Morrissey College Internship Approval

Morrissey College Internship Approval

实习可以为本科生提供一个探索职业可能性的机会, apply academic knowledge to real-world challenges, and develop professional skills and habits. 学生们应该引导他们独特的寻找实习机会,并可以选择与学校合作 Career Center as they investigate possible internship opportunities. 学生可以在秋季或春季学期或夏季申请获得实习经验的学分.

Students in lab

莫里西文理学院的本科生有资格获得最多三个, pass/fail, 实习学分将计入毕业所需的120学分,只要总及格/不及格学分不超过18个. 这些实习学分不计入主修、辅修或大学核心要求. Upon internship approval, the student will be enrolled for UNAS4197 Internship One, UNAS4198 Internship Two, 或UNAS4199实习期3个,实习期为一个学期. 学生的第一个暑期实习学分(UNAS4197)不承担学费. 选择获得第二次(UNAS4198)或第三次(UNAS4199)暑期实习学分的学生将在暑期实习期间按学时收费.

我们鼓励暑期实习的学生考虑就业中心的建议 Praxis Summer Program in order to enhance their internship experience, 通过反思和加强他们正在发展的技能.

实习主管出具书面证明,证明学生顺利完成实习职责, 及格成绩将记录在学生的成绩单上.  如果学生没有履行实习经历的责任, a failing grade will be recorded. With written approval of the internship supervisor, 参加一学分实习的学生可以通过大学的退课程序退出实习, subject to the standard deadline. 在这种情况下,学生的成绩单上将记录W.

被批准在莫里西艺术学院实习获得一个学分 & Sciences, students must:

  1. Commit to a minimum of 50 hours to the internship experience
  2. Complete the Internship Approval process including the Internship Information & Supervisor’s Approval form
  3. 你还没有获得总共3个1学分的实习和/或18个合格/不合格学分吗

关于莫里西艺术学院实习学分的进一步问题 & Sciences, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Bracher at


Internship Approval

Career Center


Eagle Intern Fellowship

Frequently Asked Questions
