Doctoral Program

电子游戏软件心理与神经科学是一个重视多样性的包容性部门. We welcome all applicants, 并强烈鼓励来自弱势群体的学生和第一代学生申请我们的项目.

Our doctoral program is a five-year, full-time, fully funded, research-oriented program that features setting up a research program, coursework, and a close relationship with a faculty advisor. The number of graduate students admitted is limited. 目前,教师和博士生的比例大约是1比1.

我们的课程是针对那些打算成为电子游戏正规平台心理学家和神经科学家的学生, 参与对人类思想和大脑知识的基本探索. The focus throughout the stay at Boston College is on original research. Students publish papers, apply for grants, and attend professional conferences as part of their training.

学生申请心理学系五个专业中的一个,并获得博士学位.D. degree in that area. 学生也可以参加该系的一个跨学科项目.

Application Deadline

December 15

Request Info

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学生被允许与特定的教师一起工作,并在我们的五个领域之一. 请访问集中页面的教师谁在每个领域担任顾问的名单. 电子游戏软件是有选择性的,需要导师和部门电子游戏正规平台生招生委员会的批准. 我们建议申请人在申请截止日期之前与潜在的顾问联系,以确定他们是否计划接受博士学位.D. student that year. Not all faculty accept students each year.

Guidelines for admissions to the graduate program:

  • Admission to the program normally requires an overall and major GPA of 3.33.
  • 确保未来的电子游戏正规平台生在他们的专业领域做好充分的准备, Social, Cognitive, Neuroscience, 在这一领域的所有课程中,他们也必须至少获得B的成绩.
  • 电子游戏正规平台生必须在过去两年内有良好的学术成绩.

Faculty members will invite top applicants to interview by February. Applicants will be notified of admissions decisions shortly thereafter.


Ph.D. students are fully funded, and tuition is waived. Students serve as Teaching Assistants during the course of the program.


Each student is accepted to work with a primary advisor. By the end of the first semester, the student, along with the advisor, selects two additional faculty members to serve on a thesis committee.

The Ph.D. 学生的首要任务是完成第二年的电子游戏正规平台项目. Work on this task begins on day one of the first year. During the first year, a topic is selected, background reading carried out, a research program designed and piloted, 然后向学生的三人委员会提交一份提案(写得很像拨款提案). The proposal is defended orally in front of the committee, 并且必须在第二年的九月底得到委员会的最终批准.

In the second year, any further pilot work needed is carried out, IRB approval is obtained, the data gathered and analyzed, 第二年的电子游戏正规平台项目撰写并答辩(在第二年3月31日前).

电子游戏正规平台项目报告了在我们项目期间发起和开展的原始实证电子游戏正规平台. 学生可以不带以前收集的数据,并使用这些数据的项目. 尽管整个项目是在与顾问的密切合作下进行的, the student should be the major contributor. 因此,在提交发表时,学生应该有资格获得项目的高级作者身份(我们强烈鼓励)。.

该项目将以一篇文章的形式发表在学生所在地区的一本优秀期刊上. Evaluation is based on the criterion of publishability, 除了结果不需要在统计上显着之外.

电子游戏正规平台生课程的第二个阶段的特点是转向更独立的工作,更加专注于电子游戏正规平台. 第三年的重点是两个要求,你同时工作, the third year Literature Review and the Dissertation Proposal. The fourth year focuses on dissertation research. 然而,甚至比前两年更重要的是,满足正式要求是最低要求. The student’s principal job is carrying out research and building up a CV.

Early in the third year, 学生们与他们的委员会会面,形成三年级和四年级的初步计划. 该计划应在第三年12月1日前由委员会(表格5)正式签署. Students are encouraged to begin pilot research for their dissertation, if they have not already done so, during the first semester of Year Three.

Students must attend this program on a full-time basis. The program is designed to be completed within five years.

Pre-Doctoral Mentorship Program

博士前指导计划(PDMP)是一个由学生发起的计划,为心理学和神经科学博士课程的潜在申请人提供指导. 这个项目的目标是为那些可能无法获得这些优势的申请人提供一对一的指导和制度知识.


November 15

Mentorship Program Application

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