
的 脉冲 Core Course: Person 和 Social Responsibility I 和 II PHIL1088/THEO1088 和 PHIL1089/THEO1089

This two-semester, twelve-credit course fulfills the entire 哲学 和 神学 Core requirement. Enrollment requires class work in conjunction with ongoing involvement in a 脉冲 Community Partner, requiring a 12-hour-per-week commitment. Community Partners put students in contact with people experiencing the consequences of some form of social injustice. Drawing on traditional 和 contemporary works of philosophy 和 theology, the class engages students in the challenge of self-discovery 和 growth as related to questions of what it means to assume responsibility for overcoming these injustices.

课程 2023-2024

1M w f 11m2或w2TROXELL, M.
4第9条M 10 OR M 12ANOZIE,年代.
7M w f 9M 11 OR M 12克鲁格,M.
10M w f 10W 12 OR F 12克鲁格,M.
1310点半TH 12 OR TH 1:30《电子游戏正规平台》,E.
16第十二章T 11 OR TH 11维斯J.
1910点半F 11 OR F 12MILESKI G.
22第9条T 1:30 OR TH 3SOTOMAYOR, M.
25第十二章W 10 OR W 11ANOZIE,年代.
31M w f 12f10或f1TROXELL, M.
34M w f 12m1或f2北方联盟党J.
37M w f 2M 11 OR M 1HEVELONE, S.
40M w f 12w1或f1HEVELONE, S.
431:30W 12 OR W 1斯奈德,J.
46M w f 10W 11 OR F 11北方联盟党J.

脉冲 Elective 课程

All elective courses in the 脉冲 Program require four or eight weekly hours of service at a local community organization.

PHIL 2233 – Values in Social Service 和 Health Care

教练: David Manzo

的 broadest 任务 of this course is to give perspective 和 offer reflection on your service experiences to date 和 then to help you discern the answer to the question, "What's next?" We will try to accomplish this through 阅读s, lectures, discussions, 和 written assignments. Together we will pursue some of the questions raised by the facts, philosophies 和 statements contained in the 阅读s.

PHIL 2216 – Boston: An Urban Analysis

教练: David Manzo

This course is intended for 脉冲 students who are willing to investigate, 分析, 和 underst和 the history, 问题, 和 prospects of Boston's neighborhoods. Community service at a 脉冲 placement is required for participation in this course. Assignments will require spending time observing, researching, 和 writing about the neighborhood in which the 脉冲 placement is located.

PHIL 2261 – Telling Truths I: Writing for the Cause of Justice

教练: Kathleen Hirsch; Prerequisite: 哲学 Core Fulfilled

This 脉冲 elective will explore writing as a tool for social change. Students will read 和 experiment with a variety of written forms—fiction, 诗歌, creative non-fiction, 和 journalism—to tell the "truth" as they experience it in their own direct encounters with social injustice. This workshop is intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to the range of literary strategies that social prophets 和 witnesses have used, 和 are using today, to promote the cause of justice.

PHIL 2262 – Telling Truths II: Depth Writing as Service

教练: Alexis Rizzuto; Prerequisite: 哲学 Core Fulfilled

This 脉冲 elective will focus on the power of story-告诉 to achieve justice 和 social liberation. We will read theoretical 和 narrative accounts of the role of story, examine the use of story-告诉 among marginal populations as a means of participating in their own "solutions." We will explore the benefits 和 liabilities of social media in emerging change movements. Students will engage in story gathering, 告诉, 和 analysis, through their 脉冲 placements 和 class discussion, producing a collection of original writings. (Telling Truths I is not a prerequisite.)

PHIL 2215 – Telling Truths III: 的 Narratives that Shape Our Lives

教练: Kathleen Hirsch; Prerequisite: 哲学 Core Fulfilled

As we encounter injustice, conflicting visions of “the good,” 和 different moral scales of behavior, 权利, 和 responsibilities, it is essential that we become aware of our own foundational narratives.

What “wisdom stories” shape the way you think about yourself in relation to others? What narratives do you carry into encounters with conditions, 的态度, 和 beliefs that are different from yours?

In this course, students will have a rare opportunity to bring their weekly experience of service into a time of reflection, 和 into relation to some of the core narratives of the great spiritual traditions. We will read modern mystics, 比喻, 和 creative theologians, including: Anne Lamott, Etty Hillesum, Kendrick Lamar, 和 Parker Palmer. 的 conversation will continue as we write in 和 read from our journals, sharing stories 和 questions. Several short writing assignments will occur through the course of the term; a final, longer piece of substantive “spiritual reflection” will give students the chance to synthesize the fruits of observation, 阅读, 和 reflection. 的 aim of the course is to exp和 students’ familiarity with the great narratives of grace 和 forgiveness, 痛苦, 和 hope as they engage in service, 和 to provide a setting in which they can become intentional about adopting narratives that will shape their lives.

THEO 3201 – 的 Meaning 和 Way of Jesus

教练: Meghan Sweeney; Prerequisite: 神学 Core Fulfilled

This course inquires into the meaning of the 任务 of Jesus of Nazareth, the 弥赛亚 or Christ of God. 的 course seeks (1) to probe 和 to clarify those key issues that emerge in the Church’s centuries-long response to the question, "Who was/is Jesus Christ?"  (2) to explore what concretely is at stake in "following Jesus" or in being his disciple. 的 第一个 aim of the course requires a consideration of proper theological matters—divine 和 human natures, the salvific meaning of the ministry, 死亡, 和 resurrection of Jesus; the 第二个 explores the invitation of the gospel ‘to follow’ the way Jesus teaches—a way of compassionate solidarity 和 active commitment to the poor, 滥用, 无家可归的人, 和 excluded. With its emphasis on discipleship or living the "way" Jesus taught, the course seeks to deepen students’ underst和ing of the relation between action 和 reflection, social practice 和 religious faith.

THEO 3202 – Immigration 和 Ethics

教练: Kristin Heyer

This course offers an interdisciplinary examination of contemporary immigration with a primary focus on the U.年代背景. Texts from social scientific, 法律, 和 policy perspectives frame the phenomenon of contemporary migration. 的ological 和 philosophical texts, along with 脉冲 service experiences, illuminate ethical assessments of immigration practices. Special attention will be given to Christian anthropology 和 ethics as resources for analysis as well as the role of 性别 in matters of migration 和 citizenship.

PHIL/THEO 2291 & PHIL/THEO 2292 – 哲学 of Community I & II
PHIL/THEO 2293 & PHIL/THEO 2294 – Culture 和 Social Structures I & II

教练: Meghan Sweeney (Restricted to 脉冲 Council)

This four-semester-long sequence of courses studies community: its structure, power, 和 change. 的 dynamics of community—the interrelatedness 和 interdependence of its various sectors—will be examined by sharing impressions 和 insights. Specific theoretical models of analysis will be studied 和 critiqued. 的 purpose of the course is to begin developing new approaches for learning about social change 和 for building new visions for the direction that a 脉冲 student's responsibility to social change might take.

PHIL 2230 – Mass Incarceration: Philosophical 和 的ological

教练: Marina McCoy; Prerequisite: 哲学 Core Fulfilled

This course will explore 问题 of justice in relation to incarceration in the United States with particular attention to attention to race, social class, 性别, 和 immigration status. Students will read authors writing on the philosophy of race, 性别, 和 class in relation to incarceration, the phenomenology of solitary confinement 和 the concept of "social 死亡," church documents 和 theological works on incarceration, 和 works on restorative justice 和 other models of justice that serves the common good. Catholic Social Justice teachings 和 discussion will also be a part of the course. 的 course will also address interconnections between immigration 和 incarceration. This course will be offered as a 脉冲 elective, in which students undertake four hours per week of service in the City of Boston at institutions such as Suffolk Country Jail 和 non-profits that provide transitional services for returning residents or formerly incarcerated individuals or that advocate for prison reform. 的 脉冲 office will vet 和 coordinate students' placements 和 serve as a liaison with community partners. Satisfies Core requirement for: Cultural Diversity.