
副总统, 松庄园学生成功电子游戏正规平台所执行主任乔伊·摩尔和莫里西艺术与科学学院院长格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔, S.J. were named co-directors of 电子游戏软件’s Forum for Racial Justice in America, a University-wide initiative designed to 提供一个倾听的聚会场所, 对话, greater understanding about race and racism in America.

Executive Director of the Pine Manor Institute for Student Success



Executive Director of the Pine Manor Institute for Student Success







  1. 提供一个倾听的聚会场所,对话, greater understanding about race and racism in our country, especially ideas for dealing with current challenges and planning for a better future; and 
  2. serve as a catalyst for bridging differences regarding race in America, 促进和解, 鼓励新的观点.
罗伊·L. 奥斯丁小.先生.
罗伊·L. 奥斯丁小.先生.
副总统 of Civil Rights, Deputy General Counsel at Meta
罗伊·L. 奥斯丁小.先生.

罗伊·L. 奥斯丁小.先生.

副总统 of Civil Rights, Deputy General Counsel at Meta

罗伊·L. 奥斯丁小. is vice president of Civil Rights and deputy general counsel at Meta.  He was previously a partner with the law firms of Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP和McDermott Will & Emery where he primarily practiced criminal defense, civil, civil rights litigation.  他还曾担任美国司法部民权司和华盛顿特区美国检察官办公室的检察官,并担任白宫国内政策委员会城市事务办公室奥巴马总统的副助理, 正义与机会. 

丹妮尔米. 布朗先生.
丹妮尔米. 布朗先生.
丹妮尔米. 布朗先生.

丹妮尔米. 布朗先生.

哈利E. 杜梅,Ph值.D., 2009年
哈利E. 杜梅,Ph值.D., 2009年
President of the College of Our Lady of the Elms
哈利E. 杜梅,Ph值.D., 2009年

哈利E. 杜梅,Ph值.D., 2009年

President of the College of Our Lady of the Elms

Dr. Harry Dumay is president of the College of Our Lady of the Elms.  他曾为国际高等教育和经济发展相关项目提供咨询. Dr. Dumay is a Board member for the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). 他是新英格兰高等教育委员会(NECHE)的前任委员和财务主管,也是NECHE财务和招生委员会年度报告的成员. Dr. Dumay还担任董事会成员, 财务主管, Member of the Executive Committee for the Association of Colleges of St. 约瑟夫. He serves on several other boards including Endicott College, Western Massachusetts Economic Development Council, 教皇弗朗西斯预备学校, Build Health International, 国际健康公平组织, the Haiti Development Institute at the Boston Foundation. 从2004年到2006年,博士. 杜梅曾担任电子游戏软件金融、电子游戏正规平台和行政副院长.

电子游戏软件 Trustee, Diversity Consultant


电子游戏软件 Trustee, Diversity Consultant

丽丝Leist是一名多元化顾问,在专业培训和教练行业有着丰富的工作经验. Her expertise is in Nonprofit Organizations, 战略规划, 公众演讲, 管理, 和程序开发.  自2016年以来,她一直致力于在教育和信仰社区中培养跨文化对话.  她于1973年获得Pine Manor College的副学士学位和Manhattanville College的学士学位.  She also received a Diversity 管理 Certification from Cornell University.  

Brien O’Brien, CSOM ’80, Parent ’11, ’18, 电子游戏软件 Trustee
Brien O’Brien, CSOM ’80, Parent ’11, ’18, 电子游戏软件 Trustee
Brien O’Brien, CSOM ’80, Parent ’11, ’18, 电子游戏软件 Trustee

Brien O’Brien, CSOM ’80, Parent ’11, ’18, 电子游戏软件 Trustee


Brien O’Brien, 港口资本有限责任公司董事长兼首席执行官. As CEO, he is responsible for the overall management and strategy of the firm. Prior to establishing Port Capital in 2015, Brien co-founded and spent 25 years as Chairman and CEO of a $12.5 billion investment management firm based in Chicago and invested across global markets. Brien graduated with honors from 电子游戏软件 with a B.S. 金融学和神学. He is the Chair of the Board of the University of Chicago Medical Center. 他还是芝加哥大学执行委员会的成员,并担任受托人.  Brien is also a member of the National Park Foundation. Brien O 'Brien是Port Capital(一家全国知名的投资公司)的董事长兼首席执行官.  He previously served as chairman and CEO of investment firm Advisory 电子游戏正规平台, Inc.从1996年到2014年. Brien is the chair of the board of the University of Chicago Medical Center.

M. 李·佩尔顿博士.D.
M. 李·佩尔顿博士.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Boston Foundation
M. 李·佩尔顿博士.D.

M. 李·佩尔顿博士.D.

President and Chief Executive Officer of the Boston Foundation

Lee Pelton is the president and chief executive officer of the Boston Foundation, one of the nation’s leading philanthropic organizations, 与1美元.60亿的资产.  他于2021年6月加入基金会, 毕业于爱默生学院, where he had served as president since 2011.  Prior to Emerson, he served as president of Willamatte University from 1998-2011.  Dr. Pelton began his professional academic career at Harvard University.  从哈佛毕业后,他曾担任科尔盖特大学和达特茅斯学院的院长.  Dr. Pelton is the chair of the Boston Racial Equity Fund; he was appointed to this position by then-Mayor Marty Walsh in 2020.  He is a trustee of WGBH and the Barr Foundation.  他也是主席 名誉 波士顿艺术学院基金会, 他是“面对历史和我们自己”以及马萨诸塞州黑人经济委员会的前理事.  Dr. Pelton has received numerous honors in recognition of his civic leadership. In 2020, 他入选了大波士顿商会的杰出波士顿人学院, received the Eos Foundation Racial Justice Award, 并被当时的州长查理·贝克选为马萨诸塞州人文学科州长奖得主.  In 2021, 他获得了马萨诸塞州非裔美国人历史博物馆颁发的活着的传奇奖, the Robert Coard Distinguished 领导 Medal from the Urban College of Boston. Dr. Pelton earned a BA from 威奇托州立大学 in 1974, a Ph.D. 1984年从哈佛大学毕业.  He has received honorary degrees from the Urban College of Boston, 威奇托州立大学, 和东京国际大学. 

Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd, MCAS ’05, LAW ’08, HON ‘22
Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd, MCAS ’05, LAW ’08, HON ‘22
Humble Rising LLC创始人
Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd, MCAS ’05, LAW ’08, HON ‘22

Arivee Vargas Rozier-Byrd, MCAS ’05, LAW ’08, HON ‘22

Humble Rising LLC创始人


Arivee是一名律师、播客主持人、女性认证高管教练、演说家,也是三个孩子的母亲.  She’s the Founder of Humble Rising LLC, 它的目的是让女性专业人士意识到自己的内在价值,并利用自己的力量,毫无愧悔地按照自己的方式设计生活和事业.  Arivee女性教练, first-generation and women of color professionals in particular, 在个人和职业的拐点上,对自己前进的方向和原因要清晰而自信, so they can experience more personal alignment, 他们生活中的满足和快乐. 她的书名为 你的崛起时间:忘掉限制你的信念,释放你的力量,释放你最真实的自己 会在2025年1月上映吗.

Arivee is also the host of the Humble Rising Podcast, 旨在通过采访专家和励志女性分享她们的故事,并提供听众可以在自己的生活中应用的可行策略,帮助有色人种女性驾驭我们的个人和职业生活. Arivee offers her own life and career coaching tips and strategies, including how she has navigated and has helped others through career and life transitions, placing self-care and wellbeing as a top priority, 作为第一代拉丁裔, 还要兼顾工作和家庭. 

此前,Arivee曾在两家全球律师事务所担任诉讼律师,其中包括世界上最大的律师事务所. 她曾在联邦地区法院担任法律助理,为马萨诸塞州第一位非洲裔女联邦法官和第一巡回法院第一位非洲裔女法官服务. 阿里维还在电子游戏软件卡罗尔管理学院(电子游戏软件’s Carroll School of 管理)担任了三年的商法讲师.

在一家律师事务所实习之后, Arivee held several roles at a fast-paced, 使命驱动的波士顿生物技术公司. 她曾担任内部法律顾问和反贿赂和反腐败项目的全球负责人, among other roles in the Legal and Compliance department. Arivee later joined Human 资源, becoming the global head of employee relations. She then led senior leader development, 高管培训, 还有一些举措侧重于加速现有和未来高级领导人的成长.

Arivee is passionate about serving her community. 在电子游戏软件, she serves as the Vice Chair of the AHANA (African-American, 西班牙/ Latinx, 亚洲, Native American) 校友 Advisory Council, 副总统 of the 校友 Association’s Board of Directors, 并在妇女理事会任职, 以及校董会. She also serves on 电子游戏软件’s 美国种族正义论坛. Arivee is a member of the Board of Trustees of Boston Preparatory Charter Public School, 在管治委员会任职.

在过去的三年里,阿里维一直被评为波士顿的顶级教练,并在 电子游戏软件杂志, 西班牙裔行政杂志, 波士顿商业杂志, 《电子游戏软件》, 成功杂志. 她是多个奖项和认可的获得者,包括被评为 波士顿商业杂志 40 Under 40 (2020) and a Latina leader in 拉美裔高管 杂志(2019). 

Other select awards include the following: Excellence in the Law, Up & Coming Lawyer Honoree by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (2013); 电子游戏软件 John A. Dinneen指出,遍布年代.J. Hispanic 校友 Community Service Award (2014); Massachusetts Super Lawyers Rising Star (2015); Philip J. 少年们,老., 青年校友奖, one of 电子游戏软件’s Distinguished 校友 Volunteer awards (2017); 电子游戏软件’s 40 under 40 Young 校友 Leaders (2017); and 电子游戏软件 Law School’s Recent Graduate Award (2018). 

杰弗里·G. 为什么,MCAS 88, JD 98
杰弗里·G. 为什么,MCAS 88, JD 98
Verrill Dana的合伙人
杰弗里·G. 为什么,MCAS 88, JD 98

杰弗里·G. 为什么,MCAS 88, JD 98

Verrill Dana的合伙人

Geoffrey Why is partner at Verrill Dana, a northeastern law firm with over 120 lawyers. Mr. Why started with the firm in 2016 as counsel. His practice focuses on Telecommunications and Energy. 在加入Verrill之前,Mr. 为什么明茨·莱文的合伙人.

Mr. 为什么曾在马萨诸塞州联邦担任多个职位,包括2009年至2014年担任马萨诸塞州电信和电缆部专员. He began working at the department as a general counsel. Mr. Why also served as an assistant attorney general and an assistant district attorney. Mr. 为什么被《电子游戏正规平台》评为“电信、广播业务领域的美国领先律师” & 卫星.他还在2016年获得了马萨诸塞州亚裔美国律师协会的社区服务奖, 2014年新英格兰公用事业委员会杰出服务奖, 和爱德华·J. 麦考. 2006年获卓越奖.