Each department, center, 该项目在Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)中有一个公共BC网站, 内容管理系统. Google Sites和Google Drive提供受限制的信息访问(例如.g.,获取仅对BC社区可见的信息).


Official Public BC.edu Sites

Schools, departments, offices, and centers should use AEM to create and maintain their sites.


BC Student Clubs are now required to develop and maintain their websites on the MyBC portal. 联系学生项目办公室,电话:617-552-0050或spo@blairekidsarts.net.


Teams, groups, and departments can collaborate using Google Sites or Google Drive. 每个选项都允许您设置访问限制.


大多数人最好使用Google站点——一个易于使用的站点, free component of the BC Google Workspace for Education environment that requires no knowledge of HTML or specialized software.

Course Materials



WordPress is available for personal research or lab websites and class blogs only—not departmental, office, center, 或其他BC官方网站.

Publishing on AEM

BC has centralized the web editing role—limiting most editing to communications and/or technical professionals—which reduces support and dramatically increases quality. 有关BC网站管理的更多信息,请联系开放大学网络团队.

Web Security

  • 电子游戏软件的绝大多数网站都是公开的.
  • You should assume that all content on your website is available to anyone on the internet, forever.
  • Before adding content to your website consider whether the information is for internal use only and perhaps inappropriate for a public website—even if it contains no confidential information.
  • All Boston College web contributors must agree to the terms of the Boston College Data Security Policy.
  • 如果您希望某些网页内容或网页安全, please contact your Data Security Officer to learn about the policies and procedures.


BC is committed to implementing a universal design for learning framework to ensure all members of the BC community—including individuals of varying abilities—are able to engage and derive benefit from all instructional and technological resources that BC offers.  


Creating an accurate and meaningful PageTitle is important because it is the first piece of information a screen reader or AT (Assisted Technology) user receives when accessing a web page. It allows them to orient themselves and check that they are on the page they want to be on. It also helps them naviagate through multiple tabs and pages in a browser session.

The Page Title can be checked by looking a the Title Bar of the page in the browser.

更改页面标题, open the page in the CQ Editing window and click on the Page Properties icon at the top of the Side Kick. 在浏览器页面标题字段中输入:

  • The name of the page
  • 关联BC站点的名称
  • “电子游戏软件”作为标识符




  • 按正确的顺序使用分段标题:h3,然后h4,然后h5. Using headings this way gives a web page a machine-readable structure that reveals the topics discussed on a page and how they are hierarchically related to one other. Properly used Section Heads enable a visually impaired user to quickly "scan" a page for specific content or relevant topics much like a sighted person would. The Section Head options are available in the "Format" drop down menu in the BC Text Component and the BC Text Image Component. 
  • 避免使用无序的标题来歪曲页面结构. This is extremely valuable when done correctly as  it makes the page easily navigatable by mark major sections.
  • 避免为了格式化效果而误用结构化标记, such as using headings to change appearance of text; keep the page in a logical order and avoid using headings to achieve a visual style.


  • 使用列表来识别一系列相关的项目. Screen readers identify the number and type of items in a list and enable users to easily skip all or part of the list if desired.
  • 避免使用数字和文字来组织信息列表.
  • 列表选项位于文本和文本图像组件的顶部菜单中.


Alternative text is hidden text added to the metadata of an image to identify it to screen reader and other AT (assisted technology) devices.


  • 在表达相同的内容时要准确和对等 content and function of the image.
  • 描述性和简洁,使用超过7个字符,不超过81个字符.
    This means the correct content (if there is content) and function (if there is a function) of the image should be presented as succinctly as is appropriate. 通常不需要超过几个单词, 虽然很少有一两句话是合适的.
  • NOT be redundant or provide the same information as text within the context of the image.
  • 不要使用“image of。 ..." or "graphic of ...来描述图像. 对于用户来说,它通常是一个图像. 如果图像传达了内容, it is typically not necessary that the user know that it is an image that is conveying the content, as opposed to text. 如果图像是照片或插图等的事实. 重要的内容,它可能是有用的,包括在替代文本.


  • The most appropriate Alt text depends on the way in which the image is used in the page and communicates the purpose of the graphic, not its appearance.
  • Do not leave the Alt text out entirely because screen readers will try to guess what the image is by reading the path to the image on the server, 这会让人很困惑吗, very long string.
  • 不要使用重复添加到标题字段或标题的Alt文本.
  • The Alt text field can be accessed in the Text and Text Image Component by clicking on the Advanced tab. See image below.
  • Alt Text是必填字段.

BC Wiki

October 2023 Update


The BC Wiki provides a space for collaborative work and information sharing for a limited number of BC projects.   

On October 1, the ITS Wiki and BC Wiki were migrated to a new cloud version of the same service (Atlassian’s Confluence). 旧的ITS Wiki和BC Wiki已经退役,不再可以访问.


  1. Go to: http://bostoncollege.atlassian.net/wiki or use the alias: blairekidsarts.net/bcwiki
  2. Enter your username@blairekidsarts.net BC email address & click Continue.
  3. 在BC单点登录页面, enter your BC Credentials (the username and password you use for Agora Portal) and complete BC两步验证.

What Changed?

  • One WikiITS Wiki与BC Wiki合并. 所有用户都将在云环境中使用BC Wiki.
  • Restricted Access维基将不再对整个BC社区开放, 并且只用于有限数量的BC项目. 
  • Required Training: Wiki Space Administrators are required to watch a brief training video to help ensure that everyone is well-informed about best practices on the wiki regarding security and sharing. 空间管理员将收到一封带有此培训链接的电子邮件.


  • Saved wiki links. 如果你以前保存链接到wiki页面的旧邮件, documents, or bookmarks, delete them, 或者电子游戏正规平台它们以使用新的云wiki链接.


BC为其Wiki使用的产品名为Atlassian Confluence Cloud.


Need help?

有关BC Wiki的帮助,请联系帮助.center@bc.或您的技术顾问.

如果你需要与团队合作, groups, and departments, 考虑使用Google Sites或Google Drive. 每个选项都允许您设置访问限制.

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