Faculty & Staff Parking

Faculty & 电子游戏软件的工作人员驾驶车辆到大学需要注册他们的车辆,并在挡风玻璃上显示有效的BC停车许可证贴纸.

Faculty & 教职员许可证有效期为6月1日至5月31日,每学年必须电子游戏正规平台一次.

Permit pick-up is at student services in Lyons hall.

Faculty & Staff Permits

员工停车许可证仅限于电子游戏软件工资系统上的在职员工. 员工有责任注册并在挡风玻璃上展示进入电子游戏软件校园的许可证贴纸. There is a limit of one permit per employee at any one time. 如果未付校园停车罚单被记录在案,许可证将不予颁发或续期. 

员工停车许可证的设计允许灵活使用最多3辆注册车辆, as long as no more than one vehicle is parked on campus at a time. 可移动贴花可以剥落并粘在任何清洁的挡风玻璃内部无数次而不会损坏. If the permit decal should fail to adhere or tear during the course of the year, 请将损坏的许可证交回学生服务处,以便免费补发.




CostFaculty/Staff Access Areas 2024-2025Overnight Parking

Main Campus: Mod lot, Connell Rec. Center Parking lot, Yawkey lot. Robsham wall and Hillside dorms. White lined spaces in Beacon Garage levels 1-3 and Commonwealth Garage levels 2-6. St. Ignatius Church and Vanderslice lots Mon-Fri 9am-5pm only. 300 Hammond.

Brighton Campus: White lined G posted areas.

Newton Campus: White lined G posted areas.

Yes, for work related reasons only

Main Campus: 所有G区以及Beacon车库1-3层和Commonwealth车库2-7层的黄线空间. St. 伊格内修斯教堂和Vanderslice地块周一至周五上午9点至下午5点,中校区下午5:30至凌晨3:00.

Brighton Campus: White or Yellow lined G posted areas.

Newton Campus: White or Yellow lined G posted areas.

Yes, for work related reasons only

Main Campus: All G and R areas, College Road, Upper Campus, Hammond Triangle. St Ignatius Church and Vanderslice lots Mon-Fri 9am-5pm only.

Brighton Campus: Posted M areas, St. Clement's, 129 Lake front, Cadigan

Newton Campus:  Yellow lined spaces

Yes, for work related reasons only

Main Campus: All areas except "J" posted areas. St. Ignatius Church and Vanderslice lots Mon-Fri 9am-5pm only.

Brighton Campus: All areas except "SJB" posted areas.

Newton Campus: Yellow lined G posted areas

Yes, for work related reasons only

Main Campus: All R and M areas.

Brighton Campus: All R and M areas.

Newton Campus:  Yellow lined spaces

Yes, for work related reasons only


A & M Permit Eligibility Requirements

  A   Eligible if hired prior to 1989  
  M   Chestnut Hill Campus or College road - Eligible if hired prior to 1999  
  M    Hammond Triangle - Eligible if hired prior to 1999
  M   St. Clement's - Eligible if hired prior to 2010
  M   129 Lake St. - Eligible if hired prior to 2010  


New Hire Information

A free one-week temporary pass is available at the Transportation & 停车场办公室允许新聘的教职员工在下列“G”类许可区域停车:

  • Chestnut Hill Campus:  Mod lot and Connell Rec Center lots.
  • Newton Campus: White lined spaces of Stuart lot, Keys lot, and Quonset Hut.
  • Brighton Campus: White lined spaces by Cadigan Alumni Center, Simboli Hall, Dance studio, 129 Lake roadway lots, and Frates Center lot.

* Parking in the garages using this temporary parking permit will cost of $28.00/day.

要购买许可证,请使用您的Agora帐户并点击“停车许可证和传票”.” Full time employee permits are paid for through payroll deduction.

After registering for a permit, you may pick up at Student Services, located in Lyons Hall during regular business hours. Photo ID is required. 许可证贴花必须始终显示在挡风玻璃的左下角.

如果您在注册时遇到任何问题,请发送电子邮件至 transportation@blairekidsarts.net.

Lost Permits

所有丢失的许可证必须向交通和停车办公室报告,然后通过学生服务办公室获得新的许可证. 提交虚假报告将导致许可证持有人没收电子游戏软件未来的停车许可证特权.

A replacement fee of $35 will be assessed for lost, stolen, or misplaced permits. 损坏的许可证将在交换原始损坏的许可证时免费更换.


Lost Proximity Cards

所有丢失的临近卡必须向交通和停车办公室报告,然后才能通过学生服务办公室获得新卡. 提交虚假报告将导致许可证持有人没收电子游戏软件未来的停车许可证特权.

对于遗失、被盗或放错地方的代理卡,将收取20美元的补发费. 损坏的prox卡如换回原损坏卡,恕不收费.

Lost Permit/Prox Card Form

Carpool Permits



When ready to register, 两个人都必须将车辆登记带到里昂大厅的学生服务中心,并将一个许可证分配给该帐户.

If you are interested in finding someone to carpool with, you may fill out the Carpool Form and we will reach out if anyone in your area is also interested.

Vendor/Contractor Parking

All vendors/contractors must have a parking permit to park on campus. Vendors/contractors are responsible for immediate payment of all tickets. Department funds cannot be used to pay ticket fines.

不遵守电子游戏软件的许可证和停车规章制度将导致失去所有校园停车特权和取消许可证. Lost or stolen permits must be reported to the Transportation and Parking Office.

Vendors/Contractors Frequently on Campus

经常出现在校园的供应商将获得GVC-G(供应商/承包商)许可证. This permit will apply to consultants as well as engineers, architects, service/maintenance providers, sales representatives, etc.

Permits are available for $125.00 per month. This is required for Newton, Lower, and Brighton campus parking areas. 基于某些项目需要,供应商/承包商将被限制在特定的停车区域. 校园中门限制进入,停车必须根据需要通过交通和停车场预先安排.

Vendors/Contractors—One-Time Site Evaluation or Walk-Through

部门将指导供应商/承包商(包括顾问、工程师、建筑师等).) to visitor parking. 如果需要进入正门,他们必须通过以下方式与交通和停车办公室联系 transportation@blairekidsarts.net. 所需的信息包括日期、姓、名、地点和部门联系人.


Drop-Off Deliveries in Clearly Marked Company Vehicle 

Driver is to be instructed to check in with gate attendant. Parking is permitted for up to one hour only in service/delivery area. If a delivery or service call requires more than one hour to complete, the Transportation and Parking Office must be contacted via transportation@blairekidsarts.net to prevent ticketing and/or towing.

Summer Parking


Option #1

Purchase a Permit for the Summer

Summer permits are available to any student working, taking classes, or living on campus during the summer. Cost is $346 (includes overnight parking).
Parking Locations:

  • Main Campus - Mod lot and Connell lot
  • Newton Campus -  White-lined spaces
  • Brighton Campus - STM and Dance studio lot

Option #2

Purchase a Weekly Permit

最适合学生、夏令营/会议参加者和这里的工作人员参加一个夏季会议. Valid for one week after date of purchase. Can be purchased for multiple weeks for those staying less than the entire summer. Cost is $98 per week (includes overnight parking).

Parking Locations:

  • Main Campus - Mod lot and Connell lot
  • Newton Campus -  White-lined spaces
  • Brighton Campus - STM and Dance studio lot


Option #3

Pay Daily Rate 

  •  Hourly parking is available in the Beacon and Commonwealth Garage for $6.00/hour (max of $28.00/day). Overnight parking is allowed for visitors from May 21st - August 25th, 2024.


  •  Brighton/Newton campus single-day pass is available for $8.00 at parking.blairekidsarts.net. Receipt must be printed and displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle. Not valid on Chestnut Hill campus. No overnight parking allowed.