许多和不同的个人, ethnic, cultural, 种族和哲学上的差异构成了一个人类种族

我们希望我们的社区, 欢迎所有和我们一样热爱科学的人, will grow and thrive and in collaboration with similar research communities around the world, will contribute in its own way to the elimination of prejudice and the advancement of science for the benefit of all.

DEI Resources at BC


OID Programs

The Office for Institutional Diversity offers a series of programs to advance and sustain the University's culture of diversity, equity, 以及对所有社区成员的包容.

Thrive @ BC

不仅仅是帮助你成功,我们还想帮助你茁壮成长. 查找有关无障碍住宿的联系信息和指导, 奖学金的机会, 哺乳期资源, 对退伍军人的支持, and more.

DEI Committee

Maitreyi Das

Maitreyi Das

DEI Chair
Associate Professor

Maitreyi Das

Maitreyi Das

DEI Chair

Associate Professor

Emrah Altindis

Emrah Altindis


Emrah Altindis

Emrah Altindis


David Burgess

David Burgess


David Burgess

David Burgess


Sarah McMenamin

Sarah McMenamin

Associate Professor

Sarah McMenamin

Sarah McMenamin

Associate Professor

Irem Ozkan

Irem Ozkan

Ph.D. Candidate

Irem Ozkan

Irem Ozkan

Ph.D. Candidate

Diane Butera

Diane Butera


Diane Butera

Diane Butera



而我们作为个体, as a committee, and as a department cannot “solve” the bias and discrimination of our society, 我们将努力促进多样性, 在我们自己的社区内公平和包容. It is our goal to facilitate conversations within our department about inclusiveness and belonging, 提高对种族主义的认识, sexism, 以及其他形式的歧视, and to promote discussions that can help us grow as a more diverse and inclusive community. This periodic newsletter will serve as a forum where we can stay connected and engaged in issues of equity. We will spotlight resources that can help us add to our anti-discrimination toolkits as individuals and as a department. 在这段时间里,你会感到疏离和孤立, it is our hope that this newsletter will be a community space for us to affirm and build our shared values.

National Resources & Associations

Periodicals & Articles