电子游戏正规平台生 Student 紧急 Relief Fund

In the midst of the current public health crisis, we know that graduate students may be experiencing serious financial hardships. The Morrissey College has established an 紧急 Relief Fund intended to provide support to students experiencing an emergency situation that creates a temporary financial hardship caused by the current pandemic. When possible, students must have experienced documented extraordinary expenses. Priority will be given to those students who have exhausted all other means of financial support. The funds are limited and not intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses.

紧急 funding will be provided in the form of a one-time grant and will not need to be repaid. Students should be aware that emergency funding may create a taxable event that could require reporting to the IRS by the university or recipient of the funds, and may affect financial aid eligibility.

The size of the grants will vary according to the needs of each student and will not typically exceed $1000. To apply for a grant, please submit the linked Student 紧急 Fund Application along with whatever supporting documentation is reasonably available. The Morrissey College 电子游戏正规平台生 Student 紧急 Fund Committee, made up of administrators and faculty members, has been formed to review applications. Students should expect to hear about the status of their application within 5 business days, depending on the volume of applications.

There are many factors that will weigh into application decisions including, but not limited to:

  • Volume of requests at time of application 
  • Urgency and nature of request 
  • Level of connection between the request and the student’s academic needs 
  • Other resources or support available to the student. Applications will be accepted until all of the funds have been disbursed.

Student 紧急 Fund Application