客座演讲 & 合作项目

In addition to the keynote lecture at our annual Excellence in Teaching Day, the CTE also seeks out opportunities to bring nationally-recognized experts to campus at other times in the year to engage faculty in conversations about the latest research on teaching and pedagogy. These lectures are open to the entire university community, unless otherwise noted.

We also occasionally host programs that are offered in collaboration with other BC organizations.

Fostering Belonging for LGBTQ+ 学生 in the Classroom: A Panel of BC 学生 & 教师

Wednesday, February 22, 3:30-5:00 pm, Stokes S195

请注意: this panel discussion is intended for a faculty audience. 教师 play a significant role in the campus experiences and learning of LGBTQ+ students by facilitating proactively welcoming course climates, inviting LGBTQ+ students into their fields of study, and “queering the curriculum.” A collaboration with the GLBTQ+领导委员会, this panel will feature students and faculty talking about their experiences and practices in the classroom. Join us to hear from Wells Arkins (‘23), Nathan Schirtzinger(24届), 阿里·埃罗尔(通讯), and Christy Pottroff (English), reflect on your own pedagogical practices, and exchange ideas and questions with other BC instructors. Coffee and dessert will be provided.

Register for Fostering Belonging for LGBTQ+ 学生: A Panel of BC 学生 & 教师
