Courage to Preach

A six-credit post-master's certificate program for individuals serving young adults. 

The program will train participants to read and interpret Scripture and use it as a foundational collection to preach on contemporary issues, such as racial, economic, 环境正义. The program will teach methods for preaching and teaching diverse audiences. 它特别适应各种各样的机会, contexts, 媒体可以最有效地接触到年轻人.



  •  Hybrid certificate program that can be completed in one year (see program format below) with a small cohort 
  • 批判性和创造性地与圣经接触 
  • 提高宣讲和公开演讲的技巧 
  • Hands-on experience practicing preaching and developing justice-focused activities in different contexts
Jamie L. Waters
My hope is that Courage to Preach will inspire ministers and leaders to see themselves as preachers. The program will help participants build confidence and skills in biblical study, preaching, public speaking, and digital media. Each of the three courses in the program will be attentive to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, 以及正义和神学反思的方式来解决这些问题. 总的来说,我很高兴能领导这个创新和及时的项目!
Jaime L. Waters, Ph.D., Courage to Preach Program Director and Associate Professor of Old Testament


The hybrid program is completed over one year with a combination of in person and online components. 参与者在夏季A或夏季B期间亲自开始. 夏季A在偶数年举行,夏季B在奇数年举行. Summer A和Summer B可以任意顺序完成. 完成暑期课程后, participants complete  a project and online module during the academic year. Participants then return to complete the second summer course to earn the Courage to Preach certificate.

Summer A


本课程注重学习, analyzing and preaching Scripture in ways that are attentive to issues of justice. Special attention will be given to prophetic literature, psalms, and gospels. This course helps participants hone practical and innovative preaching skills such as public speaking and use of music and art to enhance preaching. 


  • Biblical study
  • 宣扬正义
  • Public speaking
  • Use of the arts

Academic Year

Preaching in Action

本课程准备学生发展和实施讲道活动. 它还探讨了在数字空间中有效的讲道和沟通. 




  • 数字环境
  • Print media
  • Video creation
  • 项目策划与实施

Summer B


This course focuses on engaging diverse young adult communities in meaningful ways. Special attention will be given to connecting through prayer and reflection. 




  • Young adults
  • Diversity
  • Inclusion
  • Prayer




Who should apply?

  • 与年轻人一起工作的平信徒或按立牧师
  • Professionals at universities who work in areas such as university mission and offices of diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Prerequisites include a master's degree in theology, education, or other relevant fields




Application Form


Application Form

Application Fee

A non-refundable fee of $75 is required for every degree and non-degree application submitted.

Payment Options

  • Pay by credit or debit card via the web; You can pay the application fee at the same time your submit your application form.  However, 如果您没有在提交申请的同时支付费用, 你可以在晚些时候通过 Agora Portal. 您必须使用您的BC用户名和密码登录.

  • Pay by check or money order made payable to Boston College, via regular mail.  Please include your check with a copy of your application form submission confirmation page and include your name and intended degree program.

Please note: 报名费恕不退还. If you qualify for a fee waiver, you should not pay the fee when you submit the application form. 以下申请人可获减免学费:耶稣会士, veterans, applicants currently completing a year of service or who are Pell Grant-eligible, 和STM在读学生. 我们不会因其他原因而免除申请费.

Personal Statement

个人陈述必须作为申请的一部分上传.  The personal statement should be two to three pages in length, double-spaced.


  • 是什么让你在这个时候申请讲道证书课程呢?
  • How might this program contribute to your professional and personal growth and development?


我们需要所有大学的成绩单, universities, seminaries, 或者你上过的神学院. 每份成绩单应包含所修课程的清单, 成绩/标志收到, and, if applicable, 授予的学位和学位确认日期. If your college or university will send official transcripts electronically, they can be emailed to  Otherwise, transcripts must be mailed and be contained in a sealed, signed envelope. 如果官方成绩单不是英文的, 正式文件应提供翻译件. Please alert us if your transcript will be arriving with a different name than the one you are using on your application (e.g. your maiden name). Please note that a transcript is only considered official if received directly from the institution issuing it.

Please note that your application may be reviewed with unofficial copies of your transcripts. 如果你发送非官方的副本, 要知道如果被承认, 你必须在开始上课前寄送正式副本. 如果你正在完成你的神学硕士学位, 你必须交期末考, 毕业时成绩单的正式版本, 在开始攻读硕士证书之前. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系.

Mailing Addresses
对于使用美国签证的申请人.S. Postal Service:
Simboli Hall
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Simboli Hall
9 Lake Street


Applicants to Courage to Preach are equired to submit one recommendation using the online application system. 

The recommender should be familiar with the applicant’s suitability for a comprehensive ministerial development program.

如果你的推荐人不是工作主管, you will need to include an additional letter from someone indicating an approval to complete a project at your home institution. 

Lastly, 申请人为天主教教区神父或执事, or members of religious orders must submit a letter of approval and financial support from their bishop, major superior, or Provincial. 这是对其他建议的补充. Please select "Bishop/Major Superior" as the recommender type on the application form.

Please be sure that your recommenders are aware of the application deadlines and online process, and choose them carefully to ensure that they can write on your behalf in a timely manner.


简历必须作为申请的一部分上传.  It is helpful if you highlight relevant ministry, service, and leadership positions you have held.

Religious & 国际申请者


Applicants who are Catholic diocesan priests or deacons or members of religious orders must submit a letter of approval and financial support from their bishop, major superior, or Provincial. Please select "Bishop/Major Superior" as the recommender type on the application form.


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