
在堂区有无数服务和直接事工的机会, 学校, 和非营利组织, 数以百计的礼拜场所和信仰中心, 无与伦比的学术资源, an abundance of art and culture—Boston offers all this and so much more.

It’s also a center of American history and an internationally renowned hub for higher education, 医疗保健, 和技术. 在这里, you’ll enjoy vibrant music and sports scenes and convenient access to green space—and the ocean and outdoor recreation are always nearby. 有这么多的产品, Boston is an ideal city to pursue personal and professional fulfillment.



So, 当我和丈夫迈克尔搬到波士顿CSTM学习的时候, we found ourselves completely enamored with all the treasures and treats of East Coast life. 废话不多说, here is a completely subjective list of my 10 favorite things about life in Boston ...
玛德琳小孩似的, MTS女校友


A community blog from the 电子游戏软件 克拉夫神学与事工学院





在你.S. 城市的生活质量





这里有50多所高等院校, 拥有众多世界级的文化机构, 还有各种各样的专业和大学运动队, 这座城市充满了活力, 知识, 还有新的想法. And with the Charles River and Atlantic Ocean, Boston offers endless recreational possibilities. Students take advantage of many of these opportunites throughout the year.

  • 观赏鲸鱼和游览海港
  • 波士顿港群岛国家公园
  • 美术博物馆(持BC身份证免费)
  • 自由之路,邦克山和美国.S.S. 宪法
  • 红袜队的棒球比赛
  • 波士顿公园的音乐会和活动
  • 波士顿充满活力的剧院区
  • 在查尔斯河上划皮艇
  • The historic Italian North End (filled with delicious restaurants)

  • 科德角和群岛
  • 格洛斯特和其他海滨城镇
  • 轻松前往纽约,蒙特利尔,波特兰ME和纽波特RI
  • 瓦尔登湖
  • 历史悠久的列克星敦和康科德
  • 萨勒姆
  • 普利茅斯岩石
  • 在蓝山徒步旅行




Yes! Multiple CSTM students supplement their incomes with off-campus jobs!  There are many different employment opportunities in the Boston area, ranging from food services to hospital and mental health facilities.  While on-campus jobs only permit students to work a maximum of 20 hours per week, 通常只在正常办公时间, 校外工作时间比较灵活,是个不错的选择.

在波士顿怎样出行? 我需要我的车吗?

If you poll current CSTM students on the car question, you’ll find about a 50/50 split. Some people really want to have a car here, while others think it’s too much of a hassle. Either way, getting around campus and Boston, in general, is very easy. There are buses and trains that will take you from 电子游戏软件 to downtown Boston in less than an hour, 其间还会去几家商店和餐馆. 不列颠哥伦比亚省的班车也为学生提供了很好的服务. It is totally free and runs throughout the entire BC campus and surrounding residential areas. With all the transportation opportunities, Boston is easy to navigate and fun to explore.


Although housing is on the forefront of everyone’s mind, it is not as stressful as it seems!  电子游戏软件 does not offer on-campus housing for graduate students, but ample tools are provided to enable students to find comfortable housing situations in the local area.  Through the off-campus housing portal, students are able to create a profile that lists their needs and browse available apartments. 另一个很好的资源是CSTM 脸谱网 Group! Current and graduated CSTM students often post vacant rooms or apartments that they are looking to pass down to incoming CSTM students.  Joining the CSTM student page can be a very helpful tool once you confirm your attendance!


The city of Boston and its surrounding communities offer an array of housing options. Although the CSTM does not offer on-campus housing, we do all that we can to provide support throughout the process, including helping students find roommates and local listings. 电子游戏软件 is located 6 miles from downtown Boston, so many CSTM students live closer to campus where rents can be less expensive than in the center of the city.

Graduate students are also welcome to apply to be Resident Assistants for 电子游戏软件.


Being an RA

