Download our new Mobile Preparedness App to always have emergency information with you! 

Visit the iPhone app store or Google Play 和 search for "BC Safe."



  • 如果可能的话,从两个房间出去
  • Pre-designated meeting places for employees, friends 和/or roommates. One location just outside where you live/work 和 a second location further away in case you can’t get close to where you work/live. 每个人都应该知道这些地点在哪里.
  • 了解紧急避难所的位置-以防紧急情况, check the BC 紧急 website or ask a BC Official (ie: 公元前的警察, 常驻董事, 居民助理, 等.). 一般来说,这些地方都是餐厅, 图书馆和校园里的其他大型集会区.
  • 一定要为你的家制定一个家庭应急计划.


  • Update 联系 Information for 紧急 Notification 和 become familiar with BC 紧急 Notification Procedures.
  • Make sure you have an 紧急 沟通 Plan with family 和 friends. Keeping the people you care about 和 who care about you informed during an emergency is critical.
  • 在手机中添加“ICE”(紧急情况下)联系人. This is a person to contact on your behalf in case you are not able to communicate with emergency responders.
  • Add the 电子游戏软件 Police 紧急 Number 617-552-4444 into your cell phone's phonebook. In case you ever need to call for help, it will be readily available to you. Also be sure to program 911 into your cell phone for off campus emergencies.

Assemble an 应急供应包 to help you get through the initial period of the emergency.

参加安全和安保信息会议和课程. 学习心肺复苏术、急救和其他急救技能.



  • 虽然电子游戏软件是一个安全的环境, all members of the University Community are urged to stay alert 和 report any unusual activity to the 公元前的警察 at 617-552-4444.