它的 is keeping pace with the evolution of Artificial Intelligence by exploring the technology, considering potential applications and developing guidelines to ensure its responsible use. 通过与这些发展保持同步, 它的, 与大学伙伴合作, is striving to turn this advancement into an asset for our campus community, 同时对潜在风险保持警惕.

Gen AI新闻和笔记


生成的人工智能 is a type of artificial intelligence able to create novel content like text, 图片, 或声音. 生成的人工智能 technology can be used in a variety of ways; from aiding researchers and students in their academic pursuits, 优化管理任务.

与任何新技术一样,风险也是存在的. 人工智能创造的内容可能会被滥用, 比如制造误导性信息或深度造假. 人工智能的作者身份也引发了伦理问题.

和许多数字工具一样, 意识到它的局限性是至关重要的, such as potential biases in algorithms and the inability to replace human insights and connections. 另外, 教师应该提供, 学生应该服从, 在课程作业中适当使用人工智能的指导方针, 或者当这种使用被禁止时. Students should also be aware of the appropriate and authorized use of AI in each class as outlined by the instructor and in accordance with the 大学学术诚信政策.


请注意 任何 information entered in an AI system (or Large Language Model) may not only be processed but also retained and used by the AI to give answers to others. This means if you enter 任何 personal information about yourself or 任何 confidential 电子游戏软件 information, that information may be stored and potentially shared with or sold to others.


  • 不要使用您的BC凭据(BC用户名, 密码, or 任何 BC email address) to sign up for publicly available 生成的人工智能 tools. When you use your BC email address to sign up for online services, 即使它们是免费的, you may be putting your personal information and 电子游戏软件 data at risk. Not all companies meet BC’s security standards when it comes to protecting user data.
  •  “机密”和“严格机密”数据, as defined by the 电子游戏软件数据安全政策, 不应该在任何在线人工智能工具中使用.

Use of AI tools must comply with all existing University policies.

微软的副驾驶员也适用于在校学生, 教师(全职和兼职), and staff (computer users) to engage and experiment with AI in a protected environment.

副驾驶员提供 数据保护 within the BC community, when used with BC credentials as described below. Microsoft states: “User and organizational data are protected, 聊天提示和回复在副驾驶不保存, 微软并没有监视他们, and they aren’t used to train the underlying large language models.” Other tools, like ChatGPT, do not currently offer this kind of 数据保护 for BC. 

要开始使用副驾驶员,请访问 副驾驶员.微软.com:

  1. 点击“登录”.
  2. 输入你的username@blairekidsarts.net
  3. 当出现提示时,选择工作或学校帐户.
  4. Complete the 电子游戏软件 Single Sign On and 2-step verification.
  5. 登录后,您将看到“bc”.左上角是Edu, 右上方是“受保护”, indicating that both your personal and BC information is protected.

数据安全注意事项: “机密”和“严格机密”数据, as defined by the 电子游戏软件数据安全政策, 不应该在微软的副驾驶员平台上使用, 或任何在线人工智能工具, 没有大学审查. 另外, this agreement with Microsoft MAY change in the future, and users should take notice of 任何 changes in the Terms of Service published by Microsoft or notices from 电子游戏软件 about the privacy of the 微软的副驾驶 platform.




