


化工橡胶有限公司. (CRC)手册奖
This award is given to two outstanding freshman chemistry students in each incoming class, 基于普通化学和荣誉课程的表现, 现代化学原理.


The program is designed to encourage AHANA students to pursue college 学位s in the chemical sciences. 奖学金颁发给高中毕业生或大学新生, 二年级的学生, 或打算或已经主修化学或生物化学的大三学生. 除了总平均成绩达到B或更高, successful candidates will have leadership skills and evidence of participation in extracurricular activities and community service. 致力于化学或生物化学的电子游戏正规平台是必要的. 提名的截止日期是2月.



Barry M. 戈德华特奖学金 and Excellence in Education Foundation is authorized to award undergraduate scholarships to eligible students for study in 数学 and the natural sciences as preparation for careers in these areas. 每项奖学金包括符合条件的学费费用, 费用, 书, 还有食宿, 最高不超过7美元,每年000. 对数学或自然科学事业的兴趣陈述, detailing how their academic program and their overall educational plans will prepare them for their chosen career goal is required of each applicant. 预计被选为学者的学生将攻读更高的学位. Students who plan to study medicine are eligible for a Goldwater scholarship only if they plan a medical research career. See the faculty representative who serves as the liaison to the Goldwater Foundation for application details. 提名的截止日期是12月.


The James Flack Norris and Theodore William Richards 本科 Summer 电子游戏正规平台 奖学金
The Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society established these undergraduate summer scholarships to honor the memories of Professors Norris and Richards by promoting research interactions between undergraduate students and faculty A stipend is provided for a minimum commitment of ten weeks of full-time research work. 本科学生必须是化学专业, 生物化学, 化学工程, 或者分子生物学专业,成绩很好, and have completed at least two full years of college-level chemistry by the summer that the award is received. 申请表格可向系主任索取. 去找你的导师. 申请截止日期是三月.



联合国儿童基金会默克大学本科生科学电子游戏正规平台奖学金 The awards are intended to encourage the interest of African-American undergraduate students in furthering their science education and pursuing science careers by providing tuition support and opportunities for research experience in a state-of-the-art industrial laboratory. 申请人的平均成绩必须不低于3分.3、无论是累积还是主修科目. 每个奖项最高可达35美元,其中包括最高15美元的奖学金,000: two summer internship stipends at a Merck research facility to the award recipient totaling $10,000; and a grant of up to $10,向获奖者主修科目所在院系颁发奖金. See the faculty representative who serves as the liaison to the UNCF默克 Company Foundation for application details. 提名的截止日期是2月.



化学系提出了一个 默克索引图书奖 每年春天给优秀的大四毕业生.

波士顿大学化学优秀奖 An outstanding senior chemistry major is selected each spring to receive this award.

麦卡锡奖 电子游戏软件 presents an award for the outstanding Scholar of the College project each year.

丘吉尔奖学金 The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States awards approximately ten scholarships for graduate study in chemistry at Churchill College, 剑桥大学, 英格兰. 所有学杂费, a $5,000 - 6,该奖项包括$ 000的生活津贴和$500的旅行津贴. See the faculty representative who serves as the liaison to the Churchill Foundation for application details. 提名的截止日期是11月.


国家科学基金电子游戏正规平台生电子游戏正规平台奖学金 (NSF 电子游戏正规平台生 Fellowships and NSF 小ity 电子游戏正规平台生 Fellowships) NSF graduate fellowships are intended for students at or near the beginning of their graduate study in science, 数学, 或工程. In most cases an individual has two opportunities to apply: during the senior year of college and in the first year of graduate school. The NSF fellowships are for maximum tenure periods of three years usable over a five-year period. 有关申请细节,请咨询您的指导老师. The deadlines for application are in November for Part I and December for Part II.

DoD National Defense Science and 工程 电子游戏正规平台生 (NDSEG) Fellowship 程序 The Department of Defense awards three-year graduate fellowships to individuals who have demonstrated ability and special aptitude for advanced training in chemistry and biosciences. The fellowships are intended for students at or near the beginning of graduate study leading to the Ph.D. 学位. Applicants must have received their baccalaureate 学位s by fall of the year in which they apply. Ten percent of these awards are set aside for members of ethnic minority groups. 申请人的评估是基于所有可用的能力证据, 包括学习成绩, 个人陈述, 建议, 以及电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件考试成绩. 有关申请细节,请咨询您的指导老师. 申请的截止日期是一月份.

国家物理科学联合会奖学金 The NPSC 电子游戏正规平台生 Fellowship 程序 is intended for women and minorities in the physical sciences. The program is administered by a consortium of industrial and national laboratories. 大四学生和一年级电子游戏正规平台生可以申请. 该奖项为期6年:10美元,第1年和第2年为000元/年, $12,第3年和第4年每年500美元, $15,第5年和第6年每年1000美元. 有关申请细节,请咨询您的指导老师. 申请的截止日期是一月份.

范妮和约翰·赫兹基金会奖学金 电子游戏正规平台生 fellowships in the applied natural sciences are awarded at selected American 电子游戏正规平台生 程序s. 符合条件的申请人将接受面试. 申请截止日期是11月.


里昂大学电子游戏正规平台生奖学金.I.T. This fellowship is exclusively for BC graduates who attend graduate school at MIT Therefore, any BC student who is accepted to MIT has an excellent chance of getting this award. 应用 to MIT graduate program and write directly to the Dean at MIT expressing your interest. 更多信息请见Dean Petri.

福特少数族裔博士奖学金 The goal of the Ford program is to increase the presence of underrepresented minorities on American college and university faculties. Forty predoctoral fellowships and ten dissertation fellowships will be awarded in a national competition conducted by the National 电子游戏正规平台 Council on behalf of the Ford Foundation. 博士预科奖学金的年度津贴包括11美元,500美元,外加6美元,给奖学金机构, 而论文奖学金的津贴是18美元,000. 完成初步应用可在Gasson 109. 参见迪恩·伯恩斯(Dean Burns). 2-3272)查询. The deadline for application for Part I is in November; for Part II in December.

马歇尔奖学金 海外电子游戏正规平台生学习. 信息可在希金斯561. All application materials must be submitted to Professor Uritam (Higgins 561, ext. 2-8471)提名. 申请截止日期为10月1日.


罗兹奖学金 去牛津大学读电子游戏正规平台生. Complete the application available in McGuinn 335 and submit it directly to the State Secretary of the Rhodes Committee. 联系Hafner教授获取信息(McGuinn 335, ext 2-4173). 申请截止日期是10月.
