
The PULSE Core Course: Person and Social Responsibility I and II PHIL1088/THEO1088 and PHIL1089/THEO1089

This two-semester, twelve-credit course fulfills the entire Philosophy and Theology Core requirement. Enrollment requires class work in conjunction with ongoing involvement in a PULSE Community Partner, 要求每周工作12小时. 社区合作伙伴 put students in contact with people experiencing the consequences of some form of social injustice. 借鉴传统和当代的哲学和神学著作, the class engages students in the challenge of self-discovery and growth as related to questions of what it means to assume responsibility for overcoming these injustices.

课程2023 - 2024

SectionScheduleDisc GroupInstructor
1M W F 11M 2 OR W 2TROXELL, M.
4T TH 9m10或m12ANOZIE, S.
7M W F 9m11或m12KRUGER, M.
10M W F 10w12或f12KRUGER, M.
13T TH 10:3012点或1:30SWEENEY, E.
16T TH 12t11或t11WEISS, J.
19T TH 10:30f11或f12MILESKI, G.
22T TH 91点30分或3点索托马约尔,M.
25T TH 12w10或w11ANOZIE, S.
28T TH 10:30T 12 OR T 3SWEENEY, M.
31M W F 12F 10 OR F 1TROXELL, M.
34M W F 12M 1 OR F 2LEGAS, J.
37M W F 2m11或m1HEVELONE,年代.
40M W F 12W 1 OR F 1HEVELONE,年代.
43T TH 1:30w12或w1SNYDER, J.
46M W F 10w11或f11LEGAS, J.


All elective courses in the PULSE Program require four or eight weekly hours of service at a local community organization.

PHIL 2233 -社会服务和卫生保健的价值


The broadest mission of this course is to give perspective and offer reflection on your service experiences to date and then to help you discern the answer to the question, “下一个是什么?" We will try to accomplish this through readings, lectures, discussions, and written assignments. 我们将共同探讨这些事实所提出的一些问题, 阅读材料中包含的哲学和观点.

PHIL 2216 -波士顿:城市分析


本课程是为愿意调查的PULSE学生开设的, analyze, 了解历史, problems, 以及波士顿社区的前景. Community service at a PULSE placement is required for participation in this course. 作业需要花时间观察, 电子游戏正规平台, and writing about the neighborhood in which the PULSE placement is located.

PHIL 2261 -讲真话I:为正义而写作

Instructor: Kathleen Hirsch; Prerequisite: Philosophy Core Fulfilled

这门PULSE选修课将探索写作作为社会变革的工具. 学生将阅读和实验各种书面形式的小说, poetry, 创造性的非小说类, and journalism—to tell the "truth" as they experience it in their own direct encounters with social injustice. This workshop is intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to the range of literary strategies that social prophets and witnesses have used, 并在今天使用, 促进正义事业.

PHIL 2262 -讲真话II:深度写作作为服务

Instructor: Alexis Rizzuto; Prerequisite: Philosophy Core Fulfilled

This PULSE elective will focus on the power of story-telling to achieve justice and social liberation. 我们将阅读关于故事角色的理论和叙述, examine the use of story-telling among marginal populations as a means of participating in their own "solutions." We will explore the benefits and liabilities of social media in emerging change movements. 学生将参与故事收集, telling, 和分析, 通过他们的PULSE实习和课堂讨论, 收集原创作品的. (说真话不是先决条件.)

PHIL 2215 -讲述真相III:塑造我们生活的叙事

Instructor: Kathleen Hirsch; Prerequisite: Philosophy Core Fulfilled

当我们遇到不公正时, 对“善”的不同看法,以及不同的道德行为尺度, rights, 和责任, 我们必须意识到我们自己的基本叙述.

What “wisdom stories” shape the way you think about yourself in relation to others? 你会带着什么样的叙述去面对这些情况呢, attitudes, 以及与你不同的信仰?

在本课程中, students will have a rare opportunity to bring their weekly experience of service into a time of reflection, and into relation to some of the core narratives of the great spiritual traditions. 我们将阅读现代神秘主义者, parables, 以及创造神学家, 包括:安妮·拉莫特, Etty Hillesum, 肯德里克拉马尔, 帕克·帕尔默. 在我们写日记和读日记的过程中,对话还会继续, 分享故事和问题. Several short writing assignments will occur through the course of the term; a final, longer piece of substantive “spiritual reflection” will give students the chance to synthesize the fruits of observation, reading, 和反射. The aim of the course is to expand students’ familiarity with the great narratives of grace and forgiveness, suffering, 当他们从事服务时,希望, and to provide a setting in which they can become intentional about adopting narratives that will shape their lives.

THEO 3201 -耶稣的意义和道路

教练:梅根·斯威尼; Prerequisite: Theology Core Fulfilled

本课程探讨的是……的意义 person and mission 拿撒勒人耶稣的 Messiah or 神的基督. The course seeks (1) to probe and to clarify those key issues that emerge in the Church’s centuries-long response to the question, “耶稣基督是谁??" and (2) to explore what concretely is at stake in "following Jesus" or in being his disciple. The first aim of the course requires a consideration of proper theological matters—divine and human natures, 这事工的救赎意义, death, and resurrection of Jesus; the second explores the invitation of the gospel ‘to follow’ the way Jesus teaches—a way of compassionate solidarity and active commitment to the poor, abused, homeless, 和排除. 它强调门徒训练或按照耶稣教导的“方式”生活, the course seeks to deepen students’ understanding of the relation between action 和反射, 社会实践和宗教信仰.

THEO 3202 -移民和道德

指导老师:Kristin Heyer

This course offers an interdisciplinary examination of contemporary immigration with a primary focus on the U.S context. 来自社会科学的文本, legal, 政策视角是当代移民现象的框架. 神学和哲学文本, 以及PULSE服务经验, 阐明移民实践的道德评估. Special attention will be given to Christian anthropology and ethics as resources for analysis as well as the role of gender in matters of migration and citizenship.

菲尔/西奥2291 & PHIL/THEO 2292 -社区哲学I & II
菲尔/西奥2293 & PHIL/THEO 2294 -文化与社会结构1 & II

教练:梅根·斯威尼 (只限律政会使用)

This four-semester-long sequence of courses studies community: its structure, power, and change. The dynamics of community—the interrelatedness and interdependence of its various sectors—will be examined by sharing impressions and insights. 具体的分析理论模型将被电子游戏正规平台和批评. The purpose of the course is to begin developing new approaches for learning about social change and for building new visions for the direction that a PULSE student's responsibility to social change might take.

PHIL 2230 -大规模监禁:哲学和神学

Instructor: Marina McCoy; Prerequisite: Philosophy Core Fulfilled

This course will explore problems of justice in relation to incarceration in the United States with particular attention to attention to race, 社会阶层, gender, 移民身份. 学生将阅读作者关于种族哲学的著作, gender, 阶级与监禁的关系, 单独监禁的现象学与“社会死亡”的概念,教会文件和神学著作都是关于监禁的, and works on restorative justice and other models of justice that serves the common good. Catholic Social Justice teachings and discussion will also be a part of the course. The course will also address interconnections between immigration and incarceration. 本课程为PULSE选修课, in which students undertake four hours per week of service in the City of Boston at institutions such as Suffolk Country Jail and non-profits that provide transitional services for returning residents or formerly incarcerated individuals or that advocate for prison reform. The PULSE office will vet and coordinate students' placements and serve as a liaison with community partners. 满足核心要求:文化多样性.