
席勒电子游戏正规平台所使命的一个重要组成部分是融合人文与科学. To address this aspect of our mission, we appointed a 桂冠诗人. 第一位席勒桂冠诗人是BC大学的本科生杰西·朱利安. 杰西一直在写美丽,发人深省的诗歌,你可以在下面探索.


trailblazing by jesse julian

Notes on trailblazing - 杰西·朱利安

在成长过程中,我是一个被动的孩子,拒绝对我周围的任何问题采取行动. I was often advised to not “fight fire with fire,” which essentially means to respond to an attack with a similar attack. 然而, 我把这句话变成了一个更令人振奋和激励的短语, provoking people to take action. 我的诗将1月19日的电子游戏正规平台人员描述为“开拓者”,他们对气候变化采取了深刻的行动. This is proven by their commitment to their respective research. 因此,在电子游戏正规平台和询问他们的工作后,我用一节来介绍他们的每个项目. “开拓者”是为了纪念这些“开拓者”选择对抗气候变化的方式, or, “fight fire with fire.——杰西·朱利安

15 by 杰西·朱利安 (read at the January 26, 2023 SI-GECS Symposium)

15 by jesse julian

Notes on 15 - 杰西·朱利安

“‘15’描述了COVID-19大流行对我个人生活的影响, which struck right through the middle of my high school career. It changed the way I interacted with people; the way I learned; how I found entertainment. 适应基于互联网的生活是一场斗争,尤其是对我的心理健康. A decline in mental health was a common adolescent issue amongst my peers; I wanted to reflect this in my poem. 然而, the research performed by Jan. 26th’s symposia brings comfort to this younger generation, 哪一种最终会从大流行的黑暗中崛起,重燃好奇的火花, thanks to the effort made by researchers today.——杰西·朱利安

Modern Magic by 杰西·朱利安

Modern Magic by 杰西·朱利安

Modern Magic Presto-Change-o-Sleight of Hand! (minus tarot-card-decks, half-sawed-women, (兔子帽子戏法)浴和激光雷达躺在指尖-就像一根魔杖的波浪来控制*点击*,你会看到搅动哦哦和啊的运动和神奇的反射光捕获在飞机瞄准的阴影沉积- 地理信息系统分享的愿景是不可思议的, of a modern magician. Image: contains an artful magician’s hat, wand and stars 杰西·朱利安

Notes on Modern Magic - 杰西·朱利安

《电子游戏软件》打动了我,同时我也欣赏地理信息系统的流畅和迷人的复杂性. I sat in Professor Noah Snyder's lab, 欣赏屏幕上迷人的视觉效果,而他的欢迎团队讨论了描绘. They displayed an aura of exciting wonder, 特别是地理信息系统在发展他们的电子游戏正规平台方面的能力.

As a theme, I toyed with the idea of traditional magic. I incorporated references to this language domain; for instance, 短语“Presto Chango”暗指当今现代技术的“快速变化”.

不过,我知道魔术表演看起来有点老土,就像孩子们的生日派对. 地理信息系统, 与此形成鲜明对比的是, was sophisticated, told a factual story, and relied on technological advances, 所以我定义了传统魔术和现代魔术的区别.

点击一下鼠标,查塔胡奇河的每一层都显露出来了, captured by bathymetry and LiDAR. The ease of this captured my attention, 我感觉自己就像一个孩子在看纸牌魔术——除了地理信息系统根本不是幻觉.


the human touch by 杰西·朱利安

conflict clouds and it compounds a viscous mind — it melts, it melts newly born, children's mental health but humanity — a warm wash of sunlight, hold hearts in sticky summer skin — it spills over, a home for healthy habit sustained in a child's heart, 它打败了“Sugira”-“加强”-“muryango”,“家庭在文化技能和支持中获得温暖的微笑和智慧。. 杰西·朱利安

Notes on the human touch - 杰西·朱利安

“人情味”关注的是温暖、舒适的感觉,这种感觉与人性的美好有关. 我的诗以承认冲突(如战争)的复合影响为开始,它对儿童的可塑性认知技能和智力产生了负面影响. 然而,, I believe all humans harness a warmth, 他们有能力触及和触动那些需要帮助的人的心. 见到他们后, 马蒂亚斯和萨拉体现了他们对实施科学富有同情心的奉献精神, 把技能, 支持, and the warmth of the human touch to children.


once upon a time by 杰西·朱利安

童话镇, 未来展开, children playing patients, the world an ugly foe, a fear after resettlement, unstable Neverland, delusion in the limelight, the dreams of Peter Pan, "wish upon a star breath the fair dust," we blur the fact and fiction, but work for what is just, progress past what has aged, 重新开始, the youth must stay engaged, and the future starts with you. 杰西·朱利安

Notes on once upon a time - 杰西·朱利安

"once upon a time" came from a reflection on youth wellbeing, which appeared as a running theme in today's symposia. Although we may only dream that our children could live in a fairy tale, 他们面临着心理健康和移民等流行话题的挑战. 然而, 席勒基金资助人所做的电子游戏正规平台旨在解决和调查这些令人担忧的领域, propelling us towards a better reality for our youth.


once upon a time by 杰西·朱利安

催化, stand opposite us on our Newton's cradle, no silver strikes you in the face, with the energy we waste. 我们碰撞,我们扔,我们碰撞,我们乱扔垃圾,我们碰撞,我们燃烧, under lies of living life, how temporary how fragile how young how wasted. You know I'd hate to fuel the fire, unless we keep it clean. 我们创造、合作、创造、转化、创造、控制和催化创造,没有谎言,只有生活. How strong how energetic how young never wasted. So stand again with Newton's cradle, face the collision of disciplines, the qquantum material, the character of phononics, with no moire to waste, let it strike you in the face. 杰西·朱利安

Notes on 催化 - 杰西·朱利安

无论你是量子物理学家还是好奇的孩子,你都可能对牛顿的摇篮很熟悉. 它通常会静静地坐在桌子上,直到你抓住其中一个银球,让它掉下来, 所有的球体以摇篮般的运动继续碰撞,直到能量流失到周围环境中. Under this metaphor, 人类希望保持宇宙乐观向上的能量, 然而,诸如热浪费或有害碳排放等环境问题导致了我们正在发展的技术和科学的浪费. 然而, 通过跨多个学科的合作,思想的反复碰撞, all present within this symposium, help in catalyzing the creation of a sustainable society.


once upon a time by 杰西·朱利安

沙漏. We catch grains that grace hands, like snowflakes on griddy tongues, building fragile kingdoms for sandmen, burning skin with kisses of sun. We have minds like machines, burt we are mothers to the young, a gravitational pull, to live a life robust in love. It runs within our bodies, systematic we fear to risk it, 我们在实践中肯定我们的思想,用良好的营养来爱我们的身体. In the care of oneself, while the sand remains slipping, we are human in the hourglass of health, and our time is worth ticking. 杰西·朱利安

Notes on 沙漏 - 杰西·朱利安

Sonnets often sing of strong emotions, most popularized by Shakespeare. With a structure and rhyme scheme reminiscent of a sonnet, 《电子游戏正规平台》关注的是人类面对有限生命时的强烈爱与快乐. Whether you are a dreamer or a mental machine, a mother or an adolescent, your health and wellbeing greatly impacts the quality of your life. 作为人类,我们的目标是过上充满爱的健康生活,尽管时间正在流逝. 本次研讨会上以健康为基础的电子游戏正规平台都旨在通过改善人们的日常生活来实现类似的壮举, creating a healthcare system centered on humans.