
Our faculty study each area from multiple perspectives: from animal models and computational models, to systems and cognitive neuroscience, to behavioral and psychophysiological measurements from individuals or groups. This work involves studying basic processes with translational impact—including affective disorders, such as anxiety and depression; developmental disorders; and ethics and law.


(情感)学习 & 内存

We study the basic processes that enable us to learn about our environment and to learn from our mistakes, with implications for everything from student performance to affective disorders.

认知 & social情感的发展

We seek to understand what knowledge structures are innate, how learned knowledge is acquired over a lifetime, and how the accumulation of knowledge is affected by developmental disorders or neurological disorders.

美德 & 道德



Please note that many of our faculty are interdisciplinary and listed in more than one area.

接触面积: Gorica彼得罗维奇—Neurobiology of motivation and feeding behavior; functional organization of the brain systems mediating environmental control of food intake, specifically interactions between the amygdala, 前额叶皮层, and hypothalamus; modulation of hunger and satiety mechanisms by learning and stress.

约翰·克里斯蒂安森-约翰·克里斯蒂安森的电子游戏正规平台重点是确定压力如何与神经系统相互作用,神经系统允许个人适应潜在的危险和不断变化的环境. The current emphasis is on the neural mechanisms that underly safety learning. 该实验室采用多学科方法电子游戏正规平台大脑回路和行为,包括复杂的行为范式, electrophysiology and optogenetics. 总体目标是为大脑和行为的组织提供新的见解,并改善心理疾病的治疗.

Jeffrey Lamoureux—Comparative psychology and behavioral neuroscience. Neurobiology of learning and 内存. Fundamental associative learning processes in both humans and animals. Of particular interest are models of response recovery following extinction learning. Current studies focus on how humans learn predictive relationships in their environment, and how contextual cues related to the learning experience control later behavior.

迈克尔McDannald—Neural circuits in associative learning; neural basis for predicting the presence and absence of aversive events and how adverse experience early in life alter these predictive abilities in adulthood, focusing on interactions between monoaminergic systems, the amygdala and ventral striatum; common neural encoding of the presence of rewards and the absence of aversive events.

卡洛琳史密斯—Dr. 史密斯的电子游戏正规平台项目侧重于更好地理解神经系统和免疫系统之间的发育相互作用. 特别是, the lab studies the roles of microglia, the resident immune cells of the brain, 还有肠道微生物群, in organizing social neural circuits and behavior during development. 她的工作还电子游戏正规平台了母亲接触环境有毒物质(如空气污染)与心理social因素如何影响后代的发育.

接触面积: 斯科特斯劳尼克—认知神经科学: Neural mechanisms of visual 内存; control regions and sensory effects associated with retrieval of visual memories; subjective experience during 内存 retrieval; cortical substrates associated with visual feature-based perception/attention.

斯特凡诺Anzellotti—Person knowledge and its perceptual foundations (e.g., recognition of 身份 and facial expressions). 从知觉到概念知识过渡的认知和神经机制的计算模型, with a focus on how we understand others. Methods used include fMRI, MVPA, MVPD, Bayesian models of behavior, deep networks.

希兰布劳内尔—认知 neuropsychology: how injury to various parts of the brain can selectively impair linguistic and cognitive ability; language: theory of mind, 话语, 叙述, and lexical semantics; methodology.

伊丽莎白·基辛格—认知 and Affective Neuroscience: The effect of emotional content on 内存; specifically, the cognitive and neural mechanisms through which emotion influences the vividness and accuracy of 内存, and how these influences change across the adult lifespan; research questions are investigated through behavioral testing of young and older adults and functional neuroimaging (fMRI).

Jeffrey Lamoureux—Comparative psychology and behavioral neuroscience. Neurobiology of learning and 内存. Fundamental associative learning processes in both humans and animals. Of particular interest are models of response recovery following extinction learning. Current studies focus on how humans learn predictive relationships in their environment, and how contextual cues related to the learning experience control later behavior.

肖恩MacEvoy-人类视觉神经科学, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and psychophysics; neural mechanisms of form perception and object recognition; perceptual learning; functional organization of the human visual cortex. 神经科学的历史.

莫林Ritchey—Neuroscience of human 内存: functional organization of the medial temporal lobes; effects of emotional arousal and other modulatory states on 内存 processes; 内存 consolidation; context representation and its influence on 内存-guided behavior. Neuroimaging methods including fMRI and EEG: multi-voxel pattern analysis; functional connectivity; time-frequency analyses.

藤本植物的年轻—Moral 心理学和神经科学. The role of theory of mind in moral judgment. 道德情感. Cultural and individual differences in moral cognition. Moral judgment versus moral behavior. 动机性道德推理. Conceptions of the self and free will. 本电子游戏正规平台采用social心理学和认知神经科学的方法:功能磁共振成像(fMRI)。, studying patient populations with selective cognitive deficits, and modulating activity in specific brain regions using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

接触面积: 凯伦·罗森—Social and emotional development during infancy and early childhood; parent-child attachment relationships; sibling relationships.

莎拉Cordes—Infant, child, and adult cognition. Preverbal and verbal representations of number, space, and time. Children's early counting acquisition and understanding of mathematical concepts. 音乐认知与感知. Psychophysics of quantity perception. 终身学习. Influences of language and context on learning, discrimination, and decision-making.

约书亚Hartshorne—Language can be used to move thoughts between minds, even those separated by considerable distance or time. 演讲者思考了一下, packages it up into a series of sounds (or gestures), from which the listener must recover the original thought. This alone would be an impressive feat difficult for science to explain. My interest is in explaining how children learn these procedures. 要做到这一点, 我结合实验室电子游戏正规平台, Internet-enabled "big data" research, 计算建模.

安吉约翰斯顿安吉的作品通过将人类的学习与家养狗的学习进行比较,调查了人类教学和学习的起源. 为了解决这些问题, 她与当地社区的孩子和宠物狗一起工作,以确定人类学习的哪些方面是独特的,哪些是共享的. She also works with dingoes in Australia to explore how domestication has shaped these traits.

凯瑟琳麦考利夫—The development and evolution of cooperation. 凯瑟琳的主要电子游戏正规平台是调查儿童如何发展对合作规范的理解,并愿意执行这些规范. 她对儿童的电子游戏正规平台是在一个更广泛的跨文化和比较背景下进行的,旨在理解支持合作的认知是如何以及为什么进化的.

克里斯蒂娜摩尔—Education, social and developmental psychology, and sport and exercise science. Kristina的电子游戏正规平台探讨了成就动机的组成部分和social对各种心理的影响, social, and developmental outcomes in athletes, with a focus on positive youth development through sport.

巴里·施耐德-临床儿童心理学和文化临床心理学-包括多动症在内的非典型发展模式的儿童和青少年的人际关系, social anxiety and aggression; intimate friendship in different cultures; cross-cultural friendship, the impact of electronic communication on close relationships; cyberbullying; psychological aspects of the school-transition experience.

接触面积: Ehri Ryu—定量 心理学: multilevel modeling; model fit assessment in multilevel structural equation modeling; two approaches to analyzing multivariate multilevel data; longitudinal data analysis.

斯特凡诺Anzellotti—Person knowledge and its perceptual foundations (e.g., recognition of 身份 and facial expressions). 从知觉到概念知识过渡的认知和神经机制的计算模型, with a focus on how we understand others. Methods used include fMRI, MVPA, MVPD, Bayesian models of behavior, deep networks.

约书亚Hartshorne—Language can be used to move thoughts between minds, even those separated by considerable distance or time. 演讲者思考了一下, packages it up into a series of sounds (or gestures), from which the listener must recover the original thought. This alone would be an impressive feat difficult for science to explain. My interest is in explaining how children learn these procedures. 要做到这一点, 我结合实验室电子游戏正规平台, Internet-enabled "big data" research, 计算建模.

布鲁克马格努斯—Measurement of behavioral and health outcomes; item response theory; approaches to modeling zero inflation in survey data; categorical data analysis; psychometrics.

斯科特斯劳尼克—Signal detection theory models of 内存. Modeling of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data to correct for multiple comparisons.

接触面积: 詹姆斯·拉塞尔情感. The expression and recognition of emotion through faces. Children's understanding of emotion and the development of emotional experience. 文化对情绪的影响. The distinction between mood and emotion and scientific taxonomies of each.

斯特凡诺Anzellotti—Person knowledge and its perceptual foundations (e.g., recognition of 身份 and facial expressions). 从知觉到概念知识过渡的认知和神经机制的计算模型, with a focus on how we understand others. Methods used include fMRI, MVPA, MVPD, Bayesian models of behavior, deep networks.

安德里亚Heberlein—How we understand other people's minds (mind perception, 情感识别, and anthropomorphizing); how those processes are affected by different contexts such as competition and emotional state.

凯瑟琳麦考利夫—The development and evolution of cooperation. 凯瑟琳的主要电子游戏正规平台是调查儿童如何发展对合作规范的理解,并愿意执行这些规范. 她对儿童的电子游戏正规平台是在一个更广泛的跨文化和比较背景下进行的,旨在理解支持合作的认知是如何以及为什么进化的.

克里斯蒂娜摩尔—Education, social and developmental psychology, and sport and exercise science. Kristina的电子游戏正规平台探讨了成就动机的组成部分和social对各种心理的影响, social, and developmental outcomes in athletes, with a focus on positive youth development through sport.

格雷格·斯帕克曼—Social influence and social change, including responses to and drivers of social change. Interventions to address social problems related to the environment, health, and social inequity. 动机和行为改变, including how to advocate for change effectively, social影响的作用, 身份, 道德推理, and beliefs about whether change is possible.

藤本植物的年轻—Moral 心理学和神经科学. The role of theory of mind in moral judgment. 道德情感. Cultural and individual differences in moral cognition. Moral judgment versus moral behavior. 动机性道德推理. Conceptions of the self and free will. 本电子游戏正规平台采用social心理学和认知神经科学的方法:功能磁共振成像(fMRI)。, studying patient populations with selective cognitive deficits, and modulating activity in specific brain regions using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).