

During the 2020-2021 academic year, the 电子游戏软件 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 for Integrated Science & Society delivered a series of programming and initiatives to recognize environmental racism as a challenge of our time and our campus. 

2021年春季, the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 highlighted and sponsored projects by students and student groups that grapple with race and environmental justice. Undergraduate and graduate students were invited to participate.

项目包括, 但我们并不局限于, short pieces of writing offering a unique perspective or personal reflection on environmental racism, draft op-eds addressing environmental racism and suggesting action to be taken, 视觉媒体解读作品(照片), 视频, 等.), 电子游戏正规平台项目, 数据分析项目, 社区行动计划的文件, 或者创意写作.

学生 were invited you to participate in the Challenge in multiple ways.  

  • Click on the Submit your Project link below to submit your project for consideration to be displayed on the Challenge website. Projects will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a final deadline of May 18, 2021. 接受的项目将被张贴,一旦他们已经审查.

  • Click on the “环境种族主义峰会” link to submit an abstract for the Summit, 在4月23日举行, 2021. 摘要截止日期为2021年4月9日. 更多细节见下文. You are encouraged to submit an abstract for the Summit even if your project will not be completed prior to April 23. Projects that are submitted for the Challenge website can also be submitted for the Env. 种族主义峰会.

See the “项目资助” link below to request funding for your project.


学生挑战赛是由 环境电子游戏正规平台课程学生参与办公室.

学生 are invited to submit requests for funding support for proposed class projects to the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所. Funding is intended to assist with completion of the project and may include supplies, 旅行, 设备, 软件, 电子游戏正规平台成本. Note that support for 旅行 costs will be subject to the most up-to-date public health guidance due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 每个项目最多可获得200美元的资助.

请填写 财政资助提交表格,我们会在5个工作日内回复.


Completed projects (whether funded by Schiller or not) can be submitted to the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所. 经过教师协助的质量保证审查过程, 工作人员, 学生利益相关者, 选定的项目将在这个网页上展示. 请提交您完成的项目通过 已完成项目提交表格.

项目可能包括, 但不限于, short pieces of writing offering a unique perspective or personal reflection on environmental racism, draft op-eds addressing environmental racism and suggesting action to be taken, 视觉媒体解读作品(照片), 视频, 等.), 电子游戏正规平台项目, 数据分析项目, 社区行动计划的文件, 或者创意写作.

学生 are also encouraged to submit an abstract of their project for the 环境种族主义峰会. Please see the “环境种族主义峰会” tab for further details.

The 环境种族主义峰会 will take place on Friday, April 23 from 1-3 PM. 

The Summit will feature student presentations about projects submitted in response to the 席勒学生挑战赛. 海报也将在全天展出. 报告将于下午1:30开始. For those unable to attend in person, the presentations will also be Zoom直播.

The Summit is part of the Earth Day Fair being hosted by the student organization EcoPledge and will take place on Stokes Lawn. 由于COVID-19指南, all attendees of the Fair / Summit will need to register for a time slot prior to entering the lawn. 与会者可以使用此预先注册 注册表单. 你也可以在到达后登记. Please note that all time slots will be capped at 150 registrants.

Attendees should enter the lawn on the side closest to Lyons Hall (from the diagonal sidewalk leading from Stokes Hall towards Fulton Hall). There will be people at the entrance checking to make sure that you've registered. Once you enter there will be tables set up along the lawn for the Fair, which will be attended by 15 different student groups and BC departments that are associated with sustainability. The tables will lead to a tent, which is where the Summit will take place.


The 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 is proud to highlight projects by students and student groups that grapple with race and environmental justice in response to the 席勒学生挑战赛. The projects below are organized based on the class where the project was submitted. This page also includes projects that were on display at the 环境种族主义峰会.

E. 艾伦

环境不公正:COVID-19大流行, 空气污染, 以及马萨诸塞州的其他相关因素

By Elizabeth 艾伦, Environmental Studies and Economics major, 2021届毕业生


Factors that Change Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Women of Reproductive Age in Bangladesh including Grameen Bank Membership (2011)

作者:Kiran Khosla,环境电子游戏正规平台专业,2019级
