How are students alerted of an emergency?

电子游戏软件紧急通知系统向全校学生发送电子邮件和短信, faculty, and staff as well as to the BC Safe Mobile App. 网站和社交媒体页面上的帖子也被使用. 要了解有关紧急通知和如何接收警报的详细信息,请访问 BC Emergency Communications Page.

What is the best way to stay informed during an emergency?

The Boston College Emergency website and the BC Safe Mobile App电子游戏正规平台消息、信息和说明吗. 电子游戏软件应急管理办公室也将提供有关紧急情况的信息 Facebook Page and Twitter Page,紧急电话:1-888-BOS-COLL (1-888-267-2655). Due to the demand on resources during emergencies, BC省警方很可能非常忙碌,因此无法接听非紧急电话. 在电子游戏软件警察局之前利用电子游戏软件的其他紧急联系人.



我们不把家长直接纳入我们的紧急通知系统. 这是因为需要发送的额外短信和电子邮件的数量会大大减慢响应系统的速度. Despite this, 我们有很多其他的渠道让家长/监护人了解情况,比如BC网站.edu/emergency, a Facebook page and Twitter page which are updated frequently.   Parents can also download the BC Safe Mobile App, 它在发送给学生和员工的同时接收警报.



  • Follow directions given, if any, in the message.
  • Alert others around you.
  • 联系你的家人和朋友,让他们知道你是安全的
  • Go to for more detailed information


What are the most common emergencies on campus?

Although emergencies are a rarity at Boston College, in the past there have been experiences with winter storms, hazardous materials, fires, and various other events.  要了解更多关于什么紧急情况会影响校园,请访问 BC Potential Hazards Page.



我们的目标是通过与学生的接触,在校园里推广一种备灾文化, faculty, staff, and visitors. 我们的网站和其他页面将用作紧急程序的资源, preparations, and other recommendations for everyday safety. 我们与校园内的部门和团体合作,制定应急计划和程序, 教育和培训电子游戏软件社区的成员,让他们做好准备,测试和演练应急系统, procedures and plans of the University.


Where should I go if I am told to evacuate?

Usually in instances where evacuation is necessary, students, faculty, 工作人员和访客将被引导到校园内的其他大型建筑,如图书馆或食堂. 随身带一个应急用品包是个好主意. Visit the BC What to Do in an Emergency Page to learn about what to do in an evacuation.


What does Shelter in Place mean?

如果发生特殊紧急情况,并且危险在室外, 就会有人要求电子游戏软件社区就地安置. 这意味着找到并进入最近的建筑物,呆在室内,远离窗户和门. 在官员发出安全通知之前,最好不要出门. More details on BC Shelter in Place.



A watch means conditions are right for dangerous weather. 换句话说,“watch”的意思是注意天气可能会发生什么,准备好采取行动. 这意味着风暴还没有发生,但天气可能很快就会变得严重. 警告意味着该地区已经出现恶劣天气,必须立即躲避.



一些基本必需品的应急供应包可以找到 BC Emergency Supply Kit Page. 您可以通过将这些物品组装在一起来创建自己的工具包. These items can be found in grocery stores, pharmacies, camping stores, home center stores and big retail stores. Full supply kits can also be purchased, 根据试剂盒的内容,价格从10美元到数百美元不等. You can find these at various retailers and online.

Emergency Supply kits should be kept in a dorm room, car, 或者放在一个可以储存但在紧急情况下很容易拿到的地方. 在疏散的时候,带上你的装备是很重要的!


What is a Family Communication Plan?

这是在紧急情况下与家人和朋友保持联系的一种方式. Phones and the Internet may not always be accessible, so it is important to develop a plan of communication. 确定一个你所在地区以外的联系人(通常是家庭成员). 确保朋友和家人知道这个人是谁,以及如何联系他们. If you are effected by an emergency, 尽快通知朋友和家人,让他们知道你在哪里/你过得怎么样. 如果你联系不上他们,让你唯一的联系人知道.

Please visit the BC Family Communications Plan page for more details.

在你的手机中设置一个紧急情况(ICE)联系电话号码也是一个好主意,以防急救人员(EMS)出现, fire fighters, policemen, etc.) are trying to reach someone in your family.

You can also register as “Safe and Well” on the Red Cross website 让你的家人知道你已经脱离危险了.