BC省为通勤者提供首选停车位, 自行车架和供骑自行车者使用的设施, 并且很容易到达MBTA和其他形式的公共交通. 


自行车在校园里是很常见的景象, 无论是在课间奔波的学生,还是在阳光明媚的春天早晨从交通拥堵中解脱出来的通勤者. 电子游戏软件为骑自行车的人提供许多服务,以帮助他们上下班和保护他们的设备. 两个校区都有几个自行车架和储物柜区,为长途骑行后的一天做准备.

Where to lock your bike

所有自行车必须锁在自行车架上. 确保你的自行车与车架平行,并且它不会妨碍人们使用人行道. 如果还有一辆车停在车架上, 确保不要不小心把另一辆自行车和你的锁在一起.

Bicycle safety

参观电子游戏软件警察局 Bicycle Safety page for helpful tips and to register your bike for free. 



电子游戏软件敦促所有教职员工考虑拼车往返学校. 这不仅有助于减少道路上的许多汽车, 但它将更便宜,并有助于减少污染物. It will also help the University introduce new carpool features for the long run.

拼车也有利于所有通勤者, 因为BC需要更少的停车位, and all carpools will be guaranteed a prime parking location on campus. 此外,拼车对每个人来说都更便宜. Please email transportation@blairekidsarts.net 看看有没有和你一起在不列颠哥伦比亚省工作的邻居,可能有兴趣和你一起上下班.

许多常见问题可以通过拨打我们的办公室电话617-552-0151或通过 sending an email.


Frequently Asked Question

Q: If I get involved in a carpool, will we have to use the same person's car each time?

A: No! 拼车中的每个人都可以将自己的注册车辆分配到一个悬挂停车许可证,可以在车辆之间转移.

Mass Turnpike

The 马萨诸塞州收费公路管理局 管理和运营贯穿整个马萨诸塞州东西的主要州际公路. Designated as I-90, 这是一条连接纽约州和波士顿市的收费公路,终点是洛根国际机场.

其他主要的州际公路沿路横贯, 连接康涅狄格州, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire. 到缅因州要经过新罕布什尔州.

Turnpike Maps

Time/Distance and Tolls

Where can I park and take advantage of commuting options available? MassRIDES services these sites and can be contacted by clicking on the name.

Service Centers

Emergency Contacts


沿收费公路走廊的“停车换乘”停车场是马萨诸塞高速公路正在进行的交通管理计划的重要组成部分. To encourage ridesharing and thereby reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, MassPike has made it a priority to provide Park-N-Ride lots for its valuable patrons.


  • Ludlow, near Exit 7
  • Palmer, near Exit 8
  • 斯特布里奇,靠近9号出口,在Rt. 在伯利恒路德教会的位置
  • 奥本,毗邻10号出口(2个方便地段)
  • 奥本代尔街14/15号出口. 30 East to Auburn St. Lot on right
  • 伍斯特靠近10A出口
  • 米尔伯里,靠近11号出口
  • 伍斯特,122号公路(格拉夫顿街)11号出口
  • Grafton, Exit 11, Rt. 怀曼戈登街南122号
  • 韦斯特伯勒,11A出口,东路. 9 & Rt. 135 – 222 Turnpike Rd.
  • 韦斯特伯勒,11A出口,东路. 9 & Rt. 135 – 180 Turnpike Rd.
  • 弗雷明汉,9号公路12号出口附近
  • 牛顿(奥本代尔),14/15号出口. 30 East to Auburn St. Lot on right.
  • Weston, Exit 14/15, Rt. 30 at St. Demetrios Church
  • West Newton, Exit 16, Rt. 16 East, Washington St. Lot on left
  • West Newton, Exit 16, Rt. 16, Washington St. to Elm St. to Webster St. Lot on left

MBTA Commuter Rails

The MBTA 管理波士顿的地铁和有轨电车系统,以及通往北站和南站的通勤铁路线.

A variety of passes and fares are available to fit your commuting needs.

  • 有了查理卡,坐地铁要两美元.75美元,当地公共汽车票价是1美元.70. Children 11 years old and under ride free when accompanied by an adult. 
  • 月票允许无限次乘坐所有MBTA服务,并有内置折扣和优惠,如降低汽车保险费率.
  • 学生折扣学期通行证可以在每学期开始前一个月在里昂大厅的学生服务中心购买, Room 103.

Learn more about program



T Green Line


  • 电子游戏软件分校(B班)
  • 克利夫兰环线(C线)
  • 河滨线(D线)
  • 希斯街支线(东铁)

Green Line Info

MBTA Commuter Rail

MBTA Transit Passes


您将能够在线订购过境通行证,并享受税前工资扣除的好处.  By participating, employees make the purchase of their transit passes more convenient AND save money when purchasing them from the MBTA or other transit providers. 

While tax savings vary, the average is 25-30% of the pass cost.

Payroll deductions

A payroll deduction will be taken in the month before your Pass Month.  For example: a July Pass payroll deduction will be taken in June.


For MBTA Link and Bus passes, you will be mailed a new Charlie Card.  对于您连续有订单的每个月, 您的通行证将在您现有的查理卡上电子游戏正规平台.

For Commuter Rail and other transit passes (which are not the MBTA Link and Bus), you will be mailed a paper ticket or Commuter Check voucher each month. Passes will be mailed between the 23rd and 30th of the month prior to use.




电动交通工具,包括电动滑板车, hoverboards, 电子滑板是不允许进入校园的. The use, storage, and charging of these devices on Boston College property is prohibited.

Exceptions to this decision will be made for electric bicycles, 使用者必须遵守所有适用的交通规则, 不要把他们的电动自行车带到BC省的任何设施, 把它们固定在户外的自行车架上. Electric mobility aids for individuals with disabilities are also exempted.