
Gaining experience and skills Recruiters for employers of chemists are looking for people with diverse skills including: communication skills, 人际关系技巧, 解决问题的能力, 领导能力, 技术掌握, 实践经验. 他们建议化学专业的学生选修计算机科学等课程, 业务, 公众演讲, 和写作.




Industrial laboratories in the private sector employ approximately two-thirds of the chemists in the United States. 这些职位中的大多数是电子游戏正规平台和开发职位, 销售和市场营销也可以包括安全, 环境保护和质量控制. B有机会.S., M.S. 和Ph值.D. 工业化学家. 有些学生毕业后选择在工业界工作, 在回到学校攻读电子游戏正规平台生学位之前.


政府雇佣了美国大约10%的化学家. Positions in research and development are available in such governmental agencies as the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 国家卫生电子游戏正规平台院和能源部. Agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration employ chemists for the development and implementation of regulatory programs. B有机会.S., M.S. 和Ph值.D. 政府机构的化验师.


在医疗保健行业,化学专业的学生有很多机会.  参观 电子游戏软件预科项目网站 了解更多信息. 



化学家被聘为中学教师, 两年制学院和四年制学院和大学. 公立学校的教师必须修过适当的必修课程才能获得教师证书. A position at a two-year college requires at least a masters 学位 while positions in four-year institutions require a Ph.D. 学位.


许多化学家追求与上述不同的职业道路. 这些非传统的选择包括在科学出版领域的职位, 技术图书馆, 专利法, 人员招募, 咨询, 计算机科学与银行.


Of the wide variety of post graduation choices that are available to students who major in chemistry or biochemistry, 许多人觉得有吸引力的一个选择是在电子游戏正规平台生院继续学习化学. 不像本科课程, 哪里的重点是完成课程作业, the focus in graduate school is on performing and completing an independent research project in collaboration with a thesis advisor.


在考虑毕业工作时,你必须决定的第一件事是攻读硕士学位还是博士学位.D. 学位是理想的目标. 而获得Ph值所需的时间长度.D. (5-6年)比硕士(2-3年)要长得多.D. 工业电子游戏正规平台职位的首选学位是什么, 学术界或政府,通常要求更高的薪水. 在四年制学院或大学担任教员的学术职位.D. 是必须的. 此外,许多学校更愿意录取那些愿意花几年时间攻读博士学位的学生.D. 对申请硕士学位的学生进行培训. 与你的指导老师讨论你选择攻读哪个学位.


A "Planning for 电子游戏正规平台生 Work in 化学" guide produced by the ACS Committee on Professional Training is available at 这个链接. This guide provides both domestic and international under电子游戏正规平台生 with advice on how to prepare for successful work in graduate school, 如何以及何时申请电子游戏软件, 在某种程度上, 一旦被电子游戏正规平台生院录取,你会期待什么呢. 在线“ACS电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台目录(DGRweb)”可在以下网址获得 这个链接. With DGRweb students can explore research programs available in graduate departments by finding the biographical information for faculty members, 他们的专业领域, 最近两年内发表的论文题目及各部门的统计摘要, 包括教职工人数, 博士后职位, 电子游戏正规平台生, 并获得硕士和博士学位. A few reference books are available in the main office of Merkert (room 125) which list universities offering graduate programs in chemistry. 其中包括ACS化学科学电子游戏正规平台生院发现者, 彼得森物理科学和数学电子游戏正规平台生课程, 和ACS电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台目录(硬拷贝). A number of flyers are posted on the bulletin boards in the lower level hallway of Merkert that advertise a variety of programs as well. 然而, 在申请电子游戏正规平台生院时,化学教授是你最好的资源. 和你的教授谈谈你感兴趣的领域, 他或她会很乐意推荐最合适的学校.


在你大四的9月和10月开始向你想要的学校申请表格. 申请截止日期通常在1月或2月, 但大多数电子游戏正规平台生院采用滚动录取政策,最早在2月份就发出录取通知书. 你的申请越早收到越好.


All students planning to attend graduate school are encouraged to take the GRE and the chemistry or biochemistry advanced test. 虽然这些考试的结果并不是所有电子游戏正规平台生课程的电子游戏软件要求, they are usually required for national fellowship applications and are often used in determining fellowship awards at individual institutions. 考试通常在四年级的秋季学期进行.


  • 成绩
  • GRE考试成绩
  • 推荐信
  • 电子游戏正规平台经验

推荐信的重要性怎么强调都不为过. Strong reference letters from chemistry professors can bolster an application which might be weak in the areas of grades and test results. 因此, it is imperative that you introduce yourself to some of the faculty members in the department and get to know them. Evidence in your application that you have had some research experience will also make a highly favorable impression upon an admission committee. 请参阅本科电子游戏正规平台部分,了解获得这种经验的方法.


电子游戏正规平台生 work in chemistry is almost always fully funded for the student by the university through teaching assistantships and/or research assistantships. 这些助学金提供全额学费减免以及适度的奖学金, 但宜居, 每月的津贴. 此外,电子游戏正规平台生还可以获得一些奖学金. 与奖学金相关的声望使受奖人在其整个化学职业生涯中受益. 有关电子游戏正规平台生奖学金的信息,请参阅“奖学金和奖励”部分.


化学系在秋季学期举办“电子游戏正规平台生院信息交流会”. 一位化学教授将介绍电子游戏正规平台生院的经历和申请程序, 一些教职员工将会到场回答问题. 寻找春天的海报. 不列颠哥伦比亚省就业中心也有电子游戏正规平台生学校目录和考试手册申请. 《电子游戏正规平台生院,现在还是将来?,10月举行的研讨会, 预览申请流程, 选择标准, 财政援助来源.


有很多资源可以帮助学生在毕业后找到工作. 这些包括:


The BC Career Center has a number of valuable resources and services for BC students which include the following:

  • 实习工作列表 在学年和夏季期间提供有偿和志愿兼职职位, 一个校园招聘项目, 当前的工作列表和年度招聘会.
  • 资源库 这包括描述各种职业领域的书籍和期刊. A free publication entitled "Job Choices in Science and 工程" is available which lists the occupational needs anticipated by corporate and governmental employers who normally recruit college graduates. 它包括雇主的地理指数, 此外,还有一项特别指数,包括暑期实习, 合作项目, 电子游戏正规平台生和双语学生的国外就业和机会.
  • 校友职业网络 包括2个以上,000 alumni nationwide who have volunteered to give career advice regarding their career paths and includes a roster of chemistry majors who can be contacted at their work place.
  • 环境事业的求职者感兴趣的是 求职者, a monthly listing of current vacancies and registers open for applications in the environmental professions and Krupin's Toll-Free Environmental 目录, 全国800多家环保公司的电话号码, 组织, 政府机构和私人机构,每个求职者都可以免费拨打长途电话.
  • 个人约会 我们鼓励职业顾问设计个性化的求职策略, 学生们也被鼓励去拿一份该中心的月度活动日历, 以及咨询就业中心的主页.

不列颠哥伦比亚省职业中心还提供简历和求职信撰写方面的帮助, 个人简历和求职信的评论, 以及面试准备研讨会和录像练习面试.


Check local newspapers as well as scientific periodicals such as Chemical and 工程 新闻 (weekly publication of the ACS), The Chemist (monthly publication of the American Institute of Chemists) and Science (weekly publication of AAAS).


The ACS Employment Aids Office maintains a pool of resumes to which potential employers can refer called the Employment Clearing House. ACS将会员和学生附属机构的简历免费纳入该数据库. 在ACS全国会议上, 职业顾问可以帮你看简历, 进行模拟面试, 提供资料并安排与潜在雇主的现场面试. Publications that contain career information can be obtained from the ACS by sending a request via e-mail to:career@acs.org.


问问教职员, 家庭, 朋友们会把你介绍给你感兴趣的化学领域的专业人士. 很多公司在秋季学期会在化学系招聘. Visit our Industrial Recruiting link and speak to the 程序s Administrator (Merkert 125) to set up an interview.


你的简历应该概述你的经历、教育和兴趣. 它应该是有吸引力的,有组织的,语法正确的,没有错别字和限制在一页. Include a cover letter whenever you write to a prospective employer that specifies the position you are seeking and your qualifications for the position. 它不应该重述你简历中的事实. 准备好提供姓名, 地址, 以及未来雇主的推荐电话号码. 你必须告知这些人你已经提供了他们的名字作为推荐人. 在面试之前,电子游戏正规平台一下未来雇主的公司结构和目标. 面试时要及时、热情、诚实. 准备好说出你对公司感兴趣的是什么,并准备好询问有关公司的问题.


The knowledge and skills of scientists are eagerly sought by various agencies that are committed to the service of others. 这些包括:


This is a national corps of individuals from all academic backgrounds who commit to teach for at least two years in urban and rural public schools. Corps members are hired at regular beginning teacher salaries by school districts who cannot find certified teachers to fill their needs. 目前, 为美国而教 is actively recruiting math and science majors since the demand for math and science teachers is especially great. 选择过程包括书面申请, 个人面试, 小组讨论, 和引用. See the 电子游戏软件 Career Center 了解更多信息 about this program as well as Teaching Opportunities, 每月全国公立学校教学职位列表, 包括化学.


和平队在世界上许多不同的国家有60个技能领域的任务. 学士学位和/或三到五年的实质性工作经验. 在三个月的培训期后,任务为期两年. 对于大多数作业,都提供东道国语言的指导. 招聘人员可以告诉你可用的可能性和选择程序. 咨询BC省就业中心.


接触Fr. Ted Dziak在B.C. 牧师办公室了解更多信息.